4. AVP database

AVPs can be associated to a user or a domain. So, when performing DB operations like load/store/delete, the AVPs can be identified as follows:

The table format used by AVPOPS module in DB operations is:

Of a huge interest, is the posibility of accessing (loading) into AVPs more general data form all kind of sources (tables), sources which does not follow the standart AVPOPS database description. To do so, the AVPOPS module defines the DB schemes. Basically, a DB scheme describes who the AVPOPS should access and extract general data from a non-standart DB table - this description includes table name, column names, column to be used for extracting the value and pre-definition of value type.

In order to be used via DB schemes, the minimum requirement for a DB table is to contain at least an equivalent to UUID column or the equivalent to USERNAME and DOMAIN columns. This is required for making possible the AVP identification - by UUID or by USERNAME and DOMAIN.

A DB scheme contains: