Tools for User Account and Group Account Management

The following table describes available tools for user account and group management.

Table 4.1. Tools for User Account and Group Management

Tool Name


For More Information

Solaris Management Console

Graphical tool that is used to manage users, groups, roles, rights, mailing lists, disks, terminals, and modems.

Setting Up User Accounts (Task Map)

smuser, smrole, smgroup

Commands that are used to manage users, groups and roles. The SMC services must be running to use these commands.

Example—Adding a Group and User With the smgroup and smuser Commands

useradd, groupadd, roleadd; usermod, groupmod, rolemod; userdel, groupdel, roledel

Commands that are used to manage users, groups, and roles.

Example—Adding a Group and User With the groupadd and useradd Commands


The Admintool is no longer available in the Solaris release.