Installing and Running the Development Version

Ceilometer has four daemons. The compute agent runs on the Nova compute node(s) while the central agent and collector run on the cloud’s management node(s). In a development environment created by devstack, these two are typically the same server. They do not have to be, though, so some of the instructions below are duplicated. Skip the steps you have already done.

Configuring Devstack

  1. Create a localrc file as input to devstack.

  2. Ceilometer makes extensive use of the messaging bus, but has not yet been tested with ZeroMQ. We recommend using Rabbit or qpid for now.

  3. Nova does not generate the periodic notifications for all known instances by default. To enable these auditing events, set instance_usage_audit to true in the nova configuration file.

  4. Cinder does not generate notifications by default. To enable these auditing events, set the following in the cinder configuration file:

  5. The ceilometer services are not enabled by default, so they must be enabled in localrc before running

This example localrc file shows all of the settings required for ceilometer:

# Enable the ceilometer metering services
enable_service ceilometer-acompute ceilometer-acentral ceilometer-anotification ceilometer-collector

# Enable the ceilometer alarming services
enable_service ceilometer-alarm-evaluator,ceilometer-alarm-notifier

# Enable the ceilometer api services
enable_service ceilometer-api

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