


LZX: basefloatinglist
JavaScript: basefloatinglist
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.Laszlo Components
Declared in: lps/components/lz/basefloatinglist.lzx

Superclass Chain

??? » basefloatinglist

Known Subclasses

Known Direct Subclasses: floatinglist, plainfloatinglist


Properties (3)

<attribute name="attach" type="string" value="bottom" />
public var attach : String;
Where this floatinglist should attach to its owner. Possible values: bottom, top, left, right. In the event of a canvas out-of-bounds, the floating list will attach in a visible location.
<attribute name="attachoffset" value="0" />
public var attachoffset;
The distance from the attachtarget.
<attribute name="attachtarget" value="null" />
public var attachtarget;
The view to which this floatinglist will attach. By default, this will be the lexical parent. The style of the attachtarget will be inherited.

Methods (2)

<method name="setAttachTarget" args="target" />
public function setAttachTarget(target : LzView);
Set the target to which the floating list will attach. Set the "attach" attribute for attachment location relative to this attach target. Our style will be inherited from this attachtarget.
<method name="updateAttachLocation" />
public function updateAttachLocation();
Adjusts the location of the floatinglist relative to its attachtarget, taking into account the attach location and the canvas bounds.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="basefloatinglist" extends="">
  <attribute name=" attach " type="string" value="bottom" />
  <attribute name=" attachoffset " value="0" />
  <attribute name=" attachtarget " value="null" />
  <method name=" setAttachTarget " args="target" />
  <method name=" updateAttachLocation " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public basefloatinglist extends  {
  public var attach  : String;
  public var attachoffset ;
  public var attachtarget ;
  prototype public function setAttachTarget (target : LzView);
  prototype public function updateAttachLocation ();