Languages are configured in olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/olat_config.xml. Add new languages in the Localization module and set the default and fallback language. You sould make your changes in the rather than in the olat_config.xml file. You can then run ant config-all to generate your olat_config.xml file.
From this config files the system reads the default configuration. Once an administrator uses the admin GUI to set the language parameters, the config is written into the olatdata user space. This user space configuration overwrites the default values. The configuration can be found in the file olatdata/system/configuration/ This file can be deleted to restore the configuration to the default settings.
We really appreciate if you do your translation on our translation server and contribute it to the community. If you still want to set up your own translation server then you have to do the following:
Check out the application i18n project (olat3_i18n) from CVS or unzip the sources from a ZIP.
Maybe this project is stored in your private CVS and not named like the example below. You could also use any other path to an existing directory here, this directory will contain the new created languages from your server. Configure the i18n path for the application files in your i18n.application.src.dir = /opt/olat3_i18n/src/main/java
Check out the olatcore i18n project (olatcore_i18n) from CVS or unzip the sources from a ZIP.
This could well point to the same directory as the i18n application source dir! Configure the i18n path for the olatcore files in your i18n.brasato.src.dir = /opt/olatcore_i18n/src/main/java
Configure the system as a translation server.
Set is.translation.server=true in your file
Run ant config-all and restart tomcat.
When loggin in as administrator you will now see a menu item Administration > Translation Tool.