The heat.common.heat_keystoneclient Module

class heat.common.heat_keystoneclient.KeystoneClient(context)[source]

Bases: object

Wrap keystone client so we can encapsulate logic used in resources Note this is intended to be initialized from a resource on a per-session basis, so the session context is passed in on initialization Also note that a copy of this is created every resource as self.keystone() via the code in engine/, so there should not be any need to directly instantiate instances of this class inside resources themselves

create_stack_user(username, password='')[source]

Create a user defined as part of a stack, either via template or created internally by a resource. This user will be added to the heat_stack_user_role as defined in the config Returns the keystone ID of the resulting user

delete_ec2_keypair(user_id, accesskey)[source]

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