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project.pool Attribute

The project.pool attribute can be added to a project entry in the /etc/project file to associate a single pool with that entry. New work that is started on a project is bound to the appropriate pool. See Chapter 2, Projects and Tasks (Overview) for more information.

For example, you can use the projmod command to set the project.pool attribute for the project sales in the /etc/project file:

# projmod -a -K project.pool=mypool sales

SPARC: Dynamic Reconfiguration Operations and Resource Pools

Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) enables you to reconfigure hardware while the system is running. A DR operation can increase, reduce, or have no effect on a given type of resource. Because DR can affect available resource amounts, the pools facility must be included in these operations. When a DR operation is initiated, the pools framework acts to validate the configuration.

If the DR operation can proceed without causing the current pools configuration to become invalid, then the private configuration file is updated. An invalid configuration is one that cannot be supported by the available resources.

If the DR operation would cause the pools configuration to be invalid, then the operation fails and you are notified by a message to the message log. If you want to force the configuration to completion, you must use the DR force option. The pools configuration is then modified to comply with the new resource configuration. For information on the DR process and the force option, see the dynamic reconfiguration user guide for your Sun hardware.

If you are using dynamic resource pools, note that it is possible for a partition to move out of poold control while the daemon is active. For more information, see Identifying a Resource Shortage.

Creating Pools Configurations

The configuration file contains a description of the pools to be created on the system. The file describes the elements that can be manipulated.

  • system

  • pool

  • pset

  • cpu

See poolcfg(1M) for more information on elements that be manipulated.

When pools are enabled, you can create a structured /etc/pooladm.conf file in two ways.

  • You can use the pooladm command with the -s option to discover the resources on the current system and place the results in a configuration file.

    This method is preferred. All active resources and components on the system that are capable of being manipulated by the pools facility are recorded. The resources include existing processor set configurations. You can then modify the configuration to rename the processor sets or to create additional pools if necessary.

  • You can use the poolcfg command with the -c option and the discover or create system name subcommands to create a new pools configuration.

    These options are maintained for backward compatibility with previous releases.

Use poolcfg or libpool to modify the /etc/pooladm.conf file. Do not directly edit this file.

Directly Manipulating the Dynamic Configuration

It is possible to directly manipulate CPU resource types in the dynamic configuration by using the poolcfg command with the -d option. There are two methods used to transfer resources.

  • You can make a general request to transfer any available identified resources between sets.

  • You can transfer resources with specific IDs to a target set. Note that the system IDs associated with resources can change when the resource configuration is altered or after a system reboot.

For an example, see Transferring Resources.

If DRP is in use, note that the resource transfer might trigger action from poold. See poold Overview for more information.

poold Overview

The pools resource controller, poold, uses system targets and observable statistics to preserve the system performance goals that you specify. This system daemon should always be active when dynamic resource allocation is required.

The poold resource controller identifies available resources and then monitors workloads to determine when the system usage objectives are no longer being met. poold then considers alternative configurations in terms of the objectives, and remedial action is taken. If possible, the resources are reconfigured so that objectives can be met. If this action is not possible, the daemon logs that user-specified objectives can no longer be achieved. Following a reconfiguration, the daemon resumes monitoring workload objectives.

poold maintains a decision history that it can examine. The decision history is used to eliminate reconfigurations that historically did not show improvements.

Note that a reconfiguration can also be triggered asynchronously if the workload objectives are changed or if the resources available to the system are modified.

Managing Dynamic Resource Pools

The DRP service is managed by the service management facility (SMF) under the service identifier svc:/system/pools/dynamic.

Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or requesting restart, can be performed using the svcadm command. The service's status can be queried using the svcs command. See the svcs(1) andsvcadm(1M) man pages for more information.

The SMF interface is the preferred method for controlling DRP, but for backward compatibility, the following methods can also be used.

  • If dynamic resource allocation is not required, poold can be stopped with the SIGQUIT or the SIGTERM signal. Either of these signals causes poold to terminate gracefully.

  • Although poold will automatically detect changes in the resource or pools configuration, you can also force a reconfiguration to occur by using the SIGHUP signal.

Configuration Constraints and Objectives

When making changes to a configuration, poold acts on directions that you provide. You specify these directions as a series of constraints and objectives. poold uses your specifications to determine the relative value of different configuration possibilities in relation to the existing configuration. poold then changes the resource assignments of the current configuration to generate new candidate configurations.

Configuration Constraints

Constraints affect the range of possible configurations by eliminating some of the potential changes that could be made to a configuration. The following constraints, which are specified in the libpool configuration, are available.

  • The minimum and maximum CPU allocations

  • Pinned components that are not available to be moved from a set

  • The importance factor of the pool

See the libpool(3LIB) man page and Pools Properties for more information about pools properties.

See How to Set Configuration Constraints for usage instructions.

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