The openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables ModuleΒΆ

class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables.CreateNetwork(attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.actions.LinkAction

CreateNetwork.base_options = {'__module__': 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables', '__metaclass__': <class 'horizon.tables.actions.BaseActionMetaClass'>, 'render': <function render at 0x5ac9aa0>, 'update': <function update at 0x3fa72a8>, 'get_link_url': <function get_link_url at 0x5ac9938>, 'ajax': False, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x3fa7758>, 'base_options': {'__module__': 'horizon.tables.actions', '__metaclass__': <class 'horizon.tables.actions.BaseActionMetaClass'>, 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x4f6b848>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x3fa7578>, 'update': <function update at 0x3fa72a8>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x4f6bb90>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x3e67e60>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x3fa75f0>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x3e671b8>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x3fa7758>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x3fa70c8>, 'base_options': {...}, '__doc__': 'Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x4f6bb18>}, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x3fa70c8>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x5ac9848>, 'name': 'create', 'url': 'horizon:admin:networks:create', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x4f6b848>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x3fa7578>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x4f6bb90>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x5ac9e60>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x3fa75f0>, 'classes': ('ajax-modal', 'btn-create'), '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x3e671b8>, 'get_ajax_update_url': <function get_ajax_update_url at 0x5ac98c0>, 'verbose_name': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d150>, '__doc__': 'A table action which is simply a link rather than a form POST.\n\n .. attribute:: name\n\n Required. The short name or "slug" representing this\n action. This name should not be changed at runtime.\n\n .. attribute:: verbose_name\n\n A string which will be rendered as the link text. (Required)\n\n .. attribute:: url\n\n A string or a callable which resolves to a url to be used as the link\n target. You must either define the ``url`` attribute or override\n the ``get_link_url`` method on the class.\n\n .. attribute:: allowed_data_types\n\n A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the\n datum\'s type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row\n for the datum.\n\n Defaults to be an empty list (``[]``). When set to empty, the action\n will accept any kind of data.\n '}
CreateNetwork.classes = ('ajax-modal', 'btn-create') = 'create'
CreateNetwork.url = 'horizon:admin:networks:create'
CreateNetwork.verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d150>
class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables.DeleteNetwork(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.actions.DeleteAction

DeleteNetwork.base_options = {'__module__': 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables', '__metaclass__': <class 'horizon.tables.actions.BaseActionMetaClass'>, 'data_type_singular': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d0d0>, 'update': <function update at 0x5abd2a8>, 'get_success_url': <function get_success_url at 0x5abdf50>, 'get_param_name': <function get_param_name at 0x30a5ed8>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x3fa7758>, 'handle': <function handle at 0x5abd578>, 'base_options': {'__module__': 'horizon.tables.actions', '__metaclass__': <class 'horizon.tables.actions.BaseActionMetaClass'>, 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x4f6b848>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x3fa7578>, 'update': <function update at 0x3fa72a8>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x4f6bb90>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x3e67e60>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x3fa75f0>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x3e671b8>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x3fa7758>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x3fa70c8>, 'base_options': {...}, '__doc__': 'Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x4f6bb18>}, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x5abdc80>, 'name': 'delete', 'data_type_plural': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d110>, 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x4f6b848>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x5abdd70>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x4f6bb90>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x3e67e60>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x5abdb90>, '_get_action_name': <function _get_action_name at 0x5abd500>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x3e671b8>, 'action': <function action at 0x5abde60>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x3fa70c8>, '__doc__': 'Doc missing.', 'delete': <function delete at 0x8e9ac80>}
DeleteNetwork.data_type_plural = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d110>
DeleteNetwork.data_type_singular = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d0d0>
DeleteNetwork.delete(request, obj_id)[source]
class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables.EditNetwork(attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.actions.LinkAction

EditNetwork.base_options = {'__module__': 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables', '__metaclass__': <class 'horizon.tables.actions.BaseActionMetaClass'>, 'render': <function render at 0x5ac9aa0>, 'update': <function update at 0x3fa72a8>, 'get_link_url': <function get_link_url at 0x5ac9938>, 'ajax': False, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x3fa7758>, 'base_options': {'__module__': 'horizon.tables.actions', '__metaclass__': <class 'horizon.tables.actions.BaseActionMetaClass'>, 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x4f6b848>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x3fa7578>, 'update': <function update at 0x3fa72a8>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x4f6bb90>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x3e67e60>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x3fa75f0>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x3e671b8>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x3fa7758>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x3fa70c8>, 'base_options': {...}, '__doc__': 'Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x4f6bb18>}, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x3fa70c8>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x5ac9848>, 'name': 'update', 'url': 'horizon:admin:networks:update', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x4f6b848>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x3fa7578>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x4f6bb90>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x5ac9e60>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x3fa75f0>, 'classes': ('ajax-modal', 'btn-edit'), '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x3e671b8>, 'get_ajax_update_url': <function get_ajax_update_url at 0x5ac98c0>, 'verbose_name': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d210>, '__doc__': 'A table action which is simply a link rather than a form POST.\n\n .. attribute:: name\n\n Required. The short name or "slug" representing this\n action. This name should not be changed at runtime.\n\n .. attribute:: verbose_name\n\n A string which will be rendered as the link text. (Required)\n\n .. attribute:: url\n\n A string or a callable which resolves to a url to be used as the link\n target. You must either define the ``url`` attribute or override\n the ``get_link_url`` method on the class.\n\n .. attribute:: allowed_data_types\n\n A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the\n datum\'s type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row\n for the datum.\n\n Defaults to be an empty list (``[]``). When set to empty, the action\n will accept any kind of data.\n '}
EditNetwork.classes = ('ajax-modal', 'btn-edit') = 'update'
EditNetwork.url = 'horizon:admin:networks:update'
EditNetwork.verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d210>
class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables.NetworksTable(request, data=None, needs_form_wrapper=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.base.DataTable

class NetworksTable.Meta[source] = 'networks'
NetworksTable.Meta.row_actions = (<class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables.EditNetwork'>, <class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables.DeleteNetwork'>)
NetworksTable.Meta.table_actions = (<class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables.CreateNetwork'>, <class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.networks.tables.DeleteNetwork'>)
NetworksTable.Meta.verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x8e9d810>
NetworksTable.base_actions = {'create': <CreateNetwork: create>, 'delete': <DeleteNetwork: delete>, 'update': <EditNetwork: update>}
NetworksTable.base_columns = {'tenant': <Column: tenant>, 'name': <Column: name>, 'subnets': <Column: subnets>, 'shared': <Column: shared>, 'status': <Column: status>, 'admin_state': <Column: admin_state>}

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