List snapshots


Lists summary information for all Block Storage snapshots that the tenant who submits the request can access.

Normal response codes: 200


This table shows the URI parameters for the list snapshots request:




The unique identifier of the tenant or account.

This operation does not require a request body.



Example 3.19. List snapshots: XML response

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <snapshot status="available" description="Very important"
        created_at="2013-02-25 04:13:17"
        volume_id="5aa119a8-d25b-45a7-8d1b-88e127885635" size="1"
        id="2bb856e1-b3d8-4432-a858-09e4ce939389" name="snap-001">
    <snapshot status="available" description="Weekly backup"
        created_at="2013-02-25 07:20:38"
        volume_id="806092e3-7551-4fff-a005-49016f4943b1" size="1"
        id="e820db06-58b5-439d-bac6-c01faa3f6499" name="snap-002">


Example 3.20. List snapshots: JSON response

         "description":"Very important",

         "description":"Weekly backup",


This operation does not return a response body.

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