Client side of nova-cells RPC API (for talking to the nova-cells service within a cell).
This is different than communication between child and parent nova-cells services. That communication is handled by the cells driver via the messging module.
Bases: nova.openstack.common.rpc.proxy.RpcProxy
Cells client-side RPC API
API version history:
1.0 - Initial version. 1.1 - Adds get_cell_info_for_neighbors() and sync_instances() 1.2 - Adds service_get_all(), service_get_by_compute_host(),
and proxy_rpc_to_compute_manager()1.3 - Adds task_log_get_all() 1.4 - Adds compute_node_get(), compute_node_get_all(), and
- 1.5 - Adds actions_get(), action_get_by_request_id(), and
- action_events_get()
1.6 - Adds consoleauth_delete_tokens() and validate_console_port()
Broadcast upwards that bw_usage was updated.
Make a call to a compute API method in a certain cell.
Make a cast to a compute API method in a certain cell.
Get a compute node by ID in a specific cell.
Return list of compute nodes in all cells, optionally filtering by hypervisor host.
Return compute node stats from all cells.
Delete consoleauth tokens for an instance in API cells.
Get information about our neighbor cells from the manager.
Delete instance everywhere. delete_type may be ‘soft’ or ‘hard’. This is generally only used to resolve races when API cell doesn’t know to what cell an instance belongs.
Destroy instance at API level.
Create an instance fault at the top.
Broadcast up that an instance’s info_cache has changed.
Update instance at API level.
Proxy RPC to a compute manager. The host in the topic should be encoded with the target cell name.
Schedule a new instance for creation.
Ask all cells for their list of services.
Get the service entry for a host in a particular cell. The cell name should be encoded within the host_name.
Ask all cells to sync instance data.
Get the task logs from the DB in child cells.
Validate console port with child cell compute node.