How to Refresh IKE Preshared Keys
This procedure assumes that you want to replace an existing preshared key at regular intervals without rebooting. If you use a strong encryption algorithm, such 3DES or Blowfish, you might want to refresh keys just before you reboot both systems.
On the system console, assume the Primary Administrator role or become superuser.
The Primary Administrator role includes the Primary Administrator profile. To create the role and assign the role to a user, see Chapter 2, "Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks)," in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.
Note - Logging in remotely exposes security-critical traffic to eavesdropping. Even if you somehow protect the remote login, the security of the system is reduced to the security of the remote login session.
Generate random numbers and construct a key of the appropriate length.
For details, see How to Generate Random Numbers on a Solaris System. If you are generating a preshared key for a Solaris system that is communicating with an operating system that requires ASCII, see Example 23-1.
Replace the current key with a new key.
For example, on the hosts enigma and partym, you would replace the value of key in the /etc/inet/secret/ike.preshared file with a new number of the same length.
Check the privilege level of the in.iked daemon.
# /usr/sbin/ikeadm get priv Current privilege level is 0x0, base privileges enabled
You can change the keying material if the command returns a privilege level of 0x1 or 0x2. Level 0x0 does not permit operations to modify or view keying material. By default, the in.iked daemon runs at the 0x0 level of privilege.
How to Add an IKE Preshared Key for a New Policy
Entry in ipsecinit.conf
You must have one preshared key for every policy entry in the ipsecinit.conf file. If you add a new policy entry while IPsec and IKE are running, the in.iked daemon can read in new keys.
Before You Begin
This procedure assumes the following:
The enigma system is set up as described in How to Configure IKE With Preshared Keys.
The enigma system is going to protect its traffic with a new system, ada.
The in.iked daemon is running on both systems.
The systems' interfaces are included as entries in the /etc/hosts file on both systems. The following entry is an example. ada enigma
This procedure also works with an IPv6 address. In Solaris Express, Developer Edition 2/07, IPv6 addresses are placed in the /etc/hosts file.
You have added a new policy entry to the /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf file on both systems. The entries appear similar to the following:
# ipsecinit.conf file for enigma {laddr enigma raddr ada} ipsec {auth_algs any encr_algs any sa shared}
# ipsecinit.conf file for ada {laddr ada raddr enigma} ipsec {auth_algs any encr_algs any sa shared}
On the system console, assume the Primary Administrator role or become superuser.
The Primary Administrator role includes the Primary Administrator profile. To create the role and assign the role to a user, see Chapter 2, "Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks)," in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.
Note - Logging in remotely exposes security-critical traffic to eavesdropping. Even if you somehow protect the remote login, the security of the system is reduced to the security of the remote login session.
Create a rule for IKE to manage the keys for enigma and ada.
For example, the rule in the /etc/inet/ike/config file on the enigma system appears similar to the following:
### ike/config file on enigma, ... ## The rule to communicate with ada {label "enigma-to-ada" local_addr remote_addr p1_xform {auth_method preshared oakley_group 5 auth_alg md5 encr_alg blowfish} p2_pfs 5 }
The rule in the /etc/inet/ike/config file on the ada system appears similar to the following:
### ike/config file on ada, ... ## The rule to communicate with enigma {label "ada-to-enigma" local_addr remote_addr p1_xform {auth_method preshared oakley_group 5 auth_alg md5 encr_alg blowfish} p2_pfs 5 }
Check the privilege level of the in.iked daemon.
# /usr/sbin/ikeadm get priv Current privilege level is 0x0, base privileges enabled
Generate random numbers and construct a key of 64 to 448 bits.
For details, see How to Generate Random Numbers on a Solaris System. If you are generating a preshared key for a Solaris system that is communicating with an operating system that requires ASCII, see Example 23-1.
By some means, send the key to the administrator of the remote system.
You both need to add the same preshared key at the same time. Your key is only as safe as the safety of your transmission mechanism. An out-of-band mechanism, such as registered mail or a protected fax machine, is best.
Add the new keying material with the add preshared subcommand in ikeadm command mode.
ikeadm> add preshared { localidtype id-type localid id remoteidtype id-type remoteid id ike_mode mode key key }
Specifies the type of the id.
Specifies the IP address when id-type is IP.
Specifies the preshared key in hexadecimal format.
For example, on host enigma, you would add the key for the remote system, ada, and exit the ikeadm interactive mode.
# ikeadm ikeadm> add preshared { localidtype ip localid remoteidtype ip remoteid key 8d1fb4ee500e2bea071deb2e781cb48374411af5a9671714672bb1749ad9364d } ikeadm: Successfully created new preshared key. ikeadm> exit #
On host ada, you would add the identical key for the remote system, enigma, and exit the interactive mode.
# ikeadm ikeadm> add preshared { localidtype ip localid remoteidtype ip remoteid key 8d1fb4ee500e2bea071deb2e781cb48374411af5a9671714672bb1749ad9364d } ikeadm: Successfully created new preshared key. ikeadm> exit #
On each system, lower the privilege level of the in.iked daemon.
# ikeadm set priv base
On each system, activate the ipsecinit.conf file to secure the added interface.
# ipsecconf -a /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf
Caution - Read the warning when you execute the ipsecconf command. The same warning applies to restarting the in.iked daemon. A socket that is already latched, that is, the socket is in use, provides an unsecured back door into the system. For more extensive discussion, see Security Considerations for ipsecinit.conf and ipsecconf.
On each system, read in the new rules by using the ikeadm command.
# ikeadm read rules
You created the rules in Step 2. Because the rules are in the /etc/inet/ike/config file, the name of the file does not have to be specified to the ikeadm command.
Ensure that IKE preshared keys are available at reboot.
Add the keys to the /etc/inet/secret/ike.preshared file.
For example, on the enigma system, you would add the following keying information to the ike.preshared file:
# ike.preshared on enigma for the ada interface #... { localidtype IP localid remoteidtype IP remoteid # enigma and ada's shared key in hex (32 - 448 bits required) key 8d1fb4ee500e2bea071deb2e781cb48374411af5a9671714672bb1749ad9364d }
On the ada system, you would add the following keying information to the ike.preshared file:
# ike.preshared on ada for the enigma interface #... { localidtype IP localid remoteidtype IP remoteid # ada and enigma's shared key in hex (32 - 448 bits required) key 8d1fb4ee500e2bea071deb2e781cb48374411af5a9671714672bb1749ad9364d }
Verify that the systems can communicate.