A double-entry inventory has no stock input, output (disparition of products) or transformation. Instead, all operations are stock moves between locations (possibly virtual).
Stock moves represent the transit of goods and materials between locations.
- Productieorder
- Verbruik:
- 2 wielen: Stock → Productie1 Fietsframe: Stock → Productie
- Produceer:
1 fiets: productie → Stock
- Configuratie:
- Stock: the location the Manufacturing Order is initiated fromProduction: on the product form, field "Production Location"
- Drop-shipping
1 fiets: Leverancier → Klant
- Configuratie:
- Leverancier: op het product formulierKlant: op de verkooporder zelf
- Client Delivery
- Verzamelen
- 1 Bicycle: Stock → Packing Zone
- Verpakking
- 1 Bicycle: Packing Zone → Output
- Afleveradres
- 1 Bicycle: Output → Customer
- Configuratie:
- on the pick+pack+ship route for the warehouse
- Inter-Warehouse transfer
- Overplaatsing:
- 1 Bicycle: Warehouse 1 → Transit1 Bicycle: Transit → Warehouse 2
- Configuratie:
- Warehouse 2: the location the transfer is initiated fromWarehouse 1: on the transit route
- Broken Product (scrapped)
1 Bicycle: Warehouse → Scrap
- Configuratie:
- Scrap: Scrap Location when creating the scrapping
- Voorraad
- Ontbrekende producten in voorraad
- 1 Bicycle: Warehouse → Inventory Loss
- Extra producten in voorraad
- 1 Bicycle: Inventory Loss → Warehouse
- Configuratie:
- Inventory Loss: "Inventory Location" field on the product
- Ontvangst
- 1 Bicycle: Supplier → Input1 Bicycle: Input → Stock
- Configuratie:
- Supplier: purchase order supplierInput: "destination" field on the purchase order
Inventory analysis can use products count or products value (= number of products * product cost).
For each inventory location, multiple data points can be analysed:
- inventory valuation
- value creation (difference between the value of manufactured products and the cost of raw materials used during manufacturing) (negative)
- value of lost/stolen products
- value of scrapped products
- value of products delivered to clients over a period
- value of products received from suppliers over a period (negative)
- value of products in transit between locations
Location | Value |
Physical Locations | $1,000 |
Warehouse 1 | $600 |
Warehouse 2 | $400 |
Partner Locations | - $1,500 |
Customers | $2,000 |
Suppliers | - $3,500 |
Virtual Locations | $500 |
Transit Location | $600 |
Initial Inventory | $0 |
Inventory Loss | $350 |
Scrapped | $550 |
Manufacturing | - $1,000 |
Procurements & Procurement Rules
A procurement is a request for a specific quantity of products to a specific location. They can be created manually or automatically triggered by:
- Nieuwe verkooporders
- Effect
- A procurement is created at the customer location for every product ordered by the customer (you have to deliver the customer)
- Instellingen
- Procurement Location: on the customer, field "Customer Location" (property)
- Minimale voorraadregels
- Effect
Een inkoop is aangemaakt op de regel zijn locatie.
- Instellingen
Inkoop locatie: op de regel, veld "Locatie"
- Inkoopregels
- Effect
- A new procurement is created on the rule's source location
Procurement rules describe how procurements on specific locations should be fulfilled e.g.:
waar het product vandaan moet komen (bronlocatie)
- whether the procurement is MTO or MTS
Procurement rules are grouped in routes. Routes define paths the product must follow. Routes may be applicable or not, depending on the products, sales order lines, warehouse,...
To fulfill a procurement, the system will search for rules belonging to routes that are defined in (by order of priority):
- Magazijnen
Warehouse Route Example: Pick → Pack → Ship
- Verzamellijst:
Verzamelzone → Verpakkingszone
- Verzamellijst:
Verpakkingszone → Poort A
- Ontvangst order:
Poort A → Klant
Routes that describe how you organize your warehouse should be defined on the warehouse.
- Een product
Product Route Example: Quality Control
- Ontvangst:
- Supplier → Input
- Bevestiging:
- Input → Quality Control
- Opslag:
- Quality Control → Stock
- Productcategorie
Product Category Route Example: cross-dock
- Ontvangst:
- Supplier → Input
- Cross-Docks:
- Input → Output
- Ontvangst:
- Output → Customer
- Verkooporderregel
Verkooporderlijn voorbeeld: dropshipping
- Order:
Leverancier → Klant
Push regels
Push rules trigger when products enter a specific location. They automatically move the product to a new location. Whether a push rule can be used depends on applicable routes.
- Kwaliteitscontrole
- Product lands in Input
- Push 1: Input → Quality Control
- Push 2: Quality Control → Stock
- Warehouse Transit
- Product lands in Transit
- Push: Transit → Warehouse 2
Procurement Groups
Routes and rules define inventory moves. For every rule, a document type is provided:
Ontvangst order
- ...
Moves are grouped within the same document type if their procurement group and locations are the same.
A sale order creates a procurement group so that pickings and delivery orders of the same order are grouped. But you can define specific groups on reordering rules too. (e.g. to group purchases of specific products together)