The configuration of OLAT is based on an ANT configuration script (build.xml) with various targets. The main targets are:
config-all: Prepares all config files and deploys them.
copy-resources: Copy all resources needed to the classes directory
dbsetup: Creates the database tables needed for OLAT.
The "config-all" target generates config files based on templates. All templates have ".in appended to their target name. The target first generates a corresponding ".out" file and then moves this file to its target destination (ommiting the ".out" extension). The files generated by the config-all target are the following:
webapp/WEB-INF/olat_config.xml : The main OLAT configuration file. Most of the features are configured by setting the config options in the file (which then get copied over to the olat_config.xml). However, some of the rarely used features can only be configured directly in the olat_config.xml file. Be aware that this file gets overwritten each time you call the config-all target.
conf/httpd.conf : The Apache config file, needed if you want to run Tomcat with Apache and the JK connector.
webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml : The OLAT web application configuration file.
webapp/WEB-INF/log4j.propertes : The OLAT logging system configuration file.
The configuration files are listed and described in Chapter 4, The config files