
command (LzCommand) — An element that sends events in response to keyboard input.


LZX: command
JavaScript: LzCommand
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: LFC.Views
Declared in: WEB-INF/lps/lfc/helpers/LzCommand.lzs


 <canvas height="130" debug="true">
   <command onselect="Debug.write('the enter key was pressed');" 
             key="['Enter']" />

Sample applications that use the command tag:

Also, see LzKeys.

Development Note

A command is an object that sends an event in response to keyboard input.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » command (LzCommand)

Known Subclasses


Properties (2)

<attribute name="active" type="boolean" />
public var active : Boolean = true;
true if the command is currently active. The default is true.
<attribute name="keys" type="[String]" />
public var keys : [String];
array of keys (strings) that, when pressed together, cause the onselect event of the command to be sent. For example: setAttribute('key', ['a', 'shift']) or setKeys(['j', 'control'])

Setters (1)

Setters for virtual properties, to be used with setAttribute. A setter may or may not have a corresponding getter method; consult the Methods list in this section.


Methods (3)

<method name="execute" args="d" />
public function execute(d : any);
Sends the command's onselect event.
<method name="keysToString" />
public function keysToString() : String;
This is a utility method that returns a string that describes the key combination that causes this command to be invoked.
<method name="setKeys" args="k" />
public function setKeys(k);
This registers the given key array so that the command is executed when the key array is pressed.

Events (1)

<attribute name="onselect" />
public event onselect;
If the command is active, this event is sent when the keys array are pressed simultaneously.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="LzCommand" extends=" LzNode ">
  <attribute name=" active " type="boolean" />
  <attribute name=" keys " type="[String]" />
  <method name=" execute " args="d" />
  <method name=" keysToString " />
  <event name=" onselect " />
  <method name=" setKeys " args="k" />

JavaScript Synopsis

public LzCommand extends  LzNode  {
  public var active  : Boolean = true;
  public var keys  : [String];
  prototype public function execute (d : any);
  prototype public function keysToString () : String;
  prototype public event onselect ;
  prototype public function setKeys (k);