
connection (LzConnection) (as2) — A connection manager to create a persistent connection and an authenticated session.


LZX: connection
JavaScript: LzConnection
Type: Class
Access: public
Runtimes: as2
Topic: LFC.Data
Declared in: WEB-INF/lps/lfc/data/platform/swf/LzConnection.lzs


The connection tag instantiates a connection manager object that handles asynchronous messages sent from the OpenLaszlo Server. Use the the LzConnection.connect method to establish a persistent connection and disconnect to close it down.

Example 3. Connection example

 <canvas debug="true" height="200">
   <debug y="60"/>
   <connection authenticator="anonymous">
     <handler name="onconnect">
     <handler name="ondisconnect">
       Debug.write('client disconnected');
     <simplelayout axis="x" spacing="5"/>
       <handler name="onclick">
       <handler name="onclick">

You can optionally use the clientDisconnect method to close down only the client-side connection. The server will drop its end of the connection when it next becomes aware that the connection has been dropped.

The previous example declares connection with authenticator="anonymous", which tells the connection manager that no authentication should be used to handle the persistent connection. Normally, the connection manager will tell the OpenLaszlo Server to verify that your connection is authenticated with a back-end authentication server before allowing the persistent connection, which is done through a session cookie. The default authentication server it uses is the AuthenticationServlet bundled with the OpenLaszlo Server. The set of usernames that server uses is located in lps/config/lzusers.xml. To session and unsession your application, use the connection's login and logout methods.

The next example demonstrates how to login with the username adam. Note that you will be allowed to connect only after logging in.

Example 4. Session Example

 <canvas debug="true" height="200">
   <debug y="60"/>
     <handler name="onconnect">
       Debug.write('connected as ' + connection.getUsername()); 
     <handler name="ondisconnect">
       Debug.write('client disconnected');
   <datapointer xpath="connection:loginDset:/login[1]/authentication[1]/response[1]/status[1]">
     <handler name="ondata">
       var statusMessage = this.xpathQuery('@msg');
       Debug.write('login: ' + statusMessage);
     <handler name="onerror">
       Debug.write('login resulted in error');
     <handler name="ontimeout">
       Debug.write('login timed out');
   <datapointer xpath="connection:logoutDset:/logout[1]/authentication[1]/response[1]/status[1]">
     <handler name="ondata">
       var statusMessage = this.xpathQuery('@msg');
       Debug.write('logout: ' + statusMessage);
     <handler name="onerror">
       Debug.write('logout resulted in error');
     <handler name="ontimeout">
       Debug.write('logout timed out');
     <simplelayout axis="x" spacing="5"/>
       <handler name="onclick">
         canvas.connection.login('adam', 'adam');
       <handler name="onclick">
     <simplelayout axis="x" spacing="5"/>
       <handler name="onclick">
       <handler name="onclick">

Once a connection is established, clients can send and receive messages using the connectiondatasource tag.

Sample Apps

Sample applications that use the connection tag are:

Development Note

LzConnection multiplexes all incoming data from a persistent connection into a connection datasource's dataset (see LzConnectionDatasource).

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » datasource (LzDatasource) » datasource (LzHTTPDatasource) » connection (LzConnection)

Known Subclasses


Initial Attributes (7)

Initial Attributes are given as attributes in LZX but are not generally available as properties in JavaScript.

<attribute name="authenticator" />
<attribute name="authparam" />
<attribute name="group" />
<attribute name="heartbeat" type="number" />
min is 1000ms
<attribute name="secure" />
<attribute name="secureport" />
<attribute name="timeout" type="number" />
min is 1000ms

Properties (1)

<method name="LzAgent" />
private function LzAgent();
LzAgent is a placeholder to silence warnings about undefined classes -- the tag is permitted in a connection but only used on the server side

Setters (1)

Setters for virtual properties, to be used with setAttribute. A setter may or may not have a corresponding getter method; consult the Methods list in this section.


Methods (32)

<method name="clientDisconnect" />
public function clientDisconnect();
Disconnect connection, but don't notify server. See disconnect().
<method name="connect" />
public function connect();
Establish a connection. An application typically must be sessioned before calling this method.
<method name="construct" args="parent, args" />
private function construct(parent, args);
<method name="disconnect" />
public function disconnect();
Disconnect connection. This also notifies the server to disconnect the application. The results from asking the server to disconnect are returned in the connection's disconnectDset. See clientDisconnect().
<method name="doRequest" args="dset" />
private function doRequest(dset : LzDataset);
Called by datasets
<method name="getAuthParam" />
public function getAuthParam() : String;
Get parameters for authenticator.
<method name="getLoaderForDataset" args="forset, proxied" />
public function getLoaderForDataset(forset, proxied);
<method name="getNewLoader" args="proxied" />
private function getNewLoader(proxied) : LzLoader;
This is a helper method to create a loader for the dataset.
<method name="getSID" />
public function getSID() : String;
Get connection's session id.
<method name="getUsername" />
public function getUsername() : String;
Get connection's username.
<method name="init" />
private function init();
<method name="login" args="usr, pwd" />
public function login(usr : String, pwd : String);
Authenticate and session the application. The results from this call are returned in the connection's loginDset.
<method name="logout" />
public function logout();
De-authenticate and unsession the application. The results from this call are returned in the connection's logoutDset.
<method name="__LZconnect" args="type" />
private function __LZconnect(type);
<method name="__LZdisconnect" />
private function __LZdisconnect();
Close down the connection.
<method name="__LZgetList" args="users, result" />
private function __LZgetList(users : String, result : LzDataset);
Verify which users are connected. Result returned in LzConnection.getListDset dataset.
<method name="__LZgotData" args="data" />
private function __LZgotData(data);
This function makes sure the connection message gets delivered to the right dataset.
<method name="__LZgotError" args="error" />
private function __LZgotError(error);
Return error response.
<method name="__LZgotTimeout" />
private function __LZgotTimeout();
<method name="__LZreconnect" />
private function __LZreconnect();
<method name="__LZreconnect1" />
private function __LZreconnect1();
<method name="__LZregisterDatasource" args="dsrc" />
private function __LZregisterDatasource(dsrc);
<method name="__LZsendAgentXML" args="to, xml, result" />
private function __LZsendAgentXML(to : String, xml : String, result : LzDataset);
Send arbitrary XML to agents only (no users). Result returned in LzConnection.sendXMLDset.
<method name="__LZsendEvent" args="event, obj" />
private function __LZsendEvent(event, obj);
<method name="__LZsendMessage" args="to, mesg, dest, result" />
private function __LZsendMessage(to : String, mesg : String, dest : String, result : LzDataset);
Send a message. The format of the message sent looks like: <from></from> message The results are returned in the connection's sendMessageDset dataset.
<method name="__LZsendUserXML" args="to, xml, dest, result" />
private function __LZsendUserXML(to : String, xml : String, dest : String, result : LzDataset);
Send arbitrary XML to users only (no agents). Result returned in LzConnection.sendXMLDset.
<method name="__LZsendXML" args="to, xml, dest, result" />
private function __LZsendXML(to : String, xml : String, dest : String, result : LzDataset);
Send arbitrary XML. Result returned in LzConnection.sendXMLDset.
<method name="__LZunloadConnection" />
private function __LZunloadConnection();
<method name="__LZunloadConnection1" />
private function __LZunloadConnection1();
<method name="processRawData" args="dset, data" />
private function processRawData(dset, data);
Called by datasets.
<method name="setAuthParam" args="authparam" />
public function setAuthParam(authparam : String);
Set paramaters for server authenticator.
<method name="toString" />
private function toString();

LZX Synopsis

<class name="LzConnection" extends=" LzHTTPDatasource ">
  <method name=" LzAgent " />
  <method name=" clientDisconnect " />
  <method name=" connect " />
  <method name=" construct " args="parent, args" />
  <method name=" disconnect " />
  <method name=" doRequest " args="dset" />
  <method name=" getAuthParam " />
  <method name=" getLoaderForDataset " args="forset, proxied" />
  <method name=" getNewLoader " args="proxied" />
  <method name=" getSID " />
  <method name=" getUsername " />
  <method name=" init " />
  <method name=" login " args="usr, pwd" />
  <method name=" logout " />
  <method name=" __LZconnect " args="type" />
  <method name=" __LZdisconnect " />
  <method name=" __LZgetList " args="users, result" />
  <method name=" __LZgotData " args="data" />
  <method name=" __LZgotError " args="error" />
  <method name=" __LZgotTimeout " />
  <method name=" __LZreconnect " />
  <method name=" __LZreconnect1 " />
  <method name=" __LZregisterDatasource " args="dsrc" />
  <method name=" __LZsendAgentXML " args="to, xml, result" />
  <method name=" __LZsendEvent " args="event, obj" />
  <method name=" __LZsendMessage " args="to, mesg, dest, result" />
  <method name=" __LZsendUserXML " args="to, xml, dest, result" />
  <method name=" __LZsendXML " args="to, xml, dest, result" />
  <method name=" __LZunloadConnection " />
  <method name=" __LZunloadConnection1 " />
  <method name=" processRawData " args="dset, data" />
  <method name=" setAuthParam " args="authparam" />
  <method name=" toString " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public LzConnection extends  LzHTTPDatasource  {
  private function LzAgent ();
  prototype public function clientDisconnect ();
  prototype public function connect ();
  prototype private function construct (parent, args);
  prototype public function disconnect ();
  prototype private function doRequest (dset : LzDataset);
  prototype public function getAuthParam () : String;
  prototype public function getLoaderForDataset (forset, proxied);
  prototype private function getNewLoader (proxied) : LzLoader;
  prototype public function getSID () : String;
  prototype public function getUsername () : String;
  prototype private function init ();
  prototype public function login (usr : String, pwd : String);
  prototype public function logout ();
  prototype private function __LZconnect (type);
  prototype private function __LZdisconnect ();
  prototype private function __LZgetList (users : String, result : LzDataset);
  prototype private function __LZgotData (data);
  prototype private function __LZgotError (error);
  prototype private function __LZgotTimeout ();
  prototype private function __LZreconnect ();
  prototype private function __LZreconnect1 ();
  prototype private function __LZregisterDatasource (dsrc);
  prototype private function __LZsendAgentXML (to : String, xml : String, result : LzDataset);
  prototype private function __LZsendEvent (event, obj);
  prototype private function __LZsendMessage (to : String, mesg : String, dest : String, result : LzDataset);
  prototype private function __LZsendUserXML (to : String, xml : String, dest : String, result : LzDataset);
  prototype private function __LZsendXML (to : String, xml : String, dest : String, result : LzDataset);
  prototype private function __LZunloadConnection ();
  prototype private function __LZunloadConnection1 ();
  prototype private function processRawData (dset, data);
  prototype public function setAuthParam (authparam : String);
  prototype private function toString ();