3.4 Keeping Your Workspace in Sync

Over time, other developers will put back their work into the main gate, and your workspace will become out of date with respect to these changes. By keeping your workspace in sync as much as possible, you will save time in two ways.

First, you will have less merging to do when you are ready to put back, which will reduce or eliminate conflict resolution and simplify testing.

Second, the risk of missing semantic changes in other parts of the code will be reduced. If an interface you use is changed, you want to know about it as soon as possible so you will not continue to implement your features on the basis of a deprecated or nonexistent interface. This will save much work and grief; you do not want to be preparing to put back and only then discover that your code no longer compiles because a crucial interface has been removed.

Keeping your workspace in sync is not difficult, and should be done as often as practical. However, there is one drawback, which may limit the frequency at which you choose to sync your workspace. Pulling in changes unrelated to your work exposes you to the risk of breakage caused by those changes. If an unrelated change breaks your workspace, you could waste time trying to identify the cause of breakage by assuming it is in your changes rather than someone else's. Also, it is possible that an unrelated change will render your workspace unable to boot or perform any useful work at all, which would make it impossible for you to test your changes until the original bugs are fixed. For these reasons, you will want to carefully consider your synchronization process to minimize risk while keeping as up to date as possible. Merging with recent, tested build snapshots on a biweekly basis rather than merging daily with the gate is often a good compromise.

Until the main gate is accessible to all developers, the Sun engineer who is carrying the fix will have to do any final merges with the internal gate. If you have submitted a change that causes this merge to get too hairy, you should be ready to answer questions about the change and provide assistance during the merge. In extreme cases, the Sun engineer may ask that you do the merge externally (i.e., after the next snapshot has been released) and resubmit your source patch. This reduces the chance that your change will break other changes being made to the same area of code.