Chapter 24. Monitoring and Error Reporting (Tasks)

Table of Contents

Solaris Volume Manager Monitoring and Reporting (Task Map)
Configuring the mdmonitord Command for Periodic Error Checking
Solaris Volume Manager SNMP Agents Overview
Configuring the Solaris Volume Manager SNMP Agents
Limitations of the Solaris Volume Manager SNMP Agent
Monitoring Solaris Volume Manager With a cron Job

Solaris Volume Manager Monitoring and Reporting (Task Map)

The following task map identifies the procedures that are needed to manage error reporting for Solaris Volume Manager.



For Instructions

Configure the mdmonitord daemon to periodically check for errors

Configure the error-checking interval used by the mdmonitord daemon by editing the /lib/svc/method/svc-mdmonitor script.

Configuring the mdmonitord Command for Periodic Error Checking

Configure the Solaris Volume Manager SNMP agent

Edit the configuration files in the /etc/snmp/conf directory so that Solaris Volume Manager will throw traps appropriately, to the correct system.

Configuring the Solaris Volume Manager SNMP Agents

Monitor Solaris Volume Manager with scripts run by the cron command

Create or adapt a script to check for errors, then run the script from the cron command.

Monitoring Solaris Volume Manager With a cron Job