OpenNN  2.2
Open Neural Networks Library
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OpenNN::IndependentParameters Class Reference

#include <independent_parameters.h>

Public Types

enum  ScalingMethod { NoScaling, MeanStandardDeviation, MinimumMaximum }
enum  BoundingMethod { NoBounding, Bounding }

Public Member Functions

 IndependentParameters (void)
 IndependentParameters (const size_t &)
 IndependentParameters (const IndependentParameters &)
virtual ~IndependentParameters (void)
IndependentParametersoperator= (const IndependentParameters &)
bool operator== (const IndependentParameters &) const
size_t get_parameters_number (void) const
const Vector< double > & get_parameters (void) const
double get_parameter (const size_t &) const
const Vector< std::string > & get_names (void) const
const std::string & get_name (const size_t &) const
const Vector< std::string > & get_units (void) const
const std::string & get_unit (const size_t &) const
const Vector< std::string > & get_descriptions (void) const
const std::string & get_description (const size_t &) const
const Vector< double > & get_minimums (void) const
double get_minimum (const size_t &) const
const Vector< double > & get_maximums (void) const
double get_maximum (const size_t &) const
const Vector< double > & get_means (void) const
double get_mean (const size_t &) const
const Vector< double > & get_standard_deviations (void) const
double get_standard_deviation (const size_t &) const
const ScalingMethodget_scaling_method (void) const
std::string write_scaling_method (void) const
const Vector< double > & get_lower_bounds (void) const
double get_lower_bound (const size_t &) const
const Vector< double > & get_upper_bounds (void) const
double get_upper_bound (const size_t &) const
Vector< Vector< double > * > get_bounds (void)
const BoundingMethodget_bounding_method (void) const
std::string write_bounding_method (void) const
const bool & get_display (void) const
void set (void)
void set (const size_t &)
void set (const Vector< double > &)
void set (const IndependentParameters &)
virtual void set_default (void)
void set_parameters_number (const size_t &)
void set_parameters (const Vector< double > &)
void set_parameter (const size_t &, const double &)
void set_names (const Vector< std::string > &)
void set_name (const size_t &, const std::string &)
void set_units (const Vector< std::string > &)
void set_unit (const size_t &, const std::string &)
void set_descriptions (const Vector< std::string > &)
void set_description (const size_t &, const std::string &)
void set_minimums (const Vector< double > &)
void set_minimum (const size_t &, const double &)
void set_maximums (const Vector< double > &)
void set_maximum (const size_t &, const double &)
void set_means (const Vector< double > &)
void set_mean (const size_t &, const double &)
void set_standard_deviations (const Vector< double > &)
void set_standard_deviation (const size_t &, const double &)
void set_scaling_method (const ScalingMethod &)
void set_scaling_method (const std::string &)
void set_lower_bounds (void)
void set_lower_bounds (const Vector< double > &)
void set_lower_bound (const size_t &, const double &)
void set_upper_bounds (void)
void set_upper_bounds (const Vector< double > &)
void set_upper_bound (const size_t &, const double &)
void set_bounds (void)
void set_bounds (const Vector< Vector< double > > &)
void set_bounding_method (const BoundingMethod &)
void set_bounding_method (const std::string &)
void set_display (const bool &)
bool is_empty (void) const
void initialize_random (void)
void initialize_parameters (const double &)
void randomize_parameters_uniform (void)
void randomize_parameters_uniform (const double &, const double &)
void randomize_parameters_uniform (const Vector< double > &, const Vector< double > &)
void randomize_parameters_uniform (const Vector< Vector< double > > &)
void randomize_parameters_normal (void)
void randomize_parameters_normal (const double &, const double &)
void randomize_parameters_normal (const Vector< double > &, const Vector< double > &)
void randomize_parameters_normal (const Vector< Vector< double > > &)
Vector< double > calculate_scaled_parameters (void) const
void unscale_parameters (const Vector< double > &)
void bound_parameters (void)
void bound_parameter (const size_t &)
Vector< Vector< std::string > > arrange_information (void)
Vector< Vector< double > > arrange_statistics (void)
Vector< Vector< double > > arrange_minimums_maximums (void)
Vector< Vector< double > > arrange_means_standard_deviations (void)
void set_statistics (const Vector< Vector< double > > &)
void set_minimums_maximums (const Vector< Vector< double > > &)
void set_means_standard_deviations (const Vector< Vector< double > > &)
std::string to_string (void) const
tinyxml2::XMLDocument * to_XML (void) const
void from_XML (const tinyxml2::XMLDocument &)

Protected Attributes

Vector< double > parameters
Vector< std::string > names
Vector< std::string > units
Vector< std::string > descriptions
Vector< double > minimums
Vector< double > maximums
Vector< double > means
Vector< double > standard_deviations
Vector< double > lower_bounds
Vector< double > upper_bounds
ScalingMethod scaling_method
BoundingMethod bounding_method
bool display_range_warning
bool display

Detailed Description

This class represents the concept of independent parameters. Independent parameters are set of free parameters which do not belong to any class of neuron. They can be used for many different purposes, including a turn around for function optimization problems.

Definition at line 43 of file independent_parameters.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OpenNN::IndependentParameters::IndependentParameters ( void  )

Default constructor. It creates a independent parameters object with zero parameters. This constructor also initializes the members of the object to their default values.

Definition at line 27 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

OpenNN::IndependentParameters::IndependentParameters ( const size_t &  new_parameters_number)

Independent parameters constructor. It creates a independent parameters object with a given number of parameters. The independent parameters are initialized at random. This constructor also initializes the rest of class members to their default values.

new_parameters_numberNumber of independent parameters.

Definition at line 41 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

OpenNN::IndependentParameters::IndependentParameters ( const IndependentParameters other_independent_parameters)

Copy constructor. It creates a copy of an existing independent parameters object.

other_independent_parametersIndependent parameterse object to be copied.

Definition at line 54 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

OpenNN::IndependentParameters::~IndependentParameters ( void  )

Destructor. This destructor does not delete any pointer.

Definition at line 65 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Vector< Vector< std::string > > OpenNN::IndependentParameters::arrange_information ( void  )

Returns all the available information about the independent parameters. The format is a vector of subvectors of size three:

  • Names of independent parameters.
  • Units of independent parameters.
  • Descriptions of independent parameters.

Definition at line 311 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

Vector< Vector< double > > OpenNN::IndependentParameters::arrange_means_standard_deviations ( void  )

Returns the mean and the standard deviation values of all the independent parameters in a single matrix. The first row contains the mean values of the independent parameters. The second row contains the standard deviation values of the independent parameters. Such values are to be used for scaling and unscaling independent parameters with the mean and standard deviation method.

Definition at line 518 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

Vector< Vector< double > > OpenNN::IndependentParameters::arrange_minimums_maximums ( void  )

Returns the minimum and maximum values of all the independent parameters. The format is a vector of two pointers to real vectors. The first element contains the minimum values of the independent parameters. The second element contains the maximum values of the independent parameters. Such values are to be used for scaling and unscaling independent parameters with the minimum and maximum method.

Definition at line 500 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

Vector< Vector< double > > OpenNN::IndependentParameters::arrange_statistics ( void  )

Returns a vector of vectors with the basic statistics of the independent parameters (mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum).

Definition at line 534 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::bound_parameter ( const size_t &  index)

Makes a single independent parameter to fall in the range defined by its lower and the upper bounds.

indexIndex of independent parameters.

Definition at line 2356 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

Vector< double > OpenNN::IndependentParameters::calculate_scaled_parameters ( void  ) const

Preprocesses the independendent parameters according to their scaling and unscaling method. This form of scaling is used prior when getting the vector of parameters.

Definition at line 2160 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::from_XML ( const tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  document)

Deserializes a TinyXML document into this independent parameters object.

documentTinyXML document containing the member data.

Definition at line 2626 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

Vector< Vector< double > * > OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_bounds ( void  )

Returns the lower and upper bounds of all the independent parameters. The format is a vector of two pointers to real vectors. The first element contains the lower bounds of the independent parameters. The second element contains the upper bounds of the independent parameters. These values are used to postprocess the independent parameters so that they are neither less than the lower bounds nor greater than the upper bounds.

Definition at line 681 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const std::string & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_description ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the description of a single independent parameter. Such description is only used to give the user basic information about the problem at hand.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 276 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< std::string > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_descriptions ( void  ) const

Returns the descriptions of the independent parameters. Such descriptions are only used to give the user basic information about the problem at hand.

Definition at line 264 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const bool & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_display ( void  ) const

Returns true if messages from this class are to be displayed on the screen, or false if messages from this class are not to be displayed on the screen.

Definition at line 734 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

double OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_lower_bound ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the lower bound of a single independent parameter. These values are used to postprocess that independent parameter so that it is not less than the lower bound.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 605 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< double > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_lower_bounds ( void  ) const

Returns the lower bounds of all the independent parameters. These values are used to postprocess the independent parameters so that they are not less than the lower bounds.

Definition at line 593 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

double OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_maximum ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the maximum value of a single independent parameter. Such value is to be used for scaling and unscaling that independent parameter with the minimum and maximum method.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 383 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< double > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_maximums ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum values of all the independent parameters. Such values are to be used for scaling and unscaling independent parameters with the minimum and maximum method.

Definition at line 371 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

double OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_mean ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the mean value of a single independent parameter. Such a value is to be used for scaling and unscaling that parameter with the mean and standard deviation method.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 425 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< double > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_means ( void  ) const

Returns the mean values of all the independent parameters. Such values are to be used for scaling and unscaling independent parameters with the mean and standard deviation method.

Definition at line 413 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

double OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_minimum ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the minimum value of a single independent parameter. Such value is to be used for scaling and unscaling that independent parameter with the minimum and maximum method.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 340 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< double > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_minimums ( void  ) const

Returns the minimum values of all the independent parameters. Such values are to be used for scaling and unscaling independent parameters with the minimum and maximum method.

Definition at line 328 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const std::string & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_name ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the name of a single independent parameter. Such name is only used to give the user basic information about the problem at hand.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 192 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< std::string > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_names ( void  ) const

Returns the names of the independent parameters. Such names are only used to give the user basic information about the problem at hand.

Definition at line 180 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

double OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_parameter ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the value of a single independent parameter.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 150 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

size_t OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_parameters_number ( void  ) const

Returns the number of parameters independent of the multilayer perceptron Independent parameters can be used in the context of neural netwotks for many purposes.

Definition at line 93 of file independent_parameters.h.

double OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_standard_deviation ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the standard deviation value of a single independent parameter. Such a value is to be used for scaling and unscaling that parameter with the mean and standard deviation method.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 467 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< double > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_standard_deviations ( void  ) const

Returns the standard deviation values of all the independent parameters. Such values are to be used for scaling and unscaling independent parameters with the mean and standard deviation method.

Definition at line 455 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const std::string & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_unit ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the unit of a single independent parameter. Such units are only used to give the user basic information about the problem at hand.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 234 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< std::string > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_units ( void  ) const

Returns the units of the independent parameters. Such units are only used to give the user basic information about the problem at hand.

Definition at line 222 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

double OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_upper_bound ( const size_t &  index) const

Returns the upper bound of a single independent parameter. These values are used to postprocess that independent parameter so that it is not greater than the upper bound.

indexIndex of independent parameter.

Definition at line 647 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

const Vector< double > & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::get_upper_bounds ( void  ) const

Returns the upper bounds of all the independent parameters. These values are used to postprocess the independent parameters so that they are not greater than the upper bounds.

Definition at line 635 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::initialize_parameters ( const double &  value)

Initializes the independent parameters with a given value.

valueInitialization value.

Definition at line 1954 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::initialize_random ( void  )

Initializes all the membes of this object with random values. This is useful for testing purposes.

Definition at line 2086 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

IndependentParameters & OpenNN::IndependentParameters::operator= ( const IndependentParameters other_independent_parameters)

Assignment operator. It assigns to this object the members of an existing independent parameters object.

other_independent_parametersIndependent parameters object to be assigned.

Definition at line 76 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

bool OpenNN::IndependentParameters::operator== ( const IndependentParameters other_independent_parameters) const

Equal to operator. It compares this object with another object of the same class. It returns true if the members of the two objects have the same values, and false otherwise. @ param other_independent_parameters Independent parameters object to be compared with.

Definition at line 108 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::randomize_parameters_normal ( void  )

Initializes the independent parameters with random values chosen from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

Definition at line 2025 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::randomize_parameters_normal ( const double &  mean,
const double &  standard_deviation 

Initializes the independent parameters with random values chosen from a normal distribution with a given mean and a given standard deviation.

meanMean of normal distribution.
standard_deviationStandard deviation of normal distribution.

Definition at line 2040 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::randomize_parameters_normal ( const Vector< double > &  mean,
const Vector< double > &  standard_deviation 

Initializes the independent parameters with random values chosen from normal distributions with different mean and standard deviation for each independent parameter.

meanVector of mean values.
standard_deviationVector of standard deviation values.

Definition at line 2055 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::randomize_parameters_normal ( const Vector< Vector< double > > &  mean_standard_deviation)

Initializes the independent parameters with random values chosen from normal distributions with different mean and standard deviation for each independent parameter. All mean and standard deviation values are given from a vector of two real vectors. The first element must contain the mean value for each independent parameter. The second element must contain the standard deviation value for each independent parameter.

mean_standard_deviationVector of mean and standard deviation vectors.

Definition at line 2073 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::randomize_parameters_uniform ( const double &  minimum,
const double &  maximum 

Initializes the independent parameters at random with values comprised between a minimum and a maximum values.

minimumMinimum initialization value.
maximumMaximum initialization value.

Definition at line 1980 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::randomize_parameters_uniform ( const Vector< double > &  minimum,
const Vector< double > &  maximum 

Initializes the independent parameters at random with values comprised between different minimum and maximum numbers for each independent parameter.

minimumVector of minimum initialization values.
maximumVector of maximum initialization values.

Definition at line 1995 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::randomize_parameters_uniform ( const Vector< Vector< double > > &  minimum_maximum)

Initializes the independent parameters at random values comprised between different minimum and maximum numbers for each independent parameter. All minimum and maximum values are given from a vector of two real vectors. The first element must contain the minimum inizizalization value for each independent parameter. The second element must contain the maximum inizizalization value for each independent parameter.

minimum_maximumMatrix of minimum and maximum initialization values.

Definition at line 2012 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set ( void  )

Sets the number of independent parameters to be zero. It also sets the rest of members to their default values.

Definition at line 745 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set ( const size_t &  new_parameters_number)

Sets a new number of independent parameters. It also sets the rest of members to their default values.

new_parameters_numberNumber of independent parameters.

Definition at line 759 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set ( const Vector< double > &  new_parameters)

Sets new independent parameters. It also sets the rest of members to their default values.

new_parametersVector of parameters.

Definition at line 773 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set ( const IndependentParameters other_independent_parameters)

Sets the members of this object to be the members of another object of the same class.

other_independent_parametersObject to be copied.

Definition at line 790 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_bounding_method ( const BoundingMethod new_bounding_method)

Sets the method to be used for bounding the independent parameters.

new_bounding_methodNew method for bounding the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1884 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_bounding_method ( const std::string &  new_bounding_method)

Sets the method to be used for bounding the independent parameters. The argument is a string containing the name of the method ("NoBounding" or "Bounding").

new_bounding_methodBounding method for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1896 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_bounds ( const Vector< Vector< double > > &  new_bounds)

Sets both the lower and the upper bounds of all the independent parameters. The format is a vector of two real vectors. The first element must contain the lower bound values values for the independent parameters. The second element must contain the upper bound values for the independent parameters. These values are used for unscaling the independent parameters so that they are neither less than the lower bounds nor greater than the upper bounds.

new_boundsNew set of lower and upper bounds for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1839 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_description ( const size_t &  index,
const std::string &  new_description 

Sets a new description for a single independent parameter. Such a value is only used to give the user basic information on the problem at hand.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_descriptionNew description for the independent parameter with the previous index.

Definition at line 1110 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_descriptions ( const Vector< std::string > &  new_descriptions)

Sets new descriptions for the independent parameters. Such values are only used to give the user basic information on the problem at hand.

new_descriptionsNew description for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1078 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_display ( const bool &  new_display)

Sets a new display value. If it is set to true messages from this class are to be displayed on the screen; if it is set to false messages from this class are not to be displayed on the screen.

new_displayDisplay value.

Definition at line 1926 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_lower_bound ( const size_t &  index,
const double &  new_lower_bound 

Sets the lower bound of a single independent parameter. Such a value is used for unscaling that independent parameter so that it is not less than its lower bound.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_lower_boundNew lower bound for that independent parameter.

Definition at line 1708 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_lower_bounds ( const Vector< double > &  new_lower_bounds)

Sets the lower bound of all the independent parameters. These values are used for unscaling the independent parameters so that they are not less than the lower bounds.

new_lower_boundsNew set of lower bounds for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1674 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_maximum ( const size_t &  index,
const double &  new_maximum 

Sets a maximum value for a single independent parameter. Such a value is used for scaling and unscaling that independent parameter with the minimum and maximum method.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_maximumNew maximum value for the independent parameter with the previous index.

Definition at line 1254 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_maximums ( const Vector< double > &  new_maximums)

Sets the maximum values of all the independent parameters. These values are used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters with the minimum and maximum method.

new_maximumsNew set of maximum values for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1220 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_mean ( const size_t &  index,
const double &  new_mean 

Sets a new mean value for a single independent parameter. Such a value is used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters with the mean and standard deviation method.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_meanNew mean value for the independent parameter with the previous index.

Definition at line 1328 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_means ( const Vector< double > &  new_means)

Sets the mean values of all the independent parameters. These values are used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters with the mean and standard deviation method.

new_meansNew set of mean values for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1294 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_means_standard_deviations ( const Vector< Vector< double > > &  new_means_standard_deviations)

Sets both the mean and the standard deviation values of all the independent parameters. The format is a vector of two real vectors. The first element must contain the mean values values for the independent parameters. The second element must contain the standard deviation values for the independent parameters. These values are used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters with the mean and standard deviation method.

new_means_standard_deviationsNew set of mean and standard deviation values for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1513 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_minimum ( const size_t &  index,
const double &  new_minimum 

Sets a minimum value for a single independent parameter. Such a value is used for scaling and unscaling that independent parameter with the minimum and maximum method.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_minimumNew minimum value for the independent parameter of index i.

Definition at line 1182 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_minimums ( const Vector< double > &  new_minimums)

Sets the minimum values of all the independent parameters. These values are used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters with the minimum and maximum method.

new_minimumsNew set of minimum values for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1148 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_minimums_maximums ( const Vector< Vector< double > > &  new_minimums_maximums)

Sets both the minimum and the values of all the independent parameters. The format is a vector of two real vectors. The first element must contain the minimum values values for the independent parameters. The second element must contain the maximum values for the independent parameters. These values are used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters with the minimum and maximum method.

new_minimums_maximumsNew set of minimum and maximum values for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1449 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_name ( const size_t &  index,
const std::string &  new_name 

Sets a new name for a single independent parameter. Such a value is only used to give the user basic information on the problem at hand.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_nameNew name for the independent parameter of index i.

Definition at line 968 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_names ( const Vector< std::string > &  new_names)

Sets new names for the independent parameters. Such values are only used to give the user basic information on the problem at hand.

new_namesNew names for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 934 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_parameter ( const size_t &  index,
const double &  new_parameter 

Sets a new value for a single independent parameter.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_parameterIndependent parameter value.

Definition at line 901 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_parameters ( const Vector< double > &  new_parameters)

Sets new values for all the independent parameters.

new_parametersIndependent parameters values.

Definition at line 868 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_parameters_number ( const size_t &  new_parameters_number)

Sets a new number of independent parameters.

new_parameters_numberNumber of independent parameters.

Definition at line 839 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_scaling_method ( const ScalingMethod new_scaling_method)

Sets the method to be used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters.

new_scaling_methodNew scaling and unscaling method for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1617 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_scaling_method ( const std::string &  new_scaling_method)

Sets the method to be used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters. The argument is a string containing the name of the method ("NoScaling", "MeanStandardDeviation" or "MinimumMaximum").

new_scaling_methodScaling and unscaling method for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1629 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_standard_deviation ( const size_t &  index,
const double &  new_standard_deviation 

Sets a new standard deviation value for a single independent parameter. Such a value is used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters with the mean and standard deviation method.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_standard_deviationNew standard deviation value for that independent parameter.

Definition at line 1404 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_standard_deviations ( const Vector< double > &  new_standard_deviations)

Sets the standard deviation values of all the independent parameters. These values are used for scaling and unscaling the independent parameters with the mean and standard deviation method.

new_standard_deviationsNew set of standard deviation values for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1370 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_statistics ( const Vector< Vector< double > > &  new_statistics)

Sets all the statistics of the independent parameters. The format is a vector of four real vectors.

  • Mean of independent parameters.
  • Standard deviation of independent parameters.
  • Minimum of independent parameters.
  • Maximum of independent parameters.
new_statisticsNew statistics values for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1581 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_unit ( const size_t &  index,
const std::string &  new_unit 

Sets new units for a single independent parameter. Such a value is only used to give the user basic information on the problem at hand.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_unitNew unit for the independent parameter with the previous index.

Definition at line 1040 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_units ( const Vector< std::string > &  new_units)

Sets new units for the independent parameters. Such values are only used to give the user basic information on the problem at hand.

new_unitsNew units for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1006 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_upper_bound ( const size_t &  index,
const double &  new_upper_bound 

Sets the upper bound of a single independent parameter. Such a value is used for unscaling that independent parameter so that it is not greater than its upper bound.

indexIndex of independent parameter.
new_upper_boundNew upper bound for the independent parameter of index i.

Definition at line 1793 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::set_upper_bounds ( const Vector< double > &  new_upper_bounds)

Sets the upper bound of all the independent parameters. These values are used for unscaling the independent parameters so that they are not greater than the upper bounds.

new_upper_boundsNew set of upper bounds for the independent parameters.

Definition at line 1761 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

tinyxml2::XMLDocument * OpenNN::IndependentParameters::to_XML ( void  ) const

Serializes the independent parameters object into a XML document of the TinyXML library. See the OpenNN manual for more information about the format of this document->

Definition at line 2419 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

void OpenNN::IndependentParameters::unscale_parameters ( const Vector< double > &  scaled_parameters)

Postprocesses the independendent parameters according to their scaling and unscaling method. This form of scaling is used when setting a new vector of parameters.

Definition at line 2248 of file independent_parameters.cpp.

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