
openCRX Basic Customizing Guide

Version 2.13.0



20-Aug-2014 @ 04:46:37 PM

Table of Contents

1 About this Book 7

1.1 Who this book is for 7

1.2 What do you need to understand this book 7

1.3 Tips, Warnings, etc. 7

2 Prerequisites 8

3 Adapting the openCRX HTML GUI to Your Needs 9

3.1 Overview openCRX GUI Types 9

3.2 Customizing Options openCRX HTML GUI 10

3.3 Things to do before you start Customizing openCRX 11

3.4 Limitations of the generic HTML GUI 12

3.4.1 Role-based UI 12

3.4.2 Model Permissions 12

4 Important Hints 13

4.1 Overloading 13

4.1.1 File Overloading at the Project Level 14

4.1.2 UI Configuration Overloading 14

4.1.3 Code Table Overloading 14

4.2 “Adding” Fields / Extending Objects 15

4.2.1 User-definable attributes of CrxObject 15

4.2.2 Property Data Bindings 16

5 Managing Packages 17

5.1 Enabling/Disabling Packages at the Application Level 17

5.2 Enabling/Disabling Packages at the User Level 18

6 Managing Locales 19

6.1 Enabling/Disabling Locales at the Application Level 19

6.2 Setting the Default Locale at the User Level 20

7 CSS, Headers, Footers, etc. 21

7.1 Cascading Style Sheets 21

7.2 HTML Header and Footer Files 22

8 UI XML Files 23

8.1 Overview 23

8.2 UI Configuration Overloading 23

8.3 Inspector 23

8.4 Attribute Pane 24

8.4.1 Tabs 24

8.4.2 Field Groups 24

8.4.3 Fields / Attributes 25

8.5 Grid Panes 26

8.5.1 Expanding/Collapsing Tabs 28

8.5.2 AdditionalElementDefinition 28

8.5.3 Base Filter for Grid Tabs 29

8.5.4 Selection of Filterable Attributes (maxMember) 31

8.5.5 Selection of Visible Attributes (showMaxMember) 31

8.5.6 Advanced Attribute Selection (showMemberRange) 31

8.6 Various XML Tags Explained 32

8.6.1 active 32

8.6.2 backColor 32

8.6.3 changeable 32

8.6.4 color 32

8.6.5 columnBreak 32

8.6.6 cssClassFieldGroup 33

8.6.7 cssClassObjectContainer 33

8.6.8 defaultValue 34

8.6.9 filterable 34

8.6.10 iconKey 34

8.6.11 isPassword 34

8.6.12 label 34

8.6.13 mandatory 35

8.6.14 minValue 35

8.6.15 maxLength 35

8.6.16 maxMember 35

8.6.17 maxValue 35

8.6.18 multiplicity 36

8.6.19 order 36

8.6.20 orderFieldGroup 36

8.6.21 orderObjectContainer 36

8.6.22 showMaxMember 36

8.6.23 showMemberRange 36

8.6.24 eventHandler 36

8.6.25 skipRow 36

8.6.26 spanRow 36

8.6.27 sortable 36

8.6.28 toolTip 36

8.7 DataBindings 37

8.7.1 PropertyDataBinding 37 A comprehensive example with PropertyDataBindings 37 BooleanPropertyDataBinding 43 StringPropertyDataBinding 43 IntegerPropertyDataBinding 44 DecimalPropertyDataBinding 44 DatePropertyDataBinding 44 DateTimePropertyDataBinding 45 ReferencePropertyDataBinding 45

8.7.2 DataBinding ReferencedObjectDataBinding 45

8.7.3 DataBinding CompositeObjectDataBinding 46

8.7.4 DataBinding ProductConfigurationSet 46

8.7.5 DataBinding ProductConfigurationTypeSet 46

8.7.6 DataBinding LocalizedFieldDataBinding 47

8.7.7 DataBindings for Addresses 47 EmailAddressDataBinding 47 PhoneNumberDataBinding 48 WebAddressDataBinding 48

8.7.8 DataBinding AssignedActivityGroupsDataBinding 49

8.7.9 DataBinding DocumentFolderAssignmentsDataBinding 49

8.7.10 DataBinding FilteredActivitiesDataBinding 50

8.7.11 DataBinding FormattedFollowUpDataBinding 51

8.7.12 DataBinding FormattedNoteDataBinding 52

8.7.13 DataBinding JoiningListDataBinding 52

9 Code Table XML Files 53

9.1 Overview 53

9.2 Code Table Overloading 53

9.2.1 Adding Codes to Existing Code Tables 53

9.2.2 Disabling Existing Codes 53

9.2.3 Replacing Existing Code Tables 53

9.3 Segment-Specific Code Tables 53

10 Groovy Controls 54

10.1 MenuOps – openCRX Operations Menu 54

10.2 Navigation – openCRX Breadcrum 54

10.3 North – openCRX Header 54

10.4 RootMenu – openCRX Top Level Tabbed Menu 54

10.5 RootPanel – openCRX Top Level PopUp Menu 54

10.6 Search – openCRX Index-based Search 54

11 JSP Wizards 55

12 Forms 56

13 Layout JSPs 57

13.1 show-Default.jsp 57

13.2 edit-Default.jsp 57

13.3 Custom Layout JSPs 57

14 Advanced Customizing Options 58

14.1 Workflows 58

14.2 Java Controls 58

14.3 Portal Extensions 58

14.4 UML Model Extensions 58

14.5 Application Logic Extensions 58

15 Other Customizing Options 59

15.1 web.xml 59

15.1.1 uiRefreshRate 59

15.1.2 load-on-startup 59

15.1.3 session-timeout 60

15.1.4 transport-guarantee 60

16 Next Steps 61

List of Figures

Figure 1: Types of openCRX GUIs 9

Figure 2: Non-Java GUIs for openCRX 9

Figure 3: openCRX Servlets enabling access with third-party clients 10

Figure 4: Customizing Options – openCRX Standard HTML GUI 10

Figure 5: openCRX Development and Customizing with Custom Project 13

Figure 6: UML Model - CrxObject 15

Figure 7: Add the string field Y!M nick to Contact objects 15

Figure 8: Wizard User Settings – enable/disable Root Menu Entries 18

Figure 9: Set Default Locale by Saving User Settings 20

Figure 10: Placement of attributes in the attribute pane (Tab, Group, Position) 25

Figure 11: Placement of grid tabs (Pane, -, Position) 26

Figure 12: Placement of attributes in grids (Level 0, Level 1, Level 2) 27

Figure 13: Sample Extension of class Product with PropertyDataBindings 41

Figure 14: Sample Extension of class Product with PropertyDataBindings 42

Figure 15: Property Set Extension 43

List of Listings

Listing 1: UI Customizing File zorder_contact.xml 16

Listing 2: List of Packages in web.xml 17

Listing 3: Enabling/Disabling Packages in web.xml 17

Listing 4: Locales in web.xml 19

Listing 5: Activating/Deactivating Locales in web.xml 19

Listing 6: Active Locales in Login.jsp based on login-locales.jsp 20

Listing 7: UI Customizing File zorder_product.xml 38

Listing 8: Example AssignedActivityGroupsDataBinding 49

Listing 9: Example FilteredActivityGroupsDataBinding 50

Listing 10: Example FormattedFollowUpDataBinding 51

Listing 11: Example FormattedNoteDataBinding 52

Listing 12: Example JoiningListDataBinding 52

Listing 13: Example Adding a new code to an existing code table 53

Listing 14: Example Disabling of a code value 53

Listing 15: uiRefreshRate in web.xml 59

Listing 16: load-on-startup in web.xml 59

Listing 17: session-timeout in web.xml 60

Listing 18: transport-guarantee in web.xml 60

1 About this Book

This book describes various ways of customizing the openCRX AJAX HTML GUI to adapt the look and feel to your personal tastes and preferences or to your company's CI (corporate identity).

openCRX is the leading enterprise-class open source CRM suite. openCRX is based on openMDX, an open source MDA framework based on the OMG's model driven architecture (MDA) standards. This guarantees total openness, standards compliance, a state-of-the-art component-based architecture, and virtually unlimited scalability.

1.1 Who this book is for

The intended audience are openCRX administrators and advanced users.

1.2 What do you need to understand this book

It is helpful to have a good understanding of the openCRX architecture. We assume that you are able to read/understand the openCRX UML models and the openCRX Javadoc (Java API). It is also assumed that you are familiar with XML files and you should know how to program JSPs.

1.3 Tips, Warnings, etc.

We make use the following pictograms:

Information provided as a “Tip” might be helpful for various reasons: time savings, risk reduction, etc. - it goes without saying that we advise to follow our guides meticulously

meticulous \muh-TIK-yuh-luhs\, adjective:
Extremely or excessively careful about details.

You should carefully read information marked with “Important”. Ignoring such information is typically not a good idea.

Warnings should not be ignored (risk of data loss, etc.)

2 Prerequisites

To work through some of the examples and in particular to build your own customized openCRX, there are some prerequisites:

You can either follow the openCRX Server Installer documentation at or you can do a manual installation of openCRX following the guide openCRX Manual Installation Tomcat 6.

  • openCRX SDK (v2.13.0 or newer).

Follow the openCRX SDK Installer documentation at

  • Most of the openCRX customizing files are UTF-8 encoded (see Wikipedia for information on UTF-8 encoding) and if you intend to edit such files you must use an UTF-8 enabled editor. Many simple text editors work fine (e.g. Notepad on Windows, gedit or kate on Linux), but make sure you test your editor of choice before you waste a lot of time and end up with ruined files that are not properly encoded anymore.

  • While you can manage all your changes “manually”, we recommend the use of an openCRX custom project. If you manage your changes and extensions to the standard distribution of openCRX with a custom project, you will be able to easily migrate your changes/extensions to new versions of openCRX. Furthermore, you can easily build customized openCRX EARs. Instructions on how to create an openCRX custom project are available from the openCRX Wiki (see “How to create custom projects”).

    Throughout this guide we assume that the custom project is called sample and the data directory is org.opencrx.sample. Hence, most of the files you will be changing/creating in this guide are contained in one of the subdirectories of the directory

If you decide to manipulate files directly in the apps folder, the same files are contained in one of the subdirectories of the directory

3 Adapting the openCRX HTML GUI to Your Needs

3.1 Overview openCRX GUI Types

openCRX is distributed with a generic but extremely powerful and feature-rich HTML-GUI (built with the Bootstrap framework) that works on any device. This AJAX-enabled HTML-GUI supports a wide range of modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE, etc. and it supports any device including mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android-based devices, etc.).

The openCRX HTML-GUI connects to the openCRX backend through the API as shown on the right:

    Figure 1: Types of openCRX GUIs

While this generic GUI has its strengths (entirely model-driven, light-weight, open and extensible), it also has its weaknesses (at times it can be hard to understand unless you are familiar with the openCRX UML model). While we are continuously enhancing the openCRX GUI, it is still a fact that it is nearly impossible to write a “one size fits all” GUI.

It is of course also possible to develop non-Java-based
GUIs for openCRX. You could – for example – write an XML-RRC Adapter (see Apache XML-RPC).

Figure 2: Non-Java GUIs for openCRX

Another option you might consider is REST (Representational State Transfer); see also and the openCRX Wiki (“How to use the REST servlet”).

openCRX includes a set of servlets (caldav, ical, imap, vcard, rest, news, ...) allowing you to connect to openCRX with a wide range of specialized third-party clients like Mozilla Thunderbird, MS Outlook, SmartPhones, and others:

Figure 3: openCRX Servlets enabling access with third-party clients

3.2 Customizing Options openCRX HTML GUI

The openCRX Standard HTML GUI can be customized in many ways to suit your needs:

    Figure 4: Customizing Options – openCRX Standard HTML GUI

Basic customizing options are relatively straight-forward and require no (or only moderate) programming know how. Advanced customizing options, however, require a good understanding of the openCRX architecture. This guide covers basic customizing options. If you're interested in advanced customizing options, have a look at the source code or consider attending an openCRX Developer Workshop (see for more information).

3.3 Things to do before you start Customizing openCRX

Adapting openCRX to your needs typically involves the following steps:

  1. Collect the requirements of the (customized) application – this step requires a solid understanding of the business domain:

  • your company's CI information (e.g. color schemes, fonts, etc.)

  • business objects and their attributes

  • mock screens or screen shots of existing applications

  • typical use cases, workflows, etc.

  1. Map the business requirements to openCRX – this step requires know how across both your business domain and the openCRX domain:

Note that openCRX objects are typically normalized, i.e. it is not uncommon that a single business object gets spread out across multiple openCRX objects. In other words, a single business object and its attributes often times do not map to a single openCRX object and its attributes.

Example: mapping the data of a contact as it is available on a business card typically involves multiple openCRX objects like

  • Contact (first/name, ...) or LegalEntity (company name)

  • PostalAddress (street, city, zip code, ...)

  • PhoneNumber (country code, number, extension, ...)

Hence, study the openCRX UML models before you start the mapping process. Take your time as the openCRX UML models are very comprehensive; focus on those aspects of the model that are most relevant to your project, e.g. account1, activity1.

  • map business objects to (possibly a list of) openCRX objects; depending on your business domain you might have to be a little inventive and maybe adapt/change the meaning of some of the openCRX objects

  • map each attribute of your business objects to an attribute of an openCRX object

If you come to the conclusion that you need additional attributes in certain openCRX objects, do not jump at extending the openCRX UML model (such an undertaking requires a solid understanding of the openCRX architecture and the build processes). Instead, learn about and understand the following mechanisms for “adding” additional fields to an object:

  • User-definable attributes of CrxObject

  • DataBinding Property

  1. Customizing the openCRX Standard HTML GUI – that is what this guide is all about...

Obviously, if you're only interested in changing some of the colors, there is not much to do in step 2 above. However, if you plan to capture your companies business objects, business processes, forms, etc. with openCRX, it pays off to spend some time on collecting the requirements and then properly map them to openCRX before you get down to customizing...

It is a good idea to create an openCRX custom project before you get started with customizing openCRX. Like this you will be able to collect all your changes and enhancements in one place and it will be easy to create custom EARs which you can readily deploy.

Instructions for creating an openCRX custom project are available from the openCRX Wiki.

3.4 Limitations of the generic HTML GUI

Even though the openCRX HTML GUI is extremely flexible, we would like to point out a few limitations (not due to bad design, but rather we are looking at advanced features that have not been implemented yet).

3.4.1 Role-based UI

openCRX features UI perspectives, a mechanism that enables users to have different UI customizations based on the current role (e.g. one GUI for sales and another GUI for the back office). More information is available from

Obviously, the same goal can also be achieved with multiple web applications. Simply create a custom project for each role / customization and then deploy multiple web applications.

3.4.2 Model Permissions

Model permissions are not implemented yet. Hence you cannot control access to individual attributes of an object with simple customization (the openCRX security plugin controls access to complete objects, not to individual attributes of an object). You can, however, deploy multiple web applications or work with Layout JSPs to achieve the same goal. Alternatively, once the root admin (admin-Root) has defined a security policy, segment administrators can grant and/or revoke various GUI-level permissions . More information is available in the openCRX Admin Guide at

4 Important Hints

The following information is so important that it deserves its own chapter!

4.1 Overloading

Overloading is a concept that allows you to selectively enhance (or even replace) features of the standard distribution of openCRX with your own changes and/or extensions.

The architecture of openCRX is such that you should be able to add your own customizing and extensions without actually changing any of the core files of the distribution. The big advantage of leaving core files unchanged and keeping all your changes/extensions separate is release capability, i.e. instead of creating and then maintaining your own openCRX branch (which you should really try to avoid) you keep your changes and extensions in a custom project.

The reason is the following one: maintaining your own openCRX branch requires advanced know how, i.e. it is difficult and very time-consuming, whereas maintaining your own custom project is easy because upgrading your custom project to a new openCRX version typically requires minor changes only (if any at all).

Do not go for quick fixes by changing files of the core distribution as you are guaranteed to run into problems down the road. Make use of openCRX custom projects and use the power and the flexibility of the openCRX SDK and the various overloading concepts.

Figure 5: openCRX Development and Customizing with Custom Project

4.1.1 File Overloading at the Project Level

Typically, files in your custom project will be added to the custom EARs. However, if a file in your custom project has the same name as a file of the standard distribution, your file will actually replace the respective file of the standard distribution when you build custom EARs.


Let's suppose you want to add some fancy CSS to openCRX. If you call your file myFancy.css and put it into the directory


your css file will be added to the various css files that already exist when you build your custom EARs. If you call your file colors.css, however, your file will replace the file with the same name that is contained in the standard distribution of openCRX (and unless you know what your doing it is quite likely that the coloring of openCRX will look strange with your custom EARs...).

4.1.2 UI Configuration Overloading

It is likely that you want to change some of the default customizing. Quite possibly, however, (a) you want to make a few changes only and (b) you want to keep these changes if you upgrade to a new version of openCRX. This is where UI configuration overloading can add value. Instead of changing the original UI configuration files provided with the standard distribution you create a new configuration file (or multiple configuration files) containing all your changes. Make sure that you name your file(s) containing changed UI Element Definitions such that your changes are loaded AFTER the default configuration files, thereby overloading the original configuration.

More information is available in chapter 8.2 UI Configuration Overloading.

4.1.3 Code Table Overloading

Similar to UI configuration overloading, you can also overload code tables. Instead of changing original code tables you create new code table files that contain your changes/extensions. It is also possible to deactivate codes of the standard distribution. Make sure that you name your file(s) containing changed code tables such that your changes are loaded AFTER the default code tables, thereby overloading the code tables.

More information is available in chapter 9.2 Code Table Overloading.

UI configuration files and code table files are loaded in alphabetical order. Hence, if the same element is defined multiple times, the definition contained in the file that is (in alphabetical order) loaded last wins.

4.2 “Adding” Fields / Extending Objects

Even though the openCRX UML Model covers a wide range of business objects, you may still want to “add” a field to a particular object. While the newbie's approach would be to add a field to the appropriate database table and then patch the code a bit here and there, take our advice and make use of the advanced extension mechanisms provided by openCRX.

4.2.1 User-definable attributes of CrxObject

Figure 6: UML Model - CrxObject

The vast majority of openCRX's objects are CrxObjects, and hence they feature user-definable attributes as shown in the figure on the left. There are four single-valued attributes and one multi-valued attribute of each type:

  • boolean

  • decimal

  • string

  • dateTime

  • date

  • code

In the standard distribution of openCRX these attributes are disabled (i.e. set to <active>false</active>). You can verify this by looking at the UI customizing file .../config/ui/Root/en_US/common_userdefined.xml (search for CrxObject:user).

Note that all of these user-definable attributes are already available in the DB schemas, i.e. they are ready to be used, you just have to enable them.

To make an example, let's assume your Contacts absolutely need another String field to store the Yahoo! Messenger Nickname as shown below:

Figure 7: Add the string field Y!M nick to Contact objects

All you have to do to “add” the field Y!M nick to Contacts is to deploy the following UI customizing file zorder_contact.xml to the directory {TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIR}/apps/opencrx-core-CRX/opencrx-core-CRX/WEB-INF/config/ui/Root/en_US and then restart Tomcat.

Listing 1: UI Customizing File zorder_contact.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<org.openmdx.base.Authority xmlns:xsi="" name="org:openmdx:ui1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="xri://+resource/org/openmdx/ui1/xmi1/ui1.xsd">
<org.openmdx.base.Provider qualifiedName="CRX" _operation="null">
<org.openmdx.ui1.Segment qualifiedName="Root" _operation="null">
<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Contact:userString0">
<_item>Y!M nick</_item>
<_item>Y!M nick</_item>
<_item>0</_item> <!-- tab -->
<_item>0</_item> <!-- field group -->
<_item>75</_item> <!-- position -->

The above file is – strictly speaking – not adding a field to the class Contact, it is rather activating the attribute userString0 of the class Contact (which it inherits from the class CrxObject). The field userString0 is already available in the standard distribution of openCRX, it's just not visible by default.

Mapping your special requirements to user-definable attributes is an extremely efficient way of “extending” the standard distribution of openCRX, also in terms of performance.

4.2.2 Property Data Bindings

What can you do if you need even more user-definable attributes, i.e. more than the ones provided by CrxObject? This is where the PropertyDataBinding concept comes in handy. With PropertyDataBindings you get access to a virtually unlimited pool of user-definable attributes. See chapter 8.7.1 PropertyDataBinding for a detailed introduction into this topic).

5 Managing Packages

5.1 Enabling/Disabling Packages at the Application Level

With the openCRX standard distribution all available packages are enabled. The openCRX administrator may wish to disable certain packages at the application level if they are not used. This chapter shows how you can achieve this.

In the custom project sample, the package list is contained in the file:


Once deployed on Tomcat, the package list is contained in the file


Look for the section <!-- Admin --> to find a list of available packages:

Listing 2: List of Packages in web.xml

<!-- Admin -->
<!-- Home -->

You can disable packages by commenting them out (<!-- to open a comment and --> to close a comment). The following example shows how to deactivate the package depot1:

Listing 3: Enabling/Disabling Packages in web.xml

<!-- Depots -->

<!-- Documents -->
<!-- Buildings -->

Please note that you must renumber all the packages listed after the package you deactivated so that the package numbering does not have any gaps (i.e. numbering of active packets starts at 0 and it must be consecutive).

It is also possible to change the order of the active packages by renumbering them. However, you must still ensure both that the numbering starts at 0 and that the numbering is consecutive.

5.2 Enabling/Disabling Packages at the User Level

The most important personalization settings – including enabling/disabling of packages – are easily managed with the wizard User Settings. Navigate to your home page (click Home in the root menu) and then select Edit > User Settings from the main menu to start the User Settings Wizard.


set your timezone – you can use either the upper drop down (lists timezone names ordered by time­zone) or the lower drop down (lists them in alphabetical order)

Figure 8: Wizard User Settings – enable/disable Root Menu Entries


check this box if you want openCRX to automatically save your current settings whenever you logoff; if unchecked, changes made during a session will be lost after logoff unless you save them manually


enter the e-mail address at which you want to receive notification e‑mails from openCRX


enter a prefix that will be added to the subject of all notification e‑mail messages sent to you by openCRX


the web access URL is used in all notification e-mails – you may have to adapt it if your openCRX server is moved to a new domain/etc.


every user can enable/disable any of the packages activated by the openCRX application manager – a particular package is only listed in the package menu if the respective box is checked; furthermore,

if multiple perspectives are available (e.g. Root, Advanced, Simple), every user can maintain a list of enabled packages for each perspective


enter the number of package menu entries to be accessible with a single click – all other enabled packages are put into the package menu overflow


check to hide the workspace dashboard, uncheck to make it visible


every user can enable/disable any of the subscriptions configured by the openCRX application manager; detailed information about the openCRX notification engine is available in the openCRX Admin Guide at

Please note that entries corresponding to packages disabled by the openCRX administrator cannot be enabled with this wizard. Packages disabled in web.xml are not available at all (and not shown in the wizard User Settings)!

6 Managing Locales

The default installation of openCRX activates all locales that are included in the Open Source distribution. The openCRX administrator may wish to deactivate certain locales from the locale list. This chapter shows how you how to do this.

6.1 Enabling/Disabling Locales at the Application Level

The locale list is contained in the file


Look for the section <!-- locales --> to find a list of available locales:

Listing 4: Locales in web.xml

<!-- locales -->

You can deactivate locales by simply commenting them out. The following example shows how to deactivate the locale de_CH.

Listing 5: Activating/Deactivating Locales in web.xml

<!-- locales -->


Please note that you must not deactivate the base locale (that is the locale with the id 0, typically en_US) as the base locale contains a lot of customizing information not present in other locales.

As the Login page is displayed before the authentication of the user has taken place, Login.jsp cannot access the above information. That is why the list of available and active locales are maintained in the file login-locales.jsp as well. Changing the list of active locales is straightforward. Comment out any of the lines in the following code segment of localeSettings.jsp to disable the respective locale:

Listing 6: Active Locales in Login.jsp based on login-locales.jsp

// activeLocales.add("fa_IR"); this locale is not active
// activeLocales.add("nl_NL"); this locale is not active

The above example shows how to disable the locales fa_IR and nl_NL in the Login page of openCRX.

Note that you must use an UTF-8 enabled editor to change the file login-locales.jsp. If you break the UTF-8 encoding of this file your locale drop will contain strange symbols...

6.2 Setting the Default Locale at the User Level

A user's default locale can be set by choosing/activating the desired locale (step 1) and then clicking on [Save Settings] (step 2) in the header of the application as shown below:

    Figure 9: Set Default Locale by Saving User Settings

If the login page supports a user's preferred locale xx_YY, you can request the login page in that locale xx_YY by appending the string "?locale=xx_YY" to the default login URL.

Example: the following URL loads the German login page:

7 CSS, Headers, Footers, etc.

7.1 Cascading Style Sheets

The directory ...\opencrx-core-CRX\_style contains various CSS files:

CSS File

Purpose / Comments


various color settings (fonts, backgrounds, etc.)


customizing of openMDX/portal (the default openCRX GUI)


customizing of the calendar


customizing of the DHTML calendar


here you can add your custom project specific color styles


none – repository placeholder


customizing of the header


customizing of the JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit (JIT)


here you can add your custom project specific styles


customizing of the Suckerfish menus

Please note that various third-party modules (e.g. WYMeditor, wiky) may also load CSS files. Those files are typically located within the respective modules directory structure (e.g. .../javascript/wymeditor, .../javascript/wiky).

Adding (internal and/or external) style sheets to all pages is easy as all pages are generated by the following 2 Layout JSPs:



See also chapter 13 Layout JSPs for additional information.

7.2 HTML Header and Footer Files

The Layout JSPs and the login page (Login.jsp) by default include various HTML files. They are located in the directory ...\opencrx-core-CRX and you can adapt them to your liking:

  • login-header.html

  • login-footer.html

  • login-note.html

  • edit-header.html

  • edit-footer.html

  • show-header.html

  • show-footer.html

  • show-footer-noscroll.html

See also chapter 13 Layout JSPs for additional information.

8 UI XML Files

8.1 Overview

8.2 UI Configuration Overloading

8.3 Inspector

The inspector shows an object with its attributes:

8.4 Attribute Pane

8.4.1 Tabs

The ui file common.xml contains tab definitions that apply to all objects :



this tab typically contains the most important attributes of an object and is almost always visible



this tab typically contains attributes that are used less frequently; if no attributes are assigned to this tab then it is not visible



by default all user defined attribute are assigned to this tab; this tab, however, is not visible by default



this tab typically contains various system attributes related to object creation and object changes, security, etc.

You can define your own tabs. The following example shows the definition of the tab [Accounts] of the attribute pane of accounts (ui file account.xml):


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Account:Pane:Attr:Tab:25">

8.4.2 Field Groups

In the ui file common.xml there are various default field groups defined that apply to all objects, e.g. Field Groups 0, 10, 20, and 30 in the the tabs [General] and [Details].

You can define your own field groups like shown in the following example:


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Account:Pane:Attr:Tab:25:Group:10">

8.4.3 Fields / Attributes

With order (or more specifically orderFieldGroup) you can define the positioning of an object's attribute in the attribute pane. You must provide three values in the form of <_item>xxx</item> where the first value corresponds to the id of the Tab, the second value to the FieldGroup and the third value to the position within the respective FieldGroup.

The following example explains the placement of a contact's salutation:

    Figure 10: Placement of attributes in the attribute pane (Tab, Group, Position)

With the tag <columnBreak>true</columnBreak> you can place the current attribute in a new column within the given Field Group.

8.5 Grid Panes

Shared and composite associations as well as multi-valued references are mapped to grids. Such grids can be positioned by providing three values in the form of <_item>xxx</item> where the first value corresponds to the id of the Grid Pane and the third value to the position within the respective Pane (the second value is not used).

The following example explains the placement of an accounts composite association “member”:

    Figure 11: Placement of grid tabs (Pane, -, Position)

With order (or more specifically orderObjectContainer) you can define the positioning of an object's attribute within grids. You must provide three values in the form of <_item>xxx</item> where these values will used to define an (alphabetical) order.

The following example explains the placement of a an address's usage:

    Figure 12: Placement of attributes in grids (Level 0, Level 1, Level 2)

Please note that since openCRX v2.13.0 users can change the order of grid columns interactively by opening a grid's View menu and then selecting the entry of the grid column they want to move to the right:

8.5.1 Expanding/Collapsing Tabs

Grid Tabs are rendered collapsed if the label starts with a “»” character:


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Account:partner">

8.5.2 AdditionalElementDefinition

With AdditionalElementDefinitions you can define additional grid tabs (optionally with base filters). Have a look at the UI XML file accounts.xml which makes use of this feature to create various additional grid tabs:


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Segment:account">
<_item>All Accounts</_item>
<_item>»All Accounts</_item>
<org.openmdx.ui1.AdditionalElementDefinition id="9998" _operation="create">

<org.openmdx.ui1.AdditionalElementDefinition id="9999" _operation="create">
<_item>Accounts (disabled)</_item>
<_item>»Accounts (disabled)</_item>

<org.openmdx.ui1.AdditionalElementDefinition id="0" _operation="create">
<_item>Account Groups only</_item>
<_item>Account Groups</_item>

The respective base filters (see chapter 8.5.3 Base Filter for Grid Tabs for additional information) are defined in the following file:


8.5.3 Base Filter for Grid Tabs

You can (optionally) define base filters for grid tabs. That is, for example, an elegant way of splitting up the tab [All Accounts] into [Accounts] (that are active) and [Accounts (disabled)].

The following example assumes that you have created an accounts tab with id 10000 (with an AdditionalElementDefinition) and shows how to create a base filter that selects only accounts that have a an address with a postal code equal to 8000. Create a file named org.opencrx.kernel.account1.Account.postal.xml with the following content and then move the file to the directory ...\WEB-INF\config\filters:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<java version="1.4.2_06" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
<object class="org.openmdx.portal.servlet.Filters">
<void property="forReference">
<array class="java.lang.String" length="1">
<void index="0">
<void property="filter">
<array class="org.openmdx.portal.servlet.Filter" length="1">

<void index="0">
<object class="org.openmdx.portal.servlet.Filter">
<void property="name">
<void property="iconKey">
<void property="condition">
<array class="org.openmdx.base.query.Condition" length="2">
<void index="0">
<object class="org.openmdx.base.query.PiggyBackCondition">
<void property="quantor">
<!-- for all -->
<void property="feature">
<void property="fulfil">
<void property="value">
<array class="java.lang.String" length="1">
<void index="0">
<void index="1">
<object class="org.openmdx.base.query.PiggyBackCondition">
<void property="quantor">
<!-- for all -->
<void property="feature">
<void property="fulfil">
<void property="value">
<array class="java.lang.String" length="1">
<void index="0">
<string>EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM OOCKE1_ADDRESS addr WHERE addr.p$$parent = v.object_id AND addr.postal_code = '8000')</string>
<void property="groupName">


See also the discussion at

8.5.4 Selection of Filterable Attributes (maxMember)

With maxMember you can define the number of attributes that are available for filtering/sorting in the openCRX GUI. Setting maxMember to a value “n” implies that (at most) n attributes are available for filtering/searching even though more attributes would be available given the model.

8.5.5 Selection of Visible Attributes (showMaxMember)

With showMaxMember you can define the number of attributes (at most “maxNumber” attributes) that are visible in a grid. If all the attributes that are filterable/searchable should also be visible, there is no need to set showMaxMember.

8.5.6 Advanced Attribute Selection (showMemberRange)

There are quite a number of grids that contain objects with quite different attribute sets (think of subclasses), e.g. the address grid contains web addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. As it does not make a lot of sense to display the complete (sparse) matrix, you can selectively pick individual attributes (or even ranges of attributes) to display in a grid.

The following example shows how showMemberRange is used to define the grid “Groups” as it is available in the standard openCRX distribution:


<org.openmdx.ui1.AdditionalElementDefinition id="0" _operation="create">



<_item>Account Groups only</_item>



<_item>Account Groups</_item>

















8.6 Various XML Tags Explained

8.6.1 active


Enable or disable a UI element. No default value.




8.6.2 backColor


Set the background color of an attribute. No default value.




8.6.3 changeable


Enable updates or limit access to read-only. Default value is true.




8.6.4 color


Set the (font) color of an attribute. No default value.




8.6.5 columnBreak


Add column break so that the current element is the first element of a new column within given field group. No default value.




8.6.6 cssClassFieldGroup


Set a custom class for the inspector's field group container


to right-align the amount field “totalBaseAmount” in the inspector pane provide a class name, e.g. alignRight, in the UI customizing file:

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:contract1:SalesContract:totalBaseAmount">
<_item>Total base amount</_item>
<_item>Total base amount</_item>

and then make sure that you define an appropriate style for the class “alignRight”, e.g. as follows:

.alignRight {
text-align: right;

8.6.7 cssClassObjectContainer


Set a custom class for the grid's group container.


to right-align the amount field “totalBaseAmount” in the grid provide a class name, e.g. alignRight, in the UI customizing file:

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:contract1:SalesContract:totalBaseAmount">
<_item>Total base amount</_item>
<_item>Total base amount</_item>

and then define an appropriate style for the class “alignRight”

8.6.8 defaultValue


Default value of an attribute when a new object is created. No default value.




8.6.9 filterable


Enable or disable filtering for an attribute. While you can disable filtering on any attribute, enabling filtering makes only sense if the respective query is implemented. By default, filtering is not supported for references. Default value is true.




8.6.10 iconKey


Allows you to set the name of the GIF file that gets displayed for a particular object type. Default value is class name.




8.6.11 isPassword


Allows you to mark a particular attribute as password. Default value is false.




8.6.12 label


Allows you to set the label of an object. No default value.



<_item>Related Products</_item>


8.6.13 mandatory


Make an attribute mandatory or optional. Default value is false for optional attributes (according to UML model) and true otherwise.




8.6.14 minValue


Define the minimum acceptable value of a numerical field. No default value.




8.6.15 maxLength


Limit the size of an input field (i.e. number of characters a user can enter). No default value.




8.6.16 maxMember


Set the maximum number of attributes that are available in a grid (not necessarily visible, but at least filterable). The default value is 6.




8.6.17 maxValue


Define the maximum acceptable value of a numerical field. No default value.




8.6.18 multiplicity


multi-valued codes (e.g. userCode4) can (optionally) be limited to support only a certain number of values



8.6.19 order

see chapters 8.4.3 Fields / Attributes and 8.5 Grid Panes

8.6.20 orderFieldGroup

see chapter 8.4.3 Fields / Attributes

8.6.21 orderObjectContainer

see chapter 8.5 Grid Panes

8.6.22 showMaxMember

see chapter 8.5.5 Selection of Visible Attributes (showMaxMember)

8.6.23 showMemberRange

see chapter 8.5.6 Advanced Attribute Selection (showMemberRange)

8.6.24 eventHandler

any valid Javascript string (will be embedded in edit pages)

8.6.25 skipRow

8.6.26 spanRow

8.6.27 sortable

8.6.28 toolTip

Title tag for labels are created automatically if the contents of the toolTip differs from the contents of the name tag. The following screen shot shows the toop tip of the attribute salutationCode as displayed in a browser:

8.7 DataBindings

Data bindings are interceptors which allow to perform any kind of transformation on data retrieved from the backend. The default data binding org.openmdx.portal.servlet.DefaultDataBinding is trivial (a simple delegator).

8.7.1 PropertyDataBinding

PropertyDataBindings provide you with access to a virtually unlimited pool of user-definable attributes to extend CrxObjects. From a performance point of view, PropertyDataBindings are not quite as efficient as the User-definable attributes of CrxObject because the latter are always stored in the same table as the extended object, whereas attributes based on PropertyDataBindings are stored in a separate table (leading to additional SELECT statements). Nevertheless, whenever you need additional attributes that cannot be mapped to user-definable attributes, you should still consider PropertyDataBindings before you jump at extending the openCRX core model.

If you need additional attributes, approach the issue as follows:

  1. Map your requirements to User-definable attributes of CrxObject (see chapter 4.2.1).

  2. If you run out of attributes, use PropertyDataBindings.

  3. Only as a last resort should you consider extending the openCRX UML Model as such an extension requires expert knowledge and is not suitable for the faint-hearted.

Extending the openCRX UML Model is for experts only (and most of the time not really required)! A comprehensive example with PropertyDataBindings

The following UI customizing file demonstrates how to extend the Product class with a set of attributes, one of each type. Deploy the file zorder_product.xml to the directory {TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIR}/apps/opencrx-core-CRX/opencrx-core-CRX/WEB-INF/config/ui/Root/en_US and then restart Tomcat.

Listing 7: UI Customizing File zorder_product.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.openmdx.base.Authority xmlns:xsi="" name="org:openmdx:ui1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="xri://+resource/org/openmdx/ui1/xmi1/ui1.xsd">
<org.openmdx.base.Provider qualifiedName="CRX" _operation="null">
<org.openmdx.ui1.Segment qualifiedName="Root" _operation="null">
<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myBoolean">
<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myInteger">
<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myDecimal">

<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myString">

<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myDate">
<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myDateTime">
<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myReference">


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Pane:Attr:Tab:0:Group:5">
<_item>Extended Attributes (PropertyDataBinding)</_item>

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myBoolean">
<_item>My boolean</_item>
<_item>My boolean</_item>

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myInteger">
<_item>My integer</_item>
<_item>My integer</_item>

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myDecimal">
<_item>My decimal</_item>
<_item>My decimal</_item>
<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myString">
<_item>My string</_item>

<_item>My string</_item>

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myDate">
<_item>My date</_item>
<_item>My date</_item>

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myDateTime">
<_item>My dateTime</_item>
<_item>My dateTime</_item>

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Extension!myReference">
<_item>My reference (to Account)</_item>
<_item>My reference (to Account)</_item>


Once Tomcat is up and running, navigate to the tab [Products] and create a new product as shown below:

The screen for entering new products should now include a new field group labeled Extended Attributes (PropertyDateBinding) containing additional fields as shown below:

    Figure 13: Sample Extension of class Product with PropertyDataBindings

Enter some data as follows:

  • Name: Sample Product

  • Product number: P-1234

  • My boolean: check it

  • My integer: 123

  • My decimal: 987654321.0123

  • My string: sample string

  • My date: 1/23/2009

  • My dateTime: 1/23/2009 12:34:56 AM

  • My reference (to Account): point to guest

Save to new product and then navigate to it.

Expand the grid tabs in the first grid pane by clicking on the tab [>>]. You will see additional tabs like [Notes], [Folders], etc. Click on the tab [Property Sets] to see the entry Extension as shown below:

    Figure 14: Sample Extension of class Product with PropertyDataBindings

The PropertySet Extension was created automatically when you saved the new product. It is called Extension because that is what was customized in the file zorder_product.xml. The PropertySet Extension contains all the attributes defined with PropertyDataBindings, i.e. myBoolean, myInteger, myDecimal, myString, myDate, myDateTime, and myReference. Let's verify this by clicking on the icon of the respective Property Set.

You should see the following:

    Figure 15: Property Set Extension

While all of these properties could be edited right within the Property Set, it is definitely more comfortable (and natural) to edit them within the attribute pane of products.

Note that this extension of the class Product did not require any modifications of the openCRX UML Model. We did not even have to modify the database schema. The whole extension is done with customizing features only! BooleanPropertyDataBinding


Display boolean value stored in a BooleanProperty in the attribute pane.

Example StringPropertyDataBinding


Display string value stored in a StringProperty in the attribute pane.

Example IntegerPropertyDataBinding


Display integer value stored in an IntegerProperty in the attribute pane.




<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Custom!lineNumber">











<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:product1:Product:Custom!lineNumber">







<_item>Line Number</_item>



<_item>Line Number</_item>
















... DecimalPropertyDataBinding


Display decimal value stored in a DecimalProperty in the attribute pane.

Example DatePropertyDataBinding


Display date value stored in a DateProperty in the attribute pane.

Example DateTimePropertyDataBinding


Display date/time value stored in a DateTimeProperty in the attribute pane.

Example ReferencePropertyDataBinding


Display value of referenced object stored in a ReferenceProperty in the attribute pane.





8.7.2 DataBinding ReferencedObjectDataBinding


Display attribute of a referenced object in the inspector of the current object.


<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:AccountMembership:(accountFrom;void)*Membership!aliasName">

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:AccountMembership:(accountFrom;void)*Membership!aliasName">
<_item>Alias name [from]</_item>
<_item>Alias name [from]</_item>

8.7.3 DataBinding CompositeObjectDataBinding


Display attribute of a composite object in the inspector of the current object.


<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Account:address*Business!postalCity">
<_content />

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Account:address*Business!postalCity">
<_content />

It is even possible to work with attributes of composite objects that are referenced, e.g. the web address (URL) of a contact's assistant:



8.7.4 DataBinding ProductConfigurationSet




8.7.5 DataBinding ProductConfigurationTypeSet




8.7.6 DataBinding LocalizedFieldDataBinding


				this databinding you can display and manage LocalizedField
				objects attached as standard fields. The databinding selects the
				localized field matching the current user's locale and displays
				the localizedValue. The LocalizedFieldDataBinding allows to
				localize field values in an easy way. E.g. the field 'Name:' of
				an ActivityGroup can be localized with the following ui


<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:activity1:ActivityGroup:localizedName!name">
<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:activity1:ActivityGroup:localizedName!name">
<_item>Name (localized)</_item>
<_item>Name (localized)</_item>

8.7.7 DataBindings for Addresses EmailAddressDataBinding


Display e-mail address (of a composite e-mail address object) in the inspector of the current object.


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Account:address*Other!emailAddress">
<_item>E-mail other</_item>
<_item>E-mail other</_item>
<_content />
</org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition> PhoneNumberDataBinding


Display phone number (of a composite e-mail address object) in the inspector of the current object.


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:account1:Account:address*Other!emailAddress">
<_item>Phone home</_item>
<_item>Phone home</_item>
<_content />
</org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition> WebAddressDataBinding




8.7.8 DataBinding AssignedActivityGroupsDataBinding

Listing 8: Example AssignedActivityGroupsDataBinding

<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:activity1:Activity:assignedGroupName">

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:activity1:Activity:assignedGroupName">
<_item>Assigned Trackers</_item>
<_item>Assigned Trackers</_item>

Optional Parameter type:

Syntax: ?type={ [tracker|milestone|category] "," }

If you omit the optional parameter type all assigned activity groups are shown. The above example selects ActivityTrackers only. You can also provide a comma-separated list of types, e.g. ?type=tracker,milestone.

8.7.9 DataBinding DocumentFolderAssignmentsDataBinding

Optional Parameter name:

Syntax: ?name={ name prefix "," }

If you omit the optional parameter type all document folder assignments are shown.

8.7.10 DataBinding FilteredActivitiesDataBinding

The org.opencrx.kernel.portal.FilteredActivitiesDataBinding allows to specify a (possibly user-specific) activity tracker, milestone, category or activity filter and returns the corresponding collection of filtered activities. These activities can be shown as grid wherever you like.

Listing 9: Example FilteredActivityGroupsDataBinding


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:home1:UserHome:tracker!${USER}~Private!filteredActivity">
<_item>Private Activities</_item>
<_item>Private Activities</_item>

8.7.11 DataBinding FormattedFollowUpDataBinding

Listing 10: Example FormattedFollowUpDataBinding


<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:activity1:ActivityFollowUp:formattedFollowUp">
<_item>Transition Info</_item>
<_item>Transition Info</_item>

8.7.12 DataBinding FormattedNoteDataBinding

Listing 11: Example FormattedNoteDataBinding

<org.openmdx.ui1.StructuralFeatureDefinition qualifiedName="org:opencrx:kernel:activity1:ActivityFollowUp:formattedNote">

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:activity1:ActivityFollowUp:formattedNote">
<_item>Title / Text</_item>
<_item>Title / Text</_item>

8.7.13 DataBinding JoiningListDataBinding

The JoiningListDataBinding allows to collect objects from a specified set of reference features and display them in a unified grid.

Listing 12: Example JoiningListDataBinding

<org.openmdx.ui1.ElementDefinition name="org:opencrx:kernel:activity1:Activity:summary">
<_item>Additional Information</_item>
<_item>Additional Information</_item>
<_content />

9 Code Table XML Files

9.1 Overview

9.2 Code Table Overloading

9.2.1 Adding Codes to Existing Code Tables

This is best done by using codes >= 10'0000 as openCRX/core typically uses codes < 10'000:

Listing 13: Example Adding a new code to an existing code table

<org.opencrx.kernel.code1.CodeValueEntry code="10000" _operation="set">
<_item>Land of Hope and Glory</_item>

9.2.2 Disabling Existing Codes

This is best done by defining a very short validity period far in the past:

Listing 14: Example Disabling of a code value

<org.opencrx.kernel.code1.CodeValueEntry code="249" _operation="set">
<_item>France, Metropolitan</_item>

9.2.3 Replacing Existing Code Tables

If you assign a code table of your custom project the name of a code table that already exists in the core project, the code table of the custom project will be included during the build process (and the core code table will be ignored).

9.3 Segment-Specific Code Tables

10 Groovy Controls

10.1 MenuOps – openCRX Operations Menu

10.2 Navigation – openCRX Breadcrum

10.3 North – openCRX Header

10.4 RootMenu – openCRX Top Level Tabbed Menu

10.5 RootPanel – openCRX Top Level PopUp Menu

10.6 Search – openCRX Index-based Search

11 JSP Wizards

See the various examples in the directory ...\opencrx-core-CRX\wizards\en_US

12 Forms

Forms were introduced with openCRX v2.4. Have a look at the following examples included in the distribution:

  • Form definitions are located in the directory ...\opencrx-core-CRX\WEB-INF\config\ui\Root\en_US

  • Form wizards are located in the directory ...\opencrx-core-CRX\wizards\en_US


Wizards making use of the Form















13 Layout JSPs

openCRX is distributed with 2 default layout JSPs located in the directory ...\opencrx-core-CRX\WEB-INF\config\layout\en_US.

13.1 show-Default.jsp

This layout JSP renders all pages that show information (typically an Inspector containing information about the current object and all the grids containing associated information). This layout JSP is generic and can handle any object. It is provided by openMDX/portal.

13.2 edit-Default.jsp

Similarly, this layout JSP renders all pages that are used to edit objects and create new objects. This layout JSP is generic and can handle any object. It is provided by openMDX/portal.

13.3 Custom Layout JSPs

If you have a need for specialized screens for a particular object in edit and/or show mode, you can write your own layout JSP and deploy it to the above-mentioned directory. The file name of your custom layout JSP determines which objects (or rather: objects of which class) will be handled by your custom layout JSP.


Let's assume you want to replace the default edit screen for openCRX Contacts (i.e. class org.opencrx.kernel.account1.Contact) with a custom layout JSP. Name your file


and deploy it to the directory ...\WEB-INF\config\layout\en_US. After restarting Tomcat or your application server your new layout JSP will be active.

If you develop localized JSPs you can create new directories for the respective locales and then deploy your localized JSPs there. The fallback algorithms are comparable to those in ui customization.

You must provide a layout JSP for the base locale, by default the locale en_US.

14 Advanced Customizing Options

14.1 Workflows

14.2 Java Controls

14.3 Portal Extensions

14.4 UML Model Extensions

14.5 Application Logic Extensions

15 Other Customizing Options

A collection of useful configuration and customizing options.

15.1 web.xml

All of the following settings can be made in the file

15.1.1 uiRefreshRate

By default, the UI configuration is loaded at startup only. If you are changing customizing files during a customization session you might want to reload the UI periodically to verify your changes without restarting the servlet container. You can do so by setting the respective value to something else than 0. The refresh period is measured in milliseconds, i.e. the following example would cause the UI configuration to reload once per minute:

Listing 15: uiRefreshRate in web.xml

<!-- ui refresh rate -->

15.1.2 load-on-startup

By default, the ObjectInspectorServlet is initialized with the first login (and hence the first login can take some time). If you prefer to initialize the ObjectInspectorServlet right after the deployment of the respective EAR, uncomment the following section in web.xml:

Listing 16: load-on-startup in web.xml

<!-- activate if ObjectInspectorServlet should be initialized at startup -->

15.1.3 session-timeout

By default, the session timeout is set to 30 minutes. If you want to shorten or lengthen the session timeout you can do so by changing the value of session-timeout (measured in minutes) in web.xml. The following example shows how to change the timeout to 2 hours:

Listing 17: session-timeout in web.xml


15.1.4 transport-guarantee

If you want to force your users to connect with SSL you can require a transport guarantee and replace the default value NONE with CONFIDENTIAL. The following example shows how to require the application admin (admin-Root) to connect with SSL:

Listing 18: transport-guarantee in web.xml

<security-constraint id="security_constraint-Root">
<web-resource-collection id="c-Root">
<auth-constraint id="auth_constraint-Root">
<user-data-constraint id="user_data_constraint-Root">

16 Next Steps

You might want to have a look at some of the additional documentation published at The openCRX Admin Guide might be of particular interest to you.


The contents of this file are subject to a BSD license (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Copyright 2013-2014 © CRIXP Corp. All rights reserved.