OpenNN start
Sergio Sanchez.
[email protected]
Artelnics - Making intelligent use of data

In this tutorial you'll learn how to start using OpenNN: Where can I find information about it? Where can I download the library? How can I get support and training? What are the main advantages of using OpenNN? What is the different between OpenNN and Neural Designer?

  1. What it does.
  2. Download.
  3. Documentation.
  4. OpenNN and Neural Designer.

1. What it does

OpenNN (Open Neural Networks Library) is a software library written in the C++ programming language which implements neural networks.

OpenNN implements data mining methods as a bundle of functions. These can be embedded in other software tools using an application programming interface (API) for the interaction between the software tool and the predictive analytics tasks. In this regard, a graphical user interface is missing but some functions can support the integration of specific visualization tools.

The main advantage of OpenNN is its high performance. This library outstands in terms of execution speed and memory allocation. It is constantly optimized and parallelized in order to maximize its efficiency.

2. Download

The library is open source, hosted at SourceForge and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

You can download OpenNN here

3. Documentation

OpenNN's documentation, tutorials, and guides are constantly evolving.

OpenNN also contains examples based on real world data sets, which allow you to use the source code correctly. These examples can be found in this link

4. OpenNN and Neural Designer

The differences between OpenNN and Neural Designer are easy to explain:

OpenNN provides an effective framework for the RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT of data mining and predictive analytics algorithms and applications. It's a software library therefore does not contains a user interface. The next picture shows OpenNN.

Neural Designer is a professional predictive analytics tool that USES OpenNN, which means that the neural engine of Neural Designer has been built using OpenNN. It's a software with a user interface, conceived for people that don't want to program code and are interested in modelling data through neural networks.The next picture shows Neural Designer.

OpenNN Copyright © 2014 Roberto Lopez (Artelnics)