The heat.openstack.common.rpc.proxy Module

A helper class for proxy objects to remote APIs.

For more information about rpc API version numbers, see:
class heat.openstack.common.rpc.proxy.RpcProxy(topic, default_version)[source]

Bases: object

A helper class for rpc clients.

This class is a wrapper around the RPC client API. It allows you to specify the topic and API version in a single place. This is intended to be used as a base class for a class that implements the client side of an rpc API.

call(context, msg, topic=None, version=None, timeout=None)[source] a remote method.

  • context – The request context
  • msg – The message to send, including the method and args.
  • topic – Override the topic for this message.
  • timeout – (Optional) A timeout to use when waiting for the response. If no timeout is specified, a default timeout will be used that is usually sufficient.
  • version – (Optional) Override the requested API version in this message.

The return value from the remote method.

cast(context, msg, topic=None, version=None)[source]

rpc.cast() a remote method.

  • context – The request context
  • msg – The message to send, including the method and args.
  • topic – Override the topic for this message.
  • version – (Optional) Override the requested API version in this message.

None. rpc.cast() does not wait on any return value from the remote method.

cast_to_server(context, server_params, msg, topic=None, version=None)[source]

rpc.cast_to_server() a remote method.

  • context – The request context
  • server_params – Server parameters. See rpc.cast_to_server() for details.
  • msg – The message to send, including the method and args.
  • topic – Override the topic for this message.
  • version – (Optional) Override the requested API version in this message.

None. rpc.cast_to_server() does not wait on any return values.

fanout_cast(context, msg, topic=None, version=None)[source]

rpc.fanout_cast() a remote method.

  • context – The request context
  • msg – The message to send, including the method and args.
  • topic – Override the topic for this message.
  • version – (Optional) Override the requested API version in this message.

None. rpc.fanout_cast() does not wait on any return value from the remote method.

fanout_cast_to_server(context, server_params, msg, topic=None, version=None)[source]

rpc.fanout_cast_to_server() a remote method.

  • context – The request context
  • server_params – Server parameters. See rpc.cast_to_server() for details.
  • msg – The message to send, including the method and args.
  • topic – Override the topic for this message.
  • version – (Optional) Override the requested API version in this message.

None. rpc.fanout_cast_to_server() does not wait on any return values.

static make_msg(method, **kwargs)[source]
multicall(context, msg, topic=None, version=None, timeout=None)[source]

rpc.multicall() a remote method.

  • context – The request context
  • msg – The message to send, including the method and args.
  • topic – Override the topic for this message.
  • timeout – (Optional) A timeout to use when waiting for the response. If no timeout is specified, a default timeout will be used that is usually sufficient.
  • version – (Optional) Override the requested API version in this message.

An iterator that lets you process each of the returned values from the remote method as they arrive.

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