Serial Number Tracking is used to track products with serial numbers on every transactions. You can track the current location of the product with serial numbers. When the products are moved from one location to another location, the system will automatically identify the current location of the product based on last movement of the product. So you can get the last location where the products are moved.
The double-entry management in Odoo enables you to run very advanced traceability.
Applicatie configuratie
You need activate the tracking of serial numbers in the settings. In the Inventory application, go to
, select Track lots or serial numbers.
Klik vervolgens op Toepassen.
Product configuratie
Uiteindelijk moet u nog aangeven welke producten u wilt traceren in partijen.
Go into
, and open the product of your choice. Click on Edit, and in the Inventory tab, select By Unique Serial Number, then click on Save.
Serienummers beheren
In order to process a transfer of a product tracked by serial number, you have to input the number(s). In order to be able to assign serial numbers to products with tracking features enabled you will first need to mark your transfer as to do. Click on the Mark as TODO button to display the Lot Split icon.
Klik op het serienummer icoon:

Een venster verschijnt. Klik op Voeg item toe en vul de serienummers in.

If you move products that already have serial numbers assigned, those will appear in the list. Just click on the + icon to to confirm that you are moving those serial numbers.

In de scanner interface hoeft u enkel de serienummer in te scannen.
Voorraad aanpassing
Inventory of a product tracked by serial numbers can be done in 2 ways:
Klassieke voorraad op producten
Voorraad van een serienummer
When doing a classic inventory, there is a Serial Number column. If the product has already been assigned with a number, it is already pre-filled.
Click on Add an item if the product has not been inventoried yet. You can easily create serial numbers, just type in a new number in the column.

De hoeveelheid moet 1 zijn voor elke lijn.
You can also just do the inventory of a serial number. In this case, you will have to fill in the serial number. You can also create a new one from here. Just type in the number, a window will pop out to link it to a product.

Traceerbaarheid serienummer
The serial number given to these items allow you to keep track of where they were received, put in stock, to whom they were sold and where they were shipped to.
To track an item, open the Inventory module, and in
, click on the serial number corresponding to your search.
U kan meer details krijgen door te klikken op de Traceerbaarheid knop: