Installing OpenLaszlo Server

This page steps you through installing the OpenLaszlo server (formerly called Laszlo Presentation Server (LPS)) and verifying that it is installed properly by running a Laszlo application.


To run the LPS you must have the Java SDK (sometimes called the JDK, J2SDK, or J2SE SDK), not just the JRE, 1.4 or greater. It's available at:

Note: Mac OS X users do not have to install the SDK, as it is installed with OS X by default.

Mac OS X


To install the OpenLaszlo Server:


Linux Notes

On some installations of RedHat 7.2 Linux, you may need the XFree86-libs RPM from

In order to access JSP pages, you may need to copy $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/tools.jar to lps-4.0.3/Server/tomcat-5.0.24/common/lib.

Mac OS X

Package installation

If this fails, you should install the file manually:

Manual installation: