7. Installation

The AVPOPS module requires one more column in the usr_preferences table than how it is created now by ser_mysql script. The missing column is "type". Till the discrepancy is fixed, please add by hand the column "type" integer, not null, default 0 .

For MySQL databases, if you want to create the table from scratch, you can use the next SQL script with a MySQL client.

Example 25. usr_preferences - table structure

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS usr_preferences;
CREATE TABLE usr_preferences (
  uuid varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  username varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  domain varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  attribute varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  value varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  type integer NOT NULL default '0',
  modified timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (username, domain, attribute, value)

To add the “type” column, you can use the next SQL script.

Example 26. usr_preferences - adding 'type' column

ALTER TABLE usr_preferences ADD COLUMN type integer NOT NULL default 0;