Part IV. Fundamental Concepts

Table of Contents

15. Program Structure
1. The canvas tag
2. The <include> tag for compiled-in libraries
3. The <library> tag
4. The <import> tag for runtime includes
5. Deleting Imported Libraries
6. Conditional Compilation of Runtime-Dependent code
7. Debugging
8. Resources, Fonts, and Datasources
9. Accessibility
16. Getting More from Components
1. Customizing components
2. Data-backed versus instance components
3. Building your own components
17. Layout and Design
1. Declarative positioning of views using layouts
2. Horizontal and Vertical Boxes
3. Variations on Layout
4. Design considerations in LZX programs
5. Scripting and Layouts
6. Animating layout
7. Writing Custom Layouts
18. Media Resources
1. Overview
2. Supported media types
3. Views and resources
4. Multi-frame resources
5. Resource loading
6. Using the <image> tag
19. Cascading Style Sheets
1. Overview
2. Simple Views
3. Selectors
4. A Nested View
5. Dynamically-Created Views
6. Specificity
7. Importing an external stylesheet
20. Color
1. Overview
2. RGB or Red, Green, Blue
3. Hexadecimal Code
4. When Red Isn't Red
21. Text Views
1. Summary of properties
2. The <text> View
3. The <inputtext> View
22. Rich Text
1. Overview
2. Directly including rich text markup
3. Procedurally modifying text
23. Fonts
1. What is a font?
2. OpenLaszlo "pseudo-pixel" fonts
3. Syntax
4. Using fonts
5. Font Metrics
6. DHTML Font design considerations
7. Runtime Font APIs
8. Performance considerations
24. Animation
1. Introduction
2. Absolute vs. relative animation
3. Using the from attribute
4. Using the motion attribute
5. Tags vs Script
6. Using the indirect attribute
7. Animator Groups
8. Animating Layout
9. Everything Animates