Check Token


Checks that a token is valid and that it belongs to a specified tenant and service IDs, for performance.

Behavior is similar to /tokens/{tokenId}. An itemNotFound (404) fault is returned for a token that is not valid.

This extension might decrypt X-Subject-Token header and internally call the normal validation for Identity, passing in all headers and query parameters. It should therefore support all existing calls on /tokens/{tokenId}, including extensions such as HP-IDM.

Normal response codes: 200, 203

Error response codes: identityFault (400, 500, ), badRequest (400), unauthorized (401), forbidden (403), badMethod (405), overLimit (413), serviceUnavailable (503), itemNotFound (404)


This table shows the header parameters for the check token request:





A valid authentication token for an administrative user.




A valid authentication token.

This operation does not require a request body.

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