LPS Help: Application Viewer

The Application Viewer displays a Laszlo application in an HTML page together with commonly used development features. Tasks contains links that operate on the application.

Resources contains links to additional development resources.


Reload the application with the debug flag set. This is equivalent to adding a debug="true" attribute to the application's canvas element, except that it doesn't require editing the application's source. With the debug flag, the debugger window is shown within the application, and additional tests for program errors are performed during application execution.
HTML wrapper
View the HTML wrapper for the application. The HTML in this page can be copied into the page that will contain the application during deployment.
Reload the application. If any application sources have changed since the application was compiled, recompile it.
View source
Display the text of the application source file in a browser window.
Create a version of the application that starts up quickly. Clicking on this link will display the within a browser window, and then create an optimized version of the application and display a link to display it.

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