Set error pages for static website

You can create and set custom error pages for visitors to your website; currently, only 401 (Unauthorized) and 404 (Not Found) errors are supported. To do this, set the metadata header, X-Container-Meta-Web-Error.

Error pages are served with the <status> code pre-pended to the name of the error page you set. For instance, if you set X-Container-Meta-Web-Error to error.html, 401 errors will display the page 401error.html. Similarly, 404 errors will display 404error.html. You must have both of these pages created in your container when you set the X-Container-Meta-Web-Error metadata, or your site will display generic error pages.

Set the X-Container-Meta-Web-Error metadata once for your entire static website.


Example 1.20. Set error pages for static website request

swift post -m 'web-error:error.html' container  

Any 2nn response indicates success.

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