Configuring the mdmonitord Command for Periodic Error Checking

Solaris Volume Manager includes the /usr/sbin/mdmonitord daemon. When a disk fails, Solaris Volume Manager detects the failure and generates an error. This error event triggers the mdmonitord daemon to perform a check of RAID-1 (mirror) volumes, RAID-5 volumes, and hot spares. However, you can also configure this program to actively check for errors at an interval that you specify.

How to Configure the mdmonitord Command for Periodic Error Checking

Edit the /lib/svc/method/svc-mdmonitor script to add a time interval for periodic checking.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Open the /lib/svc/method/svc-mdmonitor script in the editor of your choice. Locate the following section in the script:

    case $error in
    0)      exit 0
    *)      echo "Could not start $MDMONITORD. Error $error."
            exit 0
  3. Change the line that starts the mdmonitord command by adding a -t flag and the number of seconds between checks.

    $MDMONITORD -t 3600
    case $error in
    0)      exit 0
    *)      echo "Could not start $MDMONITORD. Error $error."
            exit 0
  4. Restart the mdmonitord command to activate your changes.

    # svcadm restart system/mdmonitor

    For more information, see the mdmonitord ( 1M ) man page.