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Hoe Odoo boekhouding op te zetten?

The Odoo Accounting application has an implementation guide that you should follow to configure it. It's a step-by-step wizard with links to the different screens you will need.

Once you have installed the Accounting application, you should click on the top-right progressbar to get access to the implementation guide.

De implementatie handleiding helpt u doorheen de volgende stappen:

  1. Bedrijfsinstellingen voltooien

  2. Entering in your bank accounts
  3. Uw grootboekschema selecteren

  4. Uw gebruikelijke belastingen bevestigen

  5. Vreemde valuta's opzetten

  6. Uw klanten importeren

  7. Uw leveranciers importeren

  8. Uw producten importeren

  9. Uw uitstaande transacties importeren

  10. Startbalansen importeren

  11. Definieer de gebruiker voor de boekhouding

Once a step is done, you can click on the "Mark as Done" button, in the bottom of the screen. That way, you can track the progress of your overall configuration of Odoo.