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Hoe routes te gebruiken?


A route is a collection of procurement rules and push rules. Odoo can manage advanced push/pull routes configuration, for example:

  • Beheer productieketens

  • Beheer standaardlocaties per product

  • Define routes within your warehouse according to business needs, such as quality control, after sales services or supplier returns
  • Help verhuurbeheer, door het genereren van automatische ruil verplaatsingen voor gehuurde producten


Procurement rules are part of the routes. Go to the Inventory application, Configuration ‣ Settings and tick Advance routing of products using rules.

Voorgeconfigureerde routes

Odoo heeft bepaalde voorgeconfigureerde routes voor uw magazijnen.

In the Inventory application, go to Configuration ‣ Warehouses.

In the Warehouse Configuration tab, Incoming Shipments and Outgoing Shippings options set some routes according to your choices.

Aangepaste routes

In the Inventory application, go to Configuration ‣ Routes.

First, you have to select the places where this route can be selected. You can combine several choices.

Routes applied on warehouses

If you tick Warehouses, you have to choose on which warehouse it will be applied. The route will be set for all transfer in that warehouse that would meet the conditions of the procurement and push rules.

Routes toegepast op producten

If you tick Products, you have to manually set on which product it will be applied.

Open the product on which you want to apply the routes (Inventory ‣ Control ‣ Products). In the Inventory Tab, select the route(s):

Routes toegepast op product categorie

If you tick Product Categories, you have to manually set on which categories it will be applied.

Open the product on which you want to apply the routes (Configuration ‣ Product Categories). Select the route(s) under the Logistics section :

Routes toegepast op verkooporderlijnen

If you tick Sales order lines, you have to manually set the route every time you make a sale order.

Om dit te doen werken moet ook het gebruik van routes activeren op de verkooporder.

In the Sales application, go to Configuration ‣ Settings and tick Choose specific routes on sales order lines (advanced).

You can now choose the routes for each lines of your sales orders:

Inkoop en push regels

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Inkoop configuratie

When doing a procurement request, you can force the route you want to use. On the product (Inventory Control ‣ Products), click on Procurement Request. Choose the route you want to use next to Preferred Routes:

Make-to-Order Route

If you work with no stock, or with minimum stock rules, it is better to use the Make To Order route. Combine it with the route Buy or Manufacture and it will trigger automatically the purchase order or the Manufacturing Order when your products are out-of-stock.