1.3.2. Login Page

Please use the OLAT login page along with your university’s access data to register with OLAT. If you don’t have a password, you can always contact your helpdesk.

At the UZH please use the web site https://www.olat.uzh.ch or get in touch with the services of the Computer Science department. They will reset your password if required.

The login page provides you with further features and more information (guest access, browser check, accessibility) to be used even without any registration.

Guest Access

You can use OLAT as guest as well. The so-called guest access provides an insight into OLAT with limited access to certain features: you will only get to learning content that is explicitly open to the public. In order to have access to other material and activities you will have to register first.

Browser Check

OLAT is optimized for the Firefox browser. This browser can be downloaded for free at Mozilla.

If you want to use a different browser, you can test that one by means of the browser check. You will find out if your browser can be used and which OLAT features are available.

Website Accessibility

Website accessibility means optimization of access for visually impaired people. Here you will get information on shortcuts to essential system elements.

By means of the so-called Web 2.a mode you can highlight certain elements on screen. This mode can be activated and deactivated on the user level. Check your configuration on your Home, section «Settings».