5.2. Concept

The Brasato application framework offers full internationalization (i18n) support. Every GUI message visible in the user's browser (e.g. navigation, error messages etc.) is computed by the i18n system based on the user's language configuration.

Translations, as we call these GUI messages, are stored in Java Properties files on the file system as part of the source code of the application. Each Java package can contain a directory _i18n. There you will find the localization files, e.g. LocalStrings_de.properties for German translations. In the context of the translation infrastructure we call the package to which the translation belongs the bundle. Translation files in org/olat/core/_i18n/ are the translation files for the bundle org.olat.core.

The i18n system features an easy to use translation tool that allows users to translate new languages or customize an existing language package for a certain use case. The system does also provide easy to use workflows to enable and disable languages, import and export language packages and to create or delete languages.

If you wish to translate OLAT to a new language and you want to contribute this translation to the OLAT community, please contact us first. We have a dedicated translation server where your translations will automatically be checked into our CVS and we can communicate you the changes that happend in the code due to code refactoring and development. We would love to have your favorite language as an official OLAT language!