Chapter 42. Cookies and Sessions

Table of Contents

1. Using cookies
2. Proxying request and response headers
3. Lifecycle of a data request
4. Things to consider when deploying sessioned applications
5. Getting at cookies from LZX
6. Using cookies to recover state

1. Using cookies

Because HTTP is stateless, each request to the server is seen as an independent visit by an anonymous client. Cookies are used to maintain session state by uniquely identifying clients between requests. Servers can then use the session to save application data, track users, deliver personalized information, etc. Cookies are received by HTTP servers through the Cookie request header and set using the Set-Cookie response header.

For security reasons, only cookies for a requested domain are sent up to the server. A great reference for cookie information is the Unofficial Cookie FAQ at

2. Proxying request and response headers

The OpenLaszlo Server proxies client request headers and backend server response headers. Because clients always talk to the server, only headers in the OpenLaszlo Server domain will be sent. If a client makes a request to a server that has a different domain than the servere, incorrect headers will be forwarded.

For example, assume your OpenLaszlo Server is hosted in the domain. If your application makes a request to a server that lives in, then the right headers will be sent. If the server is hosted in, then the client's headers will be incorrectly proxied.

3. Lifecycle of a data request

As previously mentioned, all http data requests have to go through the OpenLaszlo Server. When the server receives a request, it proxies the request headers (like the Cookie header, if found) and makes a request to the destination server on behalf of the application. When the backend data is returned, the server proxies the response headers (like the Set-Cookie header, if found) and compiles the XML into bytecode. Once the bytecode is ready, it is sent down to the application.

Figure 42.1. Data request lifecycle

Data request lifecycle

4. Things to consider when deploying sessioned applications

Things to keep in mind when building sessioned OpenLaszlo apps:

  • Make sure your authentication server's host has the same domain as your OpenLaszlo Server

  • Because your OpenLaszlo application lives in the Flash runtime, there's no way to directly access your browser's cookies. A trick you can use is to make a data request to a JSP (or server) that responds with the cookie embedded in body of the response. See the next section for an example of how to do this.

5. Getting at cookies from LZX

This section demonstrates how an OpenLaszlo application can get at its cookie by calling a JSP. The JSP will parse and display the cookie value from the application and return the data to the application as XML. The application will then display the information using a text datapath.

<canvas width="500" height="200">

    <dataset name="request" type="http" src="cookie.jsp" request="true" />

    <view x="20" y="20" layout="spacing: 5" >
        <text><b>cookie: </b></text>
        <text resize="true" selectable="true" multiline="true" width="450" 
              datapath="request:/cookie[1]/text()" />


The LZX expects the format of the returned XML to look like:


Copy the LZX code and save it in a file called cookie.lzx. Make sure you can access this file using your OpenLaszlo Server. Before you run it, you'll need to create the JSP.

Take the following JSP code and drop it in a web application directory that you can access by URL. Make sure the LZX code's dataset is pointing to this URL, that is, replace the src value with your URL.

Example 42.1. jsp code for generating cookie

<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>


    Enumeration headers = request.getHeaderNames();
    if (headers != null) {
        while (headers.hasMoreElements()) {
            String h = (String)headers.nextElement();
            if (h.equalsIgnoreCase("Cookie")) {

6. Using cookies to recover state

The following example shows an LZX program that uses a java sever page (JSP) to set and store a cookie. (The jsp program is shown below.)

Example 42.2. combobox that creates cookie

<canvas height="100" >

    <!-- dataset to set cookie with -->
    <dataset name="dsSetCookie" type="http" src="../cookie.jsp" />

    <!-- Set previous set item during start -->
    <dataset name="dsGetCookie" type="http" src="../cookie.jsp" 
             querystring="name=mycookie&amp;op=get" request="true" />
    <datapointer name="dpCookie" xpath="dsGetCookie:/info[1]/data[1]/item[1]/text()">
        <handler name="ondata" args="d">
            if (d != '') cbox1.selectItem(d);

    <!-- combobox items -->
    <dataset name="items">
        <item value="item1" >item one</item>
        <item value="item2" >item two</item>
        <item value="item3" >item three</item>
        <item value="item4" >item four</item>

    <combobox id="cbox1" x="20" y="20" width="130" defaulttext="choose one...">
        <textlistitem datapath="items:/item/" text="$path{'text()'}"
            <!-- when item is selected, save choice in cookie by calling JSP -->
            <handler name="onclick">
                dsSetCookie.setQueryString("name=mycookie&op=set&item=" + this.value);

Example 42.3. cookie.jsp

<%@ page import="java.util.*,*" contentType="text/xml" %>
 * Get cookie to store information.
 * @param name: name of cookie
 * @param cookies: client cookies
Cookie getCookie(String name, Cookie[] cookies) {

    if (cookies != null) {
        for (int i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) { 
            Cookie cookie = cookies[i];
            if (cookie.getName().equals(name)) {
                return cookie;

    return new Cookie(name, "");

void showCookie(JspWriter out, Cookie cookie) throws IOException {
    Map map = getCookieValues(cookie);    
    Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
        String k = (String)e.getKey();
        out.println("<" + k + ">" + (String)e.getValue() + "</" + k + ">\n");

Map getCookieValues(Cookie cookie) throws IOException{
    // saved as key1=val1&key2=val2&...
    String str = cookie.getValue();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cookie.getValue(), "&");
    Map map = new HashMap();
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String pair = st.nextToken();
        int index = pair.indexOf('=');
        if (index == -1 || index == 0) continue;
        String k = pair.substring(0, index);
        String v = pair.substring(index+1);
        map.put(k, v);
    return map;

 * Copy parameter key/value pairs into cookie. Skips "op" and "name" parameters.
void setValues(JspWriter out, Cookie cookie, Map params) throws IOException{

    Iterator iter = params.entrySet().iterator();
    Map cookieValues = getCookieValues(cookie);
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
        String k = (String)e.getKey();

        // skip op and name
        if (k.equals("op") || k.equals("name")) continue;

        String[] values = (String[])e.getValue();
        cookieValues.put(k, values[0]);

    String newvalue = "";
    iter = cookieValues.entrySet().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
        String k = (String)e.getKey();
        String v = (String)e.getValue();
        newvalue += k + "=" + v + "&";



    // operation
    String op = request.getParameter("op");
    if ( op == null || op.equals("") ) {
        out.println("<status>error</status>\n<message>op: null or empty</message>\n");

    // name of cookie
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    if (name == null || name.equals("") ) {
        out.println("<status>error</status>\n<message>name: null or empty</message>\n");

    Cookie cookie = getCookie(name, request.getCookies());
    if ( op.equals("get") ) {
        showCookie(out, cookie);
    } else if ( op.equals("set") ) {
        setValues(out, cookie, request.getParameterMap());
        showCookie(out, cookie);
    } else {
        out.println("<status>error</status>\n<message>no such op: " + op + "</message>\n");