Part XII. Development Methodology

Table of Contents

48. Understanding Compilation
1. Overview
2. The Command Line Compiler
3. Compiler Errors and Warnings
4. Compiler Directives
49. Editing
1. Overview
2. XML Schema
3. Eclipse
4. GNU Emacs
5. VIM
6. Developing OpenLaszlo Applications with IntelliJ
50. Debugging
1. Using the OpenLaszlo Debugger
2. Configuring the Debugger
3. Logging to the Server
4. Formatting Output
5. Monitoring object properties
6. Tracing and Backtracing
7. Finding "memory leaks"
8. Debugging in DHTML
51. Unit Testing
1. Overview
2. Including the lzunit component
3. Writing test cases
4. Advanced techniques
5. Chaining tests