The nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.aggregates Module

The Aggregate admin API extension.

class AggregateController

Bases: object

The Host Aggregates API controller for the OpenStack API.

action(req, id, body)
create(req, body)

Creates an aggregate, given its name and availability_zone.

delete(req, id)

Removes an aggregate by id.


Returns a list a host aggregate’s id, name, availability_zone.

show(req, id)

Shows the details of an aggregate, hosts and metadata included.

update(req, id, body)

Updates the name and/or availability_zone of given aggregate.

class Aggregates(ext_mgr)

Bases: nova.api.openstack.extensions.ExtensionDescriptor

Admin-only aggregate administration.

alias = 'os-aggregates'
name = 'Aggregates'
namespace = ''
updated = '2012-01-12T00:00:00+00:00'

Makes sure that the host exists.

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