1.7.3. Course Problems and Error Messages
If you cannot open a course or single course elements it may be that the course author has not given you the relevant rights or the course is being updated at that very moment.
Course Authorization
Given the case that you have just found an interesting course in learning resources and want to get to the course view. If you are notified that you do not have enough rights to launch that course this means that the course is restricted to a certain learning group or to a certain period of time.
Perhaps you have been able to launch a course but later on you get an error message telling you that its authorization has been changed. This means that the course author has restricted the access in the meantime or closed that course.
In both cases please contact the course author to grant you access.
Authorization Regarding Course Elements
Perhaps not the entire content of a course is visible or you have no access to certain course elements. This means that the course author grants only particular learning groups access/visibility to that element or only for a certain period of time.
Contact the course author to explain why you do not have enough rights.
Course Modifications
When working on a course and getting the message that the course has been modified, the course author has just updated that course in the meantime. Click on the button «Close course and restart» to get to the updated course version.
Campus Course Not Visible
If it is not possible to see a certain course in the portlet «My campus courses» in your Home, there are a number of reasons:
- You haven’t booked that course via the module booking system yet or less than 24 hrs have gone by since your booking that module. Please book your course and wait at least 24 hrs before looking for that course again.
- You are a licentiate student or guest auditor. Just look for your course as usual by means of the search mask in the tab «Learning resources».
- If you still can’t see your course, then send an e-mail to your IT support using your UZH e-mail address and provide the following information: exact course title (according to the university catalog) along with your OLAT user name (to be found at the bottom left after logging on in OLAT).
If the link to your course is shown grayed out, your lecturer hasn’t created that campus course yet.