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Hoe uw PayPal account synchroniseren met Odoo?

With Odoo, you can synchronize your PayPal account. That way, you don't have to record all your PayPal transaction in your favorite accounting software. The synchronization is done every 4 hours, and you can start reconciling PayPal payments in just a click.


Installeer de account_yodlee module

Start by installing the account_yodlee module, if it is not already installed. To do that, got the the menu Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings of the accounting application. In the section Bank & Cash, set the option Bank Interface - Sync your bank feeds automatically.

Klik op de knop toepassen nadat het klaar is.

Zet uw PayPal account op

A PayPal account in Odoo is managed like a bank account. To setup your PayPal account, use the menu Configuration ‣ Bank Accounts. Create a new bank account and name it PayPal. In the bank field, you can set PayPal.

Eenmaal uw PayPal account is aangemaakt gaat u naar het Boekhouding dashboard en klikt u op de Synchroniseer knop. In de dialoog kiest u PayPal als de online instelling en klikt u op de configureer knop.

Vervolgens moet u uw credentials ingeven om te connecteren met PayPal.

If you configured your Paypal account correctly you should get to the next step of the Online feeds configuration. There you will have a screen with a date to fetch transaction from and a list of account to choose. You must choose the Paypal balance account.

Eenmaal alles klaar is zou u de PayPal transacties rechtstreeks in uw Odoo moeten zien en kan u uw betalingen beginnen afletteren.

Geniet van een volledige integratie! U moet niet langer transacties manueel aanmaken.