The ceilometer.plugin Module

Base class for plugins.

class ceilometer.plugin.ExchangeTopics

Bases: tuple

ExchangeTopics(exchange, topics)

class ceilometer.plugin.NotificationBase[source]

Bases: ceilometer.plugin.PluginBase

Base class for plugins that support the notification API.


Return a sequence of strings defining the event types to be given to this plugin.


Return a sequence of ExchangeTopics defining the exchange and topics to be connected for this plugin.

Parameters:conf – Configuration.

Transform a payload dict to a metadata dict.


Return a sequence of Counter instances for the given message.

Parameters:message – Message to process.
class ceilometer.plugin.PluginBase[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all plugins.


Return boolean indicating whether this plugin should be enabled and used by the caller.

class ceilometer.plugin.PollsterBase[source]

Bases: ceilometer.plugin.PluginBase

Base class for plugins that support the polling API.


Return a sequence of Counter names supported by the pollster.

get_counters(manager, instance)[source]

Return a sequence of Counter instances from polling the resources.

class ceilometer.plugin.PublisherBase[source]

Bases: ceilometer.plugin.PluginBase

Base class for plugins that publish the sampler.

publish_counters(context, counters, source)[source]

Publish counters into final conduit.

class ceilometer.plugin.TransformerBase(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ceilometer.plugin.PluginBase

Base class for plugins that transform the counter.

flush(context, source)[source]

Flush counters cached previously.

  • context – Passed from the data collector.
  • source – Source of counters that are being published.
handle_sample(context, counter, source)[source]

Transform a counter.

  • context – Passed from the data collector.
  • counter – A counter.
  • source – Passed from data collector.

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The ceilometer.pipeline Module

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The ceilometer.policy Module

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