Defines interface for DB access.
The underlying driver is loaded as a LazyPluggable.
Functions in this module are imported into the nova.db namespace. Call these functions from nova.db namespace, not the nova.db.api namespace.
All functions in this module return objects that implement a dictionary-like interface. Currently, many of these objects are sqlalchemy objects that implement a dictionary interface. However, a future goal is to have all of these objects be simple dictionaries.
Related Flags
db_backend: | string to lookup in the list of LazyPluggable backends. sqlalchemy is the only supported backend right now. |
sql_connection: | string specifying the sqlalchemy connection to use, like: sqlite:///var/lib/nova/nova.sqlite. |
enable_new_services: | |
when adding a new service to the database, is it in the pool of available hardware (Default: True) |
Bases: nova.exception.NovaException
No more available networks.
Bases: nova.exception.NovaException
No more available targets.
Finish an event on an instance action.
Start an event on an instance action.
Get the events by action id.
Finish an action for an instance.
Get the action by request_id and given instance.
Start an action for an instance.
Get all instance actions for the provided instance.
Create a new agent build entry.
Destroy agent build entry.
Get all agent builds.
Get agent build by hypervisor/OS/architecture triple.
Update agent build entry.
Create a new aggregate with metadata.
Delete an aggregate.
Get a specific aggregate by id.
Get all aggregates.
Get a list of aggregates that host belongs to.
Add host to the aggregate.
Delete the given host from the aggregate.
Get hosts for the specified aggregate.
Get hosts with a specific metadata key metadata for all aggregates.
Returns a dictionary where each key is a hostname and each value is a set of the key values return value: {machine: set( az1, az2 )}
Add/update metadata. If set_delete=True, it adds only.
Delete the given metadata key.
Get metadata for the specified aggregate.
Get metadata for all aggregates that host belongs to.
Returns a dictionary where each value is a set, this is to cover the case where there two aggregates have different values for the same key. Optional key filter
Update the attributes of an aggregates. If values contains a metadata key, it updates the aggregate metadata too.
Move up to max_rows rows from production tables to corresponding shadow tables.
Returns: | number of rows archived. |
Move up to max_rows rows from tablename to corresponding shadow table.
Returns: | number of rows archived. |
Create an entry of block device mapping.
Destroy the block device mapping.
Destroy the block device mapping.
Destroy the block device mapping.
Get all block device mapping belonging to an instance.
Update an entry of block device mapping.
Update an entry of block device mapping. If not existed, create a new entry
Return bw usage for instance and mac in a given audit period.
Return bw usages for instance(s) in a given audit period.
Update cached bandwidth usage for an instance’s network based on mac address. Creates new record if needed.
Create a new child Cell entry.
Delete a child Cell.
Get a specific child Cell.
Get all child Cells.
Update a child Cell entry.
Create a certificate from the values dictionary.
Get all certificates for a project.
Get all certificates for a user.
Get all certificates for a user and project.
Create a computeNode from the values dictionary.
Delete a computeNode from the database.
Raises ComputeHostNotFound if computeNode does not exist.
Get a computeNode.
Get all computeNodes.
Get computeNodes given a hypervisor hostname match string.
Set the given properties on a computeNode and update it.
Raises ComputeHostNotFound if computeNode does not exist.
Create a console.
Delete a console.
Get a specific console (possibly on a given instance).
Get consoles for a given instance.
Get console entry for a given instance and pool.
Create console pool.
Fetch all pools for given proxy host and type.
Fetch a console pool for a given proxy host, compute host, and type.
Return a constraint object suitable for use with some updates.
Get the db record for the specified domain.
Get a list of all zones in our database, public and private.
Associated a DNS domain with a project id.
Associated a DNS domain with an availability zone.
Purge associations for the specified DNS zone.
Create the ec2 id to instance uuid mapping on demand.
Return an equality condition object suitable for use in a constraint.
Equal_any conditions require that a model object’s attribute equal any one of the given values.
Associate fixed ip to instance.
Raises if fixed ip is not available.
Find free ip in network and associate it to instance or host.
Raises if one is not available.
Create a lot of fixed ips from the values dictionary.
Count fixed ips used by project.
Create a fixed ip from the values dictionary.
Disassociate a fixed ip from an instance by address.
Disassociate old fixed ips from host.
Get fixed ip by id or raise if it does not exist.
If get_network is true, also return the assocated network.
Get all defined fixed ips.
Get a fixed ip by address or raise if it does not exist.
Get detailed fixed ip info by address or raise if it does not exist.
Get a fixed ip by a floating address.
Get fixed ips by compute host.
Get fixed ips by instance or raise if none exist.
Get fixed ip for a host in a network.
Create a fixed ip from the values dictionary.
Get fixed ips by virtual interface or raise if none exist.
Allocate free floating ip from specified pool and return the address.
Raises if one is not available.
Create a lot of floating ips from the values dictionary.
Destroy a lot of floating ips from the values dictionary.
Count floating ips used by project.
Create a floating ip from the values dictionary.
Deallocate a floating ip by address.
Destroy the floating_ip or raise if it does not exist.
Disassociate a floating ip from a fixed ip by address.
Returns: | the fixed ip record joined to network record or None if the ip was not associated to an ip. |
Associate a floating ip to a fixed_ip by address.
Returns: | the fixed ip record joined to network record or None if the ip was already associated to the fixed ip. |
Get all floating ips.
Get all floating ips by host.
Get all floating ips by project.
Get a floating ip by address or raise if it doesn’t exist.
Get a floating ips by fixed address.
Get a floating ips by fixed address.
Returns a list of floating ip pools.
Set auto_assigned flag to floating ip.
Update a floating ip by address or raise if it doesn’t exist.
Get ec2 id through uuid from instance_id_mappings table.
Get uuid through ec2 id from instance_id_mappings table.
Associate the given security group with the given instance.
Create an instance from the values dictionary.
Get (instance_count, total_cores, total_ram) for project.
Destroy the instance or raise if it does not exist.
Create a new Instance Fault.
Get all instance faults for the provided instance_uuids.
Get all floating ip addresses of an instance.
Get an instance or raise if it does not exist.
Get instances and joins active during a certain time window.
Specifying a project_id will filter for a certain project. Specifying a host will filter for instances on a given compute host.
Get all instances.
Get all instances that match all filters.
Get all instances belonging to a host.
Get all instances belonging to a node.
Get all instances belonging to a host with a different type_id.
Get all instances stuck in a rebooting state.
Get an instance or raise if it does not exist.
Get the first floating ip address of an instance.
Deletes an existing instance_info_cache record
Parameters: | instance_uuid – = uuid of the instance tied to the cache record |
Gets an instance info cache from the table.
Parameters: | instance_uuid – = uuid of the info cache’s instance |
Update an instance info cache record in the table.
Parameters: |
Delete the given metadata item.
Get all metadata for an instance.
Update metadata if it exists, otherwise create it.
Disassociate the given security group from the given instance.
Get all system metadata for an instance.
Update metadata if it exists, otherwise create it.
Atomically check if an instance is in a valid state, and if it is, set the instance into a new state.
Add flavor access for project.
Get flavor access by flavor id.
Remove flavor access for project.
Create a new instance type.
Delete an instance type.
Delete the given extra specs item.
Get all extra specs for an instance type.
Create or update instance type extra specs. This adds or modifies the key/value pairs specified in the extra specs dict argument
Get instance type by id.
Get all instance types.
Get instance type by flavor id.
Get instance type by name.
Set the given properties on an instance and update it.
Raises NotFound if instance does not exist.
Set the given properties on an instance and update it. Return a shallow copy of the original instance reference, as well as the updated one.
Parameters: |
Returns: | a tuple of the form (old_instance_ref, new_instance_ref) |
Raises NotFound if instance does not exist.
Count number of key pairs for the given user ID.
Create a key_pair from the values dictionary.
Destroy the key_pair or raise if it does not exist.
Get a key_pair or raise if it does not exist.
Get all key_pairs by user.
Create a migration record.
Finds a migration by the id.
Finds a migration by the instance uuid its migrating.
Finds all migrations for the given host + node that are not yet confirmed or reverted.
Finds all unconfirmed migrations within the confirmation window for a specific destination compute host.
Update a migration instance.
Associate a free network to a project.
Return the number of reserved ips in the network.
Create a network from the values dict.
The network is only returned if the create succeeds. If the create violates constraints because the network already exists, no exception is raised.
Delete network with key network_id.
This method assumes that the network is not associated with any project
Disassociate the network from project or host and raise if it does not exist.
Get a network or raise if it does not exist.
Return all defined networks.
All networks for which the given host is the network host.
Get all networks by instance id or raise if none exist.
Return networks by ids.
Get all network’s ips that have been associated.
Get a network by cidr or raise if it does not exist.
Get a network by uuid or raise if it does not exist.
Indicates if a network is currently in use on host.
Safely set the host for network.
Set the given properties on a network and update it.
Raises NotFound if network does not exist.
Return an inequality condition object suitable for use in a constraint.
Not_equal conditions require that a model object’s attribute differs from all of the given values.
Return the network associated with the project.
If associate is true, it will attempt to associate a new network if one is not found, otherwise it returns None.
Add a firewall rule at the provider level (all hosts & instances).
Delete a provider firewall rule from the database.
Get all provider-level firewall rules.
Create a quota class for the given name and resource.
Retrieve a quota class or raise if it does not exist.
Retrieve all quotas associated with a given quota class.
Update a quota class or raise if it does not exist.
Create a quota for the given project and resource.
Destroy all quotas associated with a given project.
Retrieve a quota or raise if it does not exist.
Retrieve all quotas associated with a given project.
Check quotas and create appropriate reservations.
Update a quota or raise if it does not exist.
Retrieve a quota usage or raise if it does not exist.
Retrieve all usage associated with a given resource.
Update a quota usage or raise if it does not exist.
Commit quota reservations.
Create a reservation for the given project and resource.
Roll back any expired reservations.
Retrieve a reservation or raise if it does not exist.
Roll back quota reservations.
Create local s3 image represented by provided uuid.
Find local s3 image represented by the provided id.
Find local s3 image represented by the provided uuid.
Count number of security groups in a project.
Create a new security group.
Deletes a security group.
Ensure default security group exists for a project_id.
Returns a tuple with the first element being a bool indicating if the default security group previously existed. Second element is the dict used to create the default security group.
Indicates if a group name exists in a project.
Get security group by its id.
Get all security groups.
Get security groups to which the instance is assigned.
Returns a security group with the specified name from a project.
Get all security groups belonging to a project.
Indicates if a security group is currently in use.
Count rules in a given security group.
Create a new security group.
Deletes a security group rule.
Gets a security group rule.
Get all rules for a given security group.
Get all rules that grant access to the given security group.
Create a service from the values dictionary.
Destroy the service or raise if it does not exist.
Get a service or raise if it does not exist.
Get all services.
Get all services for a given host.
Get all services for a given topic.
Get the state of a service by node name and binary.
Get the service entry for a given compute host.
Returns the service entry joined with the compute_node entry.
Get a service by host it’s on and topic it listens to.
Set the given properties on a service and update it.
Raises NotFound if service does not exist.
Mark a task as started for a given host/time period.
Mark a task as complete for a given host/time period.
Create a virtual interface record in the database.
Delete virtual interface records associated with instance.
Gets a virtual interface from the table.
Gets all virtual interfaces from the table.
Gets a virtual interface from the table filtering on address.
Gets all virtual_interfaces for instance.
Gets all virtual interfaces for instance.
Gets a virtual interface from the table filtering on vif uuid.
Return volumes usage that have been updated after a specified time.
Update cached volume usage for a volume Creates new record if needed.