
<< New Features in openCRX v2.13

see also RELEASE-NOTES for additional information on new/changed features

Responsive HTML5/Ajax-GUI

A new generic and extremely powerful and feature-rich HTML5/Ajax-GUI (built with the Bootstrap framework) that works on any device. This AJAX-enabled HTML5-GUI supports a wide range of modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE, etc. and it supports any device including mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android-based devices, etc.).


product gris

Screen shots from a Nexus 5:
Nexus 5 Nexus 5 products

Connect to our openCRX demo server and see the new GUI in action or get the updated openCRX GUI Guide.

User-specific ordering of grid columns

Any user can change the ordering of grid columns by simply opening a grid's View menu and then selecting the entry of the grid column to be moved to the right:




Connect to our openCRX demo server and see the new GUI in action or get the updated openCRX GUI Guide.

Enhanced search form

The enhanced search form supports both searching withing the result set of a previous search and searching across all objects of a grid:

search form

Connect to our openCRX demo server and see the new GUI in action or get the updated openCRX GUI Guide.

Janino scripts as workflows

A new feature that allows you to define a workflow's execute() method as Janino script. This way segment-specific business-logic can be added without building and deploying a new EAR.

Here is an example:

public static void execute(
  org.opencrx.kernel.base.jmi1.WorkflowTarget wfTarget,
  org.openmdx.base.jmi1.ContextCapable targetObject,
  org.opencrx.kernel.home1.jmi1.WfProcessInstance wfProcessInstance
) throws org.openmdx.base.exception.ServiceException {
  java.util.logging.Logger logger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("PrintConsole");
  logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "executing workflow " + wfProcessInstance.getProcess().getName());
  logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "target=" + targetObject);
  logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "wfProcessInstance=" + wfProcessInstance);
  java.util.Map params = org.opencrx.kernel.utils.WorkflowHelper.getWorkflowParameters(wfProcessInstance);
  logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "params=" + params);


MailWorkflow supports external sendmail command

In addition to the already supported JavaMail openCRX newly supports external sendmail commands. sendmail has several advantages over JavaMail in high-end environments. sendmail is used by the MailWorkflow if the system property -Dorg.opencrx.usesendmail.{} is set to true, e.g.


In this case JavaMail resources must not be configured anymore in web.xml and the application.server. mail.jar must still be deployed as it is required to construct RFC822-compliant MimeMessages.


DocumentExporter workflow

The DocumentExporter workflow allows to export document folders to the file system. A document folder is exported if a DocumentFolderShare exists for this folder. DocumentFolderShares can be managed manually with the standard GUI.



Store Media on the file system

It is now possible to store the content of objects of type org:opencrx:kernel:document1:Media on the file system. The option is activated with the system property


The DbSchemaWizard supports the following new functions to manage and migrate existing media objects in case the option -Dorg.opencrx.mediadir is turned on:

  • Validate Media: lists all media objects which do not have a corresponding media file on the file system. These media objects are subject to migration.
  • Migrate Media to FS: migrate media objects from database to file system, i.e. media objects stored in OOCKE1_MEDIA.content are exported to the file system. The location of the media file corresponds to the media object's XRI. This operation is idempotent, i.e. can be run multiple times (typically in combination with Validate Media). After successful migration the column OOCKE1_MEDIA.content can be cleared with the SQL statement UPDATE OOCKE1_MEDIA set content = null;
  • Migrate Media to DB: Reads all media files on mediadir and stores the content in the corresponding media object (column OOCKE1_MEDIA.content).

This new feature can reduce the load on your DBMS in a major way (e.g. easy backup of media/blobs with rsync that does not generated any DB-load).


Auto-update of addresses

If authority is set, postal and e-mail addresses are updated automtically in case the matching authority's addresses changes. With this new feature it is easy to keep addresses of employees of an organization in sync with the organization's address, etc.

The operation checkForAutoUpdate() allows to check whether a given address qualifies for auto-update.


Activity Relationships

It is now possible to capture relationships between activities similar to how you capture relationships between accounts:



Next/Prev Inspector

New Next/Prev buttons allow to iterate the content of a grid at inspector-level:

