AVPops Module

Ramona-Elena Modroiu

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Daniel-Constantin Mierla


Tutorial for AVPOPS module of OpenSER SIP Server.


Please be aware that this document is no longer valid for SIP Express Router, but for OpenSER v1.0.0+ (http://www.openser.org). The old version of the document is here.

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Dependencies
2.1. OpenSER Modules
2.2. External Libraries or Applications
3. AVP's names and aliases
4. AVP database
5. Exported Parameters
5.1. avp_url (string)
5.2. avp_table (string)
5.3. avp_aliases (string)
5.4. use_domain (integer)
5.5. uuid_column (string)
5.6. username_column (string)
5.7. domain_column (string)
5.8. attribute_column (string)
5.9. value_column (string)
5.10. type_column (string)
5.11. db_scheme (string)
6. Exported Functions
6.1. avp_db_load(source,name)
6.2. avp_db_store(source,name)
6.3. avp_db_delete(source,name)
6.4. avp_write(value,name)
6.5. avp_delete(name)
6.6. avp_pushto(destination,name)
6.7. avp_check(name,op_value)
6.8. avp_copy(old_name,new_name)
6.9. avp_op(name,op_value)
6.10. avp_printf(dest, format)
6.11. avp_subst(avps, subst)
6.12. is_avp_set(name)
6.13. avp_print()
7. Installation
8. Usage Examples
8.1. Trusting source IPs
8.2. Restricting access to user conference room
8.3. Use of canonical RURI
8.4. Serial forking
8.5. Origin and destination checks
8.6. Keeping ACL per user as bitmap
9. Document validity