Part V. In Depth

Table of Contents

25. Proxied and SOLO Applications
1. Review of deployment modes
2. Proxied or SOLO? Your call
3. Workflow
4. Examples
5. Moving from Proxied Development to SOLO Deployment
6. Creating your own Proxy
1. Fundamental Properties
2. The View Coordinate system
3. Positioning of Views
4. View Hierarchy
5. Views and Nodes
6. How views are built
7. Distinguishing features of OpenLaszlo's Coordinate System
27. Constraints
1. Constraints defined
2. Syntax for creating and removing constraints
3. Constraints in action
4. Events and Dependencies
5. Multiple Dependencies
6. Circular Constraints
7. Performance Considerations
8. Constraints and Functions
28. Classes
1. Overview
2. Summary of Class syntax
3. Constraints in class definitions
4. Creating objects from script
5. A Prototype-based language
29. Methods, Events, Handlers, and Attributes
1. Overview
2. Methods
3. Events
4. Event Handlers
5. Attributes
6. The <attribute> tag
30. Delegates
1. Overview
2. Delegates and Memory Management
3. Using a LzTimer to show the passage of time
4. Using LzDelegate to determine initialization of the last replicated view
5. Delegates as attributes
6. Delegates in relation to other languages
31. Input Devices and Gestures
1. Overview
2. The Mouse
3. Tracking the Mouse
4. "View Source" right click menu item
5. Keyboard Input
32. States
1. Overview
2. States vs Procedures
33. Extending Classes
1. Overview
2. Overriding methods, handlers and attributes
3. Classroot
4. Declared text
5. Font inheritance
6. Instantiating classes through script
7. Class Names and Tag Names
8. Using LZX classes
9. Glossary
34. Designing Custom Components
1. Base components and LZ components
2. Deciding what base component to subclass
3. Writing the slider component
35. Browser Integration
1. Using the Developer Console
2. A model of Browser/LZX application interaction
3. The Lz Class
4. Placing the LZX application in the HTML page
5. Integrating with Frames
6. Passing startup Data to Embedded Applications
7. Supporting Multiple Resolutions
8. Using the browser's "back" button
9. Scaling OpenLaszlo Applications to Browser Dimensions
10. Browser Limitations