Chapter 4. Building OpenSolaris

Table of Contents

4.1 Environment Variables
4.2 Using nightly and bldenv
4.2.1 Options
4.2.2 Using Environment Files
4.2.3 Variables
4.3 Using Make
4.4 Build Products
4.4.1 Proto Area
4.4.2 BFU Archives
4.4.3 Packages

This chapter discusses two commonly-used ways to build OpenSolaris, nightly(1)/bldenv(1) and make(1)/dmake(1). The former provides a high degree of automation and fine-grained control over each step in a full or incremental build of the entire workspace. Using make(1) or dmake(1) directly provides much less automation but allows you to build individual components more quickly. Section 4.1 is common to both methods; 4.2 describes nightly(1) and bldenv(1), and 4.3 describes the use of low-level make(1) targets. Finally, section 4.4 describes what results from a full build and how these intermediate products can be used. The instructions in this chapter apply to ON and similar consolidations, including SFW and Network Storage (NWS). Other consolidations may have substantially different build procedures, which should be incorporated here.

4.1 Environment Variables

This section describes a few of the environment variables that affect all ON builds, regardless of the build method. See 4.2 Using nightly and bldenv for information on environment variables and files that affect nightly(1) and bldenv(1).


    This variable is normally used by TeamWare (Sun's internal source code management system). Although a workspace that does not use TeamWare does not need this variable, you will occasionally see it referenced when setting other variables. It should be set to the root of your workspace. It is highly recommended to use bldenv(1) to set this variable as it will also set several other important variables at the same time. See section for more information on bldenv(1).

  • SRC

    This variable must be set to the root of the ON source tree within your workspace; that is, ${CODEMGR_WS}/usr/src. It is used by numerous makefiles and by nightly(1). This is only needed if you are building. bldenv(1) will set this variable correctly for you.

  • MACH

    The instruction set architecture of the machine as given by uname -p, e.g. sparc, i386. This is only needed if you are building. bldenv(1) will set this variable correctly for you; it should not be changed. If you prefer, you can also set this variable in your dot-files, and use it in defining PATH and any other variables you wish. If you do set it manually, be sure not to set it to anything other than the output of '/usr/bin/uname -p' on the specific machine you are using:


    MACH=`/usr/bin/uname -p`


  • ROOT

    Root of the proto area for the build. The makefiles direct the installation of header files and libraries to this area and direct references to these files by builds of commands and other targets. It should be expressed in terms of $CODEMGR_WS. See section 4.4.1 for more information on the proto area. If bldenv(1) is used, this variable will be set to ${CODEMGR_WS}/proto/root_${MACH}.


    PARENT_ROOT is the proto area of the parent workspace. This can be used to perform partial builds in children by referencing already-installed files from the parent. Setting this variable is optional.


    This variable has nothing to do with OpenSolaris; however, in order for the build to work properly, make(1) must have access to the contents of the environment variables described in this section. Therefore the MAKEFLAGS environment variable should be set and contain at least "e". bldenv(1) will set this variable for you; it is only needed if you are building. It is possible to dispense with this by using 'make -e' if you are building using make(1) or dmake(1) directly, but use of MAKEFLAGS is strongly recommended.


    By default, it is expected that a working compiler installation exists in /ws/onnv-tools/SUNWspro/SOS8 (this path is used internally at Sun). This variable can be set to override that location; since you probably do not have compilers installed in the default location, you will need to set this, normally to /opt/SUNWspro. You can see how this works by looking at usr/src/Makefile.master; if you need to override the default, however, you should do so via the environment variable. Note that has this variable already set to this value.


    The 'V' stands for version. At Sun, multiple versions of the compilers are installed under ${SPRO_ROOT} to support building older sources. The compiler itself is expected to be in ${SPRO_VROOT}/bin/cc, so you will most likely need to set this variable to /opt/SUNWspro. Note that has this variable already set to this value.


    The GNU C compiler is used by default to build the 64-bit kernel for amd64 systems. By default, if building on an x86 host, the build system assumes there is a working amd64 gcc installation in /usr/sfw. Although it is not recommended, you can use a different gcc by setting this variable to the gcc install root. See usr/src/Makefile.master for more information.

  • __GNUC, __GNUC64

    These variables control the use of gcc. __GNUC controls the use of gcc to build i386 and sparc (32-bit) binaries, while __GNUC64 controls the use of gcc to build amd64 and sparcv9 (64-bit) binaries. Setting these variables to the empty value enables the use of gcc to build the corresponding binaries. Setting them to '#' enables Studio as the primary compiler. The default settings use Studio, with gcc invoked in parallel as a 'shadow' compiler (to ensure that code remains warning and error clean).


    This variable tells the ON makefiles whether to look for the closed source tree. Normally this is set automatically by nightly(1) and bldenv(1). See 3.2.8 Source Files not Included for more details.