Troubleshooting the Java Web Console Software

The following information is provided to help you troubleshoot any problems that you might encounter when installing or using the Java Web Console software.

Checking Console Status and Properties

You can use the smcwebserver, wcadmin, and svcs commands to get different types of information about the console, which might be useful for troubleshooting problems.

How to Check if the Console is Running and Enabled

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services .

  2. Check the server status.

    # smcwebserver status
    Sun Java(TM) Web Console is running
  3. Solaris Express 5/06: Check the console's SMF status and enabled state.

    # svcs -l system/webconsole:console
    fmri         svc:/system/webconsole:console
    name         java web console
    enabled      true
    state        online
    next_state   none
    state_time   Wed 17 May 2006 01:22:32 PM EDT
    logfile      /var/svc/log/system-webconsole:console.log
    restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
    contract_id  129
    dependency   require_all/none svc:/milestone/multi-user (online)

    If you start and stop the server with smcwebserver commands without enabling and disabling, the enabled property might display as false (temporary) or true (temporary).

How to List Console Resources and Properties

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services .

  2. List the console's resources and properties.

    If you are running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release, use this command:

    # wcadmin list
    Deployed web applications (application name, context name, status):
        console      ROOT            [running]
        console      com_sun_web_ui  [running]
        console      console         [running]
        console      manager         [running]
        legacy       myapp           [running]
    Registered jar files (application name, identifier, path):
        console  audit_jar     /usr/lib/audit/Audit.jar
        console  console_jars  /usr/share/webconsole/lib/*.jar
        console  jato_jar      /usr/share/lib/jato/jato.jar
        console  javahelp_jar  /usr/jdk/packages/*.jar
        console  shared_jars   /usr/share/webconsole/private/container/shared/lib/*.jar
    Registered login modules (application name, service name, identifier):
        console  ConsoleLogin  userlogin
        console  ConsoleLogin  rolelogin
    Shared service properties (name, value):
        ENABLE            yes
        java.home         /usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_06


    This ENABLE property is ignored because SMF uses its own enabled property, which is shown in the previous procedure. The ENABLE property is used on older Solaris systems where the console server is not managed by SMF.

    If you are not running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release, use this command:

    # smreg list
     The list of registered plugin applications:
            com.sun.web.console_2.2.4       /usr/share/webconsole/console
            com.sun.web.ui_2.2.4    /usr/share/webconsole/com_sun_web_ui
            com.sun.web.admin.example_2.2.4 /usr/share/webconsole/example
        The list of registered jar files:
             com_sun_management_services_api.jar scoped to ALL
             com_sun_management_services_impl.jar scoped to ALL
             com_sun_management_console_impl.jar scoped to ALL
             com_sun_management_cc.jar scoped to ALL
             com_sun_management_webcommon.jar scoped to ALL
             com_iplanet_jato_jato.jar scoped to ALL
             com_sun_management_solaris_impl.jar scoped to ALL
             com_sun_management_solaris_implx.jar scoped to ALL
        The list of registered login modules for service ConsoleLogin:
                    use_first_pass="true" commandPath="/usr/lib/webconsole";
            force_role_check="true" commandPath="/usr/lib/webconsole";
        The list of registered server configuration properties:
        No environment properties have been registered.

Problems Accessing the Console

Problems with console access might indicate that the console server is not enabled, or security settings are restrictive. See Checking Console Status and Properties and Java Web Console Security Considerations for more information.

Problems with Application Registration

This section contains information about solving possible registration problems with console applications. For information about a particular console application, you should refer to the application's documentation.


Console applications typically are registered as part of their installation process, so you should not normally need to register an application yourself.

Starting with the Solaris Express 5/06 release, the web console has changed the approach to application registration but can still support applications that were developed for earlier versions of the console. Current applications are registered and deployed with a single command while the console server is running. Applications that were developed for the earlier console are known as legacy applications, and require the console server to be stopped during registration. If you need to register or unregister an application, you must first determine if the application is a legacy application, as described in the following procedure.

How to Determine if an Application is a Legacy Application

  1. View the application's app.xml file.

    The app.xml file is located in the application's WEB-INF directory.

  2. Examine the registrationInfo tag in the app.xml file.

    For a legacy application, the registrationInfo tag is a version 2.x . For example, registrationInfo version="2.2.4".

    For a current application, the version in the registrationInfo tag is at least 3.0. For example, registrationInfo version="3.0".

How to List Registered Applications

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services .

  2. List the registered applications.

    If you are running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release, use this command:

    # wcadmin list -a
    Deployed web applications (application name, context name, status):
        console  ROOT            [running]
        console  com_sun_web_ui  [running]
        console  console         [running]
        console  manager         [running]
        legacy   myapp           [running]

    The command lists all the registered applications. Legacy applications are listed with the application name legacy. See How to Determine if an Application is a Legacy Application. All other listed applications are current applications, and would be registered as described in How to Register a Current Application With the Java Web Console.

    If you are not running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release, use this command:

    # smreg list -a
    The list of registered plugin applications:
            com.sun.web.console_2.2.4       /usr/share/webconsole/console
            com.sun.web.ui_2.2.4    /usr/share/webconsole/com_sun_web_ui
            com.sun.web.admin.yourapp_2.2.4 /usr/share/webconsole/yourapp

How to Register a Legacy Application With the Java Web Console


This procedure applies only to those applications that are identified as legacy applications.

Use this procedure under the following conditions:

  • You are not running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release.

  • You are running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release, but you want to run a legacy application.

See How to Register a Current Application With the Java Web Console for the procedure that applies to registering current applications. See also How to Determine if an Application is a Legacy Application.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services .

  2. Stop the web server.

    # smcwebserver stop
  3. Register the application.

    # smreg add -a /directory/containing/application-files

    The smreg command manages the information in the Java Web Console's registration table. This script also performs some additional work to deploy the application.

  4. Restart the web server.

    # smcwebserver start

Example 3.10. Registering a Legacy Application

This example shows how to register a legacy application whose files are located in the /usr/share/webconsole/example directory. Notice that for legacy applications, the console server must be stopped before the application is registered, and started after the application is registered. A warning given by smreg can be ignored because this application is a legacy console application.

# smcwebserver stop
# smreg add -a /usr/share/webconsole/example

    Warning: smreg is obsolete and is preserved only for
    compatibility with legacy console applications. Use wcadmin instead.

    Type "man wcadmin" or "wcadmin --help" for more information.

Registering com.sun.web.admin.example_version.

# smcwebserver start

How to Unregister a Legacy Application From the Java Web Console


This procedure applies only to those applications that are identified as legacy applications.

Use this procedure under the following conditions:

  • You are not running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release.

  • You are running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release, but you want to unregister a legacy application.

See How to Unregister a Current Application from the Java Web Console for the procedure that applies to unregistering current applications. See also How to Determine if an Application is a Legacy Application.

If you do not want a particular legacy application to display in the web console's launch page, but you do not want to uninstall the software, you can use the smreg command to unregister the application. See How to Determine if an Application is a Legacy Application.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services .

  2. Unregister an application.

    # smreg remove -a app-name

Example 3.11. Unregistering a Legacy Application From the Java Web Console

This example shows how to unregister a legacy application with the app-name com.sun.web.admin.example.

# smreg remove -a com.sun.web.admin.example

 Unregistering com.sun.web.admin.example_version.

How to Register a Current Application With the Java Web Console

Solaris Express 5/06: This procedure has been updated for console applications that can be registered and deployed without stopping and starting the console server. See How to Register a Legacy Application With the Java Web Console for the registration procedure for legacy applications and all console applications, if you are not running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release. See also How to Determine if an Application is a Legacy Application.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services .

  2. Register and deploy the application.

    wcadmin deploy -a app_name -x app_context_name /full path/to/appname

Example 3.12. Registering Current Applications

This example shows how to register and deploy an application that has been developed or updated for the current web console.

# wcadmin deploy -a newexample_1.0 -x newexample /apps/webconsole/newexample

How to Unregister a Current Application from the Java Web Console

Solaris Express 5/06: This procedure is for updated console applications, which can be unregistered and undeployed without stopping and starting the console server. See How to Register a Legacy Application With the Java Web Console for the registration procedure for legacy applications and all console applications, if you are not running at least the Solaris Express 5/06 release See How to List Registered Applications and How to Determine if an Application is a Legacy Application to determine if an application is a legacy or updated application.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services .

  2. Undeploy and unregister the application.

    # wcadmin undeploy -a newexample_1.0 -x newexample