Directories under /...../olat3 source directory, the configuraiton files are described in Chapter 4, The config files.
bin useful scripts for linux/macOSX conf configuration files for apache and instant-messaging generated by config-all database database setup file and alter files to upgrade from former OLAT versions dist This directory contains the olat distribution files. (use ant) doc develop Developer documentaion gui How the OLAT layout is constructed install How to install OLAT in an production environment, this documentation miscellaneous Documentation for some special stuff htdocs nicer error files (404 etc) for apache interfaces sample files for macromedia flash integration in olat qti and sample php file for accessing variables send by OLAT monitoring setup files and shell scripts for MRTG monitoring tool bin conf data temp webapp examples the example courses and test installed for demonstration purposes. help the help course (online help, in German only yet) static static files cp_offline_menu_mat files for the generation of offline cp packages disclaimer doc extensions help images js Javascript libraries used, an own brewed javascript functions movie msg themes Skins to choose from yaml YAML CSS framework transformed to an olat namespace avoiding clashes with e-content using also YAML WEB-INF classes java classes lib java libraries patchesSrc patched source of patched libraries src java src and hibernate, log4j properties serviceconfig Configuration xml files used for the spring application context META-INF services radeox library files org Start directory of OLAT source olat test JUnit tests
Directories under /installation-path/olatdata
bcroot storage for most permanent files course storage for all olat courses 71062707016999 - e.g. one olat course coursefolder files uploaded into the coursefolder of the course foldernodes storage for "folder"-nodes in the course 71063388996074 logs storage for the log files for this course cts "collaboration tools storage" folders Storage for tool "folder" BusinessGroup Learninggroups or rightgroups (course), buddygroups 720897 an instance wikis Wiki's used in the group context BusinessGroup 720897 homes personal folders of all users fmuster personal folder of user with login "fmuster" private repository Learnresources: ContentPackaging and QTI-Tests/Selfassement/Surveys/wiki 71062707016960 _unzipped_ scorm Persisted user data from scorm content. tmp calendars logs the technical OLAT audit/error log and apache log monitoring MRTG files qtiser serialized files for tests/surveys/selfassessments in progress fmuster for user "fmuster" resreporting QTI-Resultreporting files (after completion of a test/survey/self) fmuster user "fmuster" Assessment type Assessment file 7122137371.xml a resultsreporting file Self-Assessment tmp temporary files qtieditor for qtieditor fmuster user "fmuster" 70798419637952 instance of an editing sequence media image upload for the qti image materials 70864704465026 zipcfjolat70864704465031 media