Bases: object
A base client class
Setups the connection based on the given url.
The form is:
Make a request, returning an HTTP response object.
Parameters: |
Returns: | HTTP response object |
Bases: httplib.HTTPSConnection
Class to make a HTTPS connection, with support for full client-based SSL Authentication
Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port. If ca_file is pointing somewhere, use it to check Server Certificate.
Redefined/copied and extended from (Python 2.6.x). This is needed to pass cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED as parameter to ssl.wrap_socket(), which forces SSL to check server certificate against our client certificate.
Bases: object
A class that acts as an iterator over an image file’s chunks of data. This is returned as part of the result tuple from heat.cfn_client.client.Client.get_image
Wrap the _do_request function to handle HTTP redirects.
Wrap a function to re-authenticate and retry.