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Hoe een productieorder verwerken


There are two basic ways to manage manufacturing in Odoo. The first way manages work with one document only. This document is the manufacturing order. The second way uses additional documents to give you more precise control over the manufacturing process. In this way, Manufacturing orders are divided into one or more steps defined by work orders, performed in an order defined by routings.

Hoe de productie beheren zonder routes

You will most likely use manufacturing orders without routings if all the work to produce your product is performed in one place, by one person, in one step, and/or you do not need the level of granular control afforded by work orders and routings.

Het beheer van uw productie handelingen is op deze wijze standaardgedrag in Odoo. Er zijn twee basisfasen van planning tot productie:

  1. Maak productieorders

  2. Productie vastleggen

Hoe uw productie beheren met routes en werkorders

To use work orders and routings, you will need to enable the option Manage production by work orders From Configuration ‣ Settings. You will then be able to add routings to bills of materials, and configure some additional related fields. You will also be able to create work centers, the locations at which work orders are performed.

When manufacturing with routings and work orders, each work order is scheduled individually. You will also have access to time and capacity planning, and reports on costing and efficiency on a work center level.

Manufacturing using routings can be broken down into several steps. When configuring your BoM, you will need to add a routing defining the component work orders. After planning the manufacturing order, you will have the added step of scheduling work orders.

De workflow is dus verdeeld in drie basisfasen, als volgt:

  1. Maak productieorders

  2. Plan de bijbehorende werkorders

  3. Voer de geplande werkzaamheden uit en registreer de productie