The Module

This version of the api is deprecated in Grizzly and will be removed.

It is provided just in case a third party manager is in use.

class API(**kwargs)

Bases: nova.db.base.Base

API for doing networking via the nova-network network manager.

This is a pluggable module - other implementations do networking via other services (such as Quantum).

add_dns_entry(context, *args, **kwargs)

Create specified DNS entry for address.

add_fixed_ip_to_instance(context, *args, **kwargs)

Adds a fixed ip to instance from specified network.

add_network_to_project(context, *args, **kwargs)

Force adds another network to a project.

allocate_floating_ip(context, *args, **kwargs)

Adds (allocates) a floating ip to a project from a pool.

allocate_for_instance(context, *args, **kwargs)

Allocates all network structures for an instance.

TODO(someone): document the rest of these parameters.

Parameters:macs – None or a set of MAC addresses that the instance should use. macs is supplied by the hypervisor driver (contrast with requested_networks which is user supplied). NB: macs is ignored by nova-network.
Returns:network info as from get_instance_nw_info() below
allocate_port_for_instance(context, instance, port_id, network_id=None, requested_ip=None, conductor_api=None)
associate(context, *args, **kwargs)

Associate or disassociate host or project to network.

associate_floating_ip(context, *args, **kwargs)

Associates a floating ip with a fixed ip.

ensures floating ip is allocated to the project in context

create(context, *args, **kwargs)
create_private_dns_domain(context, *args, **kwargs)

Create a private DNS domain with nova availability zone.

create_public_dns_domain(context, *args, **kwargs)

Create a public DNS domain with optional nova project.

deallocate_for_instance(context, *args, **kwargs)

Deallocates all network structures related to instance.

deallocate_port_for_instance(context, instance, port_id, conductor_api=None)
delete(context, *args, **kwargs)
delete_dns_domain(context, *args, **kwargs)

Delete the specified dns domain.

delete_dns_entry(context, *args, **kwargs)

Delete the specified dns entry.

disassociate(context, *args, **kwargs)
disassociate_floating_ip(context, *args, **kwargs)

Disassociates a floating ip from fixed ip it is associated with.

get(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_all(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_backdoor_port(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_dns_domains(context, *args, **kwargs)

Returns a list of available dns domains. These can be used to create DNS entries for floating ips.

get_dns_entries_by_address(context, *args, **kwargs)

Get entries for address and domain.

get_dns_entries_by_name(context, *args, **kwargs)

Get entries for name and domain.

get_fixed_ip(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_fixed_ip_by_address(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_floating_ip(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_floating_ip_by_address(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_floating_ip_pools(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_floating_ips_by_fixed_address(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_floating_ips_by_project(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_instance_id_by_floating_address(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_instance_nw_info(context, *args, **kwargs)

Returns all network info related to an instance.

get_instance_uuids_by_ip_filter(context, *args, **kwargs)

Returns a list of dicts in the form of {‘instance_uuid’: uuid, ‘ip’: ip} that matched the ip_filter

get_vif_by_mac_address(context, *args, **kwargs)
get_vifs_by_instance(context, *args, **kwargs)
list_ports(*args, **kwargs)
migrate_instance_finish(context, *args, **kwargs)

Finish migrating the network of an instance.

migrate_instance_start(context, *args, **kwargs)

Start to migrate the network of an instance.

modify_dns_entry(context, *args, **kwargs)

Create specified DNS entry for address.

release_floating_ip(context, *args, **kwargs)

Removes (deallocates) a floating ip with address from a project.

remove_fixed_ip_from_instance(context, *args, **kwargs)

Removes a fixed ip from instance from specified network.

setup_networks_on_host(context, *args, **kwargs)

Setup or teardown the network structures on hosts related to instance

show_port(*args, **kwargs)
validate_networks(context, *args, **kwargs)

validate the networks passed at the time of creating the server

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