Chapter 34. Designing Custom Components

Table of Contents

1. Base components and LZ components
2. Deciding what base component to subclass
2.1. Basecomponent
2.2. Basevaluecomponent
2.3. Baseformitem
2.4. Baselistitem
2.5. Baselist
2.6. basefloatinglist
3. Writing the slider component
3.1. Design
3.2. The base classes
3.3. The lz (visual) classes
3.4. Using the slider

A component is a reusable class that is typically simple and easy to use. Examples of a few components that ship with OpenLaszlo are button, window, and tabslider. The standard OpenLaszlo components can be found in the lps/components directory.

This chapter assumes you know how to use the OpenLaszlo components, have a good understanding of OpenLaszlo classes, know how to include resources, and are well-versed in LZX.

1. Base components and LZ components

There are two types of standard components: base components and lz components. Base components are generally non-visual, abstract classes. Lz components are visual classes that ship with art assets and maintain a particular look and feel.

This division in classes exists so that you can create a subclass that has complete control over the look and feel of the component, yet still leverage common behavior. Occasionally you will want to define views and interaction behavior that is inherited. For example: the windowpanel class is extended by window, alert and modal dialog.

An lz component should be subclassed if the look and feel matches the custom component desired. Minor changes to methods and adding new views should be straightforward. For example: you would subclass lz classes, if you want a class for a frequently used icon button or a specific kind of listitem. Subclass a base component if you want a completely different look and feel or if the functionality is extensively different than what's available in the lz classes.

Ideally, when writing a complex custom component, it's best to implement as much of the non-visual behaviors as possible in a base class. Visible views and functions that are applied specifically to those views should go into an visual component class. While this can seem a lot of extra effort, it promotes base class reusability by allowing subclasses to create different looks while maintaining the same functionality. For examples, compare base/basebutton.lzx to lz/button.lzx and base/baselist.lzx to lz/list.lzx.

2. Deciding what base component to subclass

A big part of implementing a custom component is understanding how it's going to be used. Is it part of a list? Will it hold a value? This section describes how to decide which base class a custom component should use.

There are four basic types of base components:

  • basecomponent

  • basevaluecomponent

  • baseformitem

  • baselistitem

  • baselist

2.1. Basecomponent

basecomponent is the abstract class that all components subclass. basecomponent applies styles, defines an HTML text attribute, and handles focus events, to name a few basic features. See the source code in lps/components/base/basecomponent.lzx.

2.2. Basevaluecomponent

Subclasses of basevaluecomponent are known to have a value property. This is the value that the item instance represents. When the item is selected, the parent selection group's value will be set to this value. basevaluecomponent should be subclassed if the component has to represent a value. basevaluecomponent has a getValue() method that, if no value is set, it returns the class's text as its value. Hence, the value retrieved with the value attribute may be different from the value that getValue() returns. Because of this, most subclasses of basevaluecomponent require that getValue() is called instead of directly accessing the value attribute.

Example 34.1. Basevaluecomponent example

<canvas debug="true" height="260">
  <debug height="240"/>
  <include href="base/basevaluecomponent.lzx"/>

  <class name="myvaluecomponent" extends="basevaluecomponent">
    <handler name="oninit">
      Debug.write( + ' text: "' + this.text + '"');
      Debug.write( + ' value: "' + this.value + '"');
      Debug.write( + ' getValue(): "' + this.getValue() + '"');
  <!-- Text is inherited from basecomponent, the superclass of -->
  <!-- basevalue component.                                    -->
  <myvaluecomponent name="one" text="this is the text"/>

  <!-- Set the value this time. Note that value is an expression type. -->
  <!-- Have to use quotes to set a string value.                       -->
  <myvaluecomponent name="two" value="'this is the value'"/>

  <!-- Set both text and value. -->
  <myvaluecomponent name="three" text="this is the text" 
                    value="'this is the value'"/>

2.3. Baseformitem

baseformitem is a subclass of basevaluecomponent. Instances of baseformitem can have their value accessed and submitted using the <form> tag. Subclass baseformitem if the custom component needs to be accessed in a form. Examples of baseformitem: checkbox, radiogroup, combobox and <datacombobox> . Note that radiobutton is a basevalueitem not a baseformitem, because it contributes its value to a radiogroup, rather than to a form.

2.4. Baselistitem

Another subclass of basevaluecomponent is baselistitem. Instances of baselistitem are typically used within a baselist. When a baselistitem instance is selected, the parent of the instance (baselist/list) is informed of the selection. Subclass baselistitem if the custom component should be accessed in a list context. Examples of baseformitem: radiobutton, tabelement, listitem.

2.5. Baselist

baselist is a subclass of baseformitem. Typically a subclass of baselist will contribute its value to a form (like list and combobox, although baselist is also used by any component that manages any list of items, such as tabslider and tabs.

2.6. basefloatinglist

This implements the base class for lists that "float" above the application. Two kinds of floating lists that are derived from it ship with the OpenLaszlo platform: <floatinglist> and <plainfloatinglist> .

3. Writing the slider component

The slider will be used to demonstrate how to design and write a custom component. You can find the complete code in base/baseslider.lzx and lz/slider.lzx.

3.1. Design

First, we need to think about the different parts a slider consists of. To drag and adjust a slider a thumb button has to exist. A slider track is needed so it can contain the thumb that will ride on it. Finally, we need a container to hold the track. The container will be our slider component and will pass down attributes and styles for the track and the thumb.

The basic design of our slider will look like:

Figure 34.1. Basic design of custom slider

Basic design of custom slider

3.2. The base classes

3.2.1. Baseslider

The baseslider is the base component for slider. Framework

We'll start off by building our slider with the base (non-visual) class and extend basevaluecomponent, since a slider contains a value.

Example 34.2. Baseslider extends basevaluecomponent

<class name="baseslider" extends="basevaluecomponent">
</class> Attributes

An attribute for the size of the track and thumb will be needed.

Example 34.3. Basic baseslider attributes

<class name="baseslider" extends="basevaluecomponent" width="200">
  <attribute name="trackheight" value="8" type="number"/>
  <attribute name="thumbwidth" value="10" type="number"/>
  <attribute name="thumbheight" value="18" type="number"/>

The track will constrain its width to the baseslider's width and its height to trackheight. The thumb will constrain its width and height to the baseslider's thumbwidth and thumbheight, respectively.

Other values that a slider will need to include:


The minimum value of the slider.


the maximum value of the slider.


Boolean to show a filled area in the slider's track.


Boolean to show a floating value text on top of the thumb when the user drags.


Boolean to show the bounding min and max value range.

Example 34.4. More baseslider attributes

<class name="baseslider" extends="basevaluecomponent" width="200">
  <attribute name="trackheight" value="8" type="number"/>
  <attribute name="thumbwidth" value="10" type="number"/>
  <attribute name="thumbheight" value="18" type="number"/>

  <attribute name="minvalue" value="0" type="number"/>
  <attribute name="maxvalue" value="100" type="number"/>
  <attribute name="showfill" value="true"/>
  <attribute name="showvalue" value="true" type="boolean"/>
  <attribute name="showrange" value="true" type="boolean"/>
</class> Methods

The slider will need to provide APIs to set and get the value as a percentage of the range.

Example 34.5. Percentage APIs

<class name="baseslider" extends="basevaluecomponent" width="200">
  <!-- attributes begin here -->
  <!-- ...                   -->
  <!-- attributes end here   -->

  <!--- Sets the value for the slider that must be within min and max.
        @param Number v: a number between the minimum and maximum value
        for the slider. -->
  <method name="setValue" args="v">
    if (this.value == v) return;
    // ensure in bounds
    v = math.max(v,this.minValue);
    v = math.min(v,this.maxValue);
    this.value = v;
    if (onvalue) onvalue.sendEvent();
    if (!isinited) return;

  <!--- Set the value by percentage of range from min to max.
        @param Number p: a percentage between the min and the max. -->
  <method name="setPercentage" args="p">
    var diff = this.minValue-this.maxValue;
    setValue( diff*p + this.minValue );

  <!--- Get the percentage of the range selected by the value.
        @return Number: the percentage selected. -->
  <method name="getPercentage">
    return (this.value-this.minValue) / (this.maxValue-this.minValue);

  <!--- adjusts the thumb location
        @keywords private -->
  <method name="_adjustThumb">
    var perc = getPercentage();
    var x = Math.round( (this.width-track.thumb.width)*perc );

The _adjustThumb() method is called whenever the value of the slider, or the percentage of the slider, changes. This is so the thumb maintains a correct position relative to the slider's range. baseslider assumes its subclasses will contain a track node called track that contains a thumb node called thumb.

Note that _adjustThumb() begins with an underscore. This naming convention indicates that the method or attribute should be considered private to the user of the component. The value attribute is inherited from basevaluecomponent. Events

Now the slider needs a set of APIs to get and set its min and max values. Components can declare events by adding a prefix of "on" with a type of expression. For example, the event name used when the width changes is onwidth. Initialize the event attributes to null. Undeclared events will display a debugger warning.

Example 34.6. Min/max value APIs and events

<class name="baseslider" extends="basevaluecomponent" width="200">
  <!-- attributes begin here -->
  <!-- ...                   -->
  <!-- Event handler when minvalue changes. --> 
  <attribute name="onminvalue" value="null" type="expression"/>
  <!-- Event handler when maxvalue changes. --> 
  <attribute name="onmaxvalue" value="null" type="expression"/>

  <!-- attributes end here   -->

  <method name="setValue" args="v">
    // setValue body

  <method name="setPercentage" args="p">
    // setPercentage body

  <method name="getPercentage">
    // getPercentage body

  <method name="_adjustThumb">
    // _adjustThumb body

  <!--- Get the minimum value of the slider.
        @return Number: the minimum value. -->
  <method name="getMinValue">
    return this.minValue;
  <!--- Get the maximum value of the slider.
        @return Number: the maximum value. -->
  <method name="getMaxValue">
    return this.maxValue;

  <!--- Set the minimum value.
        @param Number v: the minimum value. -->
  <method name="setMinValue" args="v">
    if (this.minValue == v) return;
    this.minValue = v;
    if (this.onminvalue) this.onminvalue.sendEvent();
    // adjust value
    if (this.minValue > this.value) this.setAttribute("value",v);

  <!--- Set the maximum value.
        @param Number v: the maximum value. -->
  <method name="setMaxValue" args="v">
    if (this.maxValue == v) return;
    this.maxValue = v;
    if (this.onmaxvalue) this.onmaxvalue.sendEvent();
    // adjust value
    if (this.value > v) this.setAttribute("value",v);

This code structure is common when sending events:

Example 34.7. Sending events

    if (this.onmaxvalue) this.onmaxvalue.sendEvent();

It only sends the event if the user of the component defines it like:

Example 34.8. Defining events in the slider

<slider onminvalue="Debug.write('minvalue:', this.minvalue)"
        onmaxvalue="Debug.write('maxvalue:', this.maxvalue)"/> init() vs. oninit

The slider needs to set the position of the its thumb during initialization. Setting the value doesn't position the thumb in the correct location so we do this in the init() method.

Example 34.9. Min/max value APIs and events

<class name="baseslider" extends="basevaluecomponent" width="200">
  <!-- attributes begin here -->
  <!-- ...                   -->
  <!-- attributes end here   -->

  <method name="init">
    // have to adjust thumb once at start 

  <!-- methods begin here -->
  <!-- ...                -->
  <!-- methods end here   -->

When writing a component, it's recommended that init() is used over handling the oninit event. The reason is that the order in which oninit gets called is undefined, whereas init() is well-defined because it gets called synchronously. By writing the component using init(), any user of the component may define oninit code which is guaranteed to be called after the component's init code. When using init(), be sure to call super.init() in the body or the class may not initialize correctly.

3.2.2. Baseslidertrack

The slider track contains the thumb. The visual aspect of the track will be discussed later. An instance of baseslidertrack expects to be contained in a baseslider and sets its class parent's track attribute to itself.

Example 34.10. Baseslidertrack

<!--- Baseslidertrack expects to be within a baseslider (or its
    subclass). In other words, its "classroot" should be a slider. -->
<class name="baseslidertrack" width="100%" bgcolor="0x333333" 
  <method name="init">
    classroot.track = this;

3.2.3. Basesliderthumb

The thumb is basically a draggable button that rides on top of a slider track. The slider track contains the thumb.

Example 34.11. Basesliderthumb

<!--- Basesliderthumb expects to be within a baseslidertrack (or its
    subclass). In other words, its "classroot" should be a
    slidertrack. -->
<class name="basesliderthumb" extends="button" focusable="false"

  <!--- Toggles the floating value text when dragging thumb. Constrain
        showvalue to baseslider's showvalue: parent is track,
        parent.parent is slider container. -->
  <attribute name="showvalue" value="${parent.parent.showvalue}"/>

  <!--- @keywords private -->
  <dragstate name="thedragstate" drag_axis="x">
    <text name="t"

  <!--- constrain to parents bounds, and adjust slider value when dragged
        @keywords private -->
  <method name="setX" args="x">
    var boundedx = x;
    if ( x > parent.getWidth()-getWidth() ) {
      var constrainX = parent.getWidth()-getWidth();
      boundedx = constrainX;
    } else
    if (parent.x > x) {
      boundedx =  parent.x;

    //update slider value
    var perc = ( (x) / (parent.parent.width-width) );
    var val = Math.round( ( (perc)*(parent.parent.maxValue-parent.parent.minValue) )
                          + parseInt(parent.parent.minValue) );
    //only adjust value if user is dragging or left or right key is pressed
    if (thedragstate.isapplied || 
      LzKeys.isKeyDown("leftarrow") || 
      LzKeys.isKeyDown("rightarrow") ) {

Technically speaking, basesliderthumb would not really be considered a base component because there's no way to override its visual look since it extends from button. By default, a basesliderthumb is keyboard focusable because it's a button. However, since it's really part of the baseslider component, the basesliderthumb has this attribute set to false.

Since basesliderthumb must be draggable, a dragstate is declared in its body. It's applied when the mouse is down and removed when the mouse is up.

The thumb assumes that it's contained in a baseslidertrack (parent), which in turn is contained in a baseslider (parent.parent). The thumb's showvalue is constrained to the baseslider's showvalue.

The setX() method sets the correct value for the slider and ensures that the thumb is placed within the bounds of its parents'.

3.3. The lz (visual) classes

Figure 34.2. Enlarged view of custom slider

Enlarged view of custom slider

3.3.1. Slider

The slider is a visual subclass of baseslider. Since it contains visual elements, this is where styles should be applied. The _applystyle() method sets the colors for the slider's track.

slider declares and contains an instance of baseslidertrack or its subclasses. baseslidertrack creates a reference to itself (in baseslider) during initialization.

If showrange is true, the min and max values will be shown on the left and right sides of the slider, respectively.

Example 34.12. Slider

<!--- a slider component allowing for easy selection of a value within a range -->
<class name="slider" extends="baseslider">

  <state apply="${classroot.showrange}">
      <text y="${classroot.track.y + classroot.track.height + 2}"
      <text y="${classroot.track.y + classroot.track.height + 2}" resize="true"

  <!--- @keywords private -->
  <method name="_applystyle" args="s">

3.3.2. Slidertrack

An instance of slidertrack has three views:


The background color of the track.


The background color of the filled track area.


An instance of basesliderthumb that is the draggable button of the track.

This class constrains its showfill attribute to its parent's (slider) showfill attribute.

Example 34.13. Slidertrack

<!--- the inner track on which the sliderthumb rides -->
<class name="slidertrack" extends="baseslidertrack">
  <!--- @keywords private -->
  <attribute name="showfill" value="${parent.showfill}" type="number"/>

  <view name="background" bgcolor="red"
  <!-- the filled area -->
  <view name="filled" bgcolor="0xff9933" opacity=".8" visible="${classroot.showfill}"

  <sliderthumb name="thumb"/>

3.3.3. Sliderthumb

Since basesliderthumb already contains a borrowed look and feel from button, sliderthumb can just extend itself from basesliderthumb. Alternatively, the slider track could've just declared basesliderthumb instead of sliderthumb.

Example 34.14. Sliderthumb

<!--- the visual thumb the user drags to select a value -->
<class name="sliderthumb" extends="basesliderthumb">

3.4. Using the slider

Examine base/baseslider and lz/slider.lzx for the complete code set.

The following example demonstrates how to use the slider component.

Example 34.15. Using slider

<canvas height="200">
  <include href="lz/slider.lzx"/>
  <slider x="50" y="50" value="30"/>